-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Tuck And Turn -*- Copyright 2008 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible. Continuing to read this document, or storing it or reproducing it in any format means that you explicitly affirm that you are legally allowed to possess and read such materials in your city, county/parish, state, and country. All rights reserved. See the bottom for distribution rights. Tuck And Turn *** 15:21 21 Nov "Man, I wasn't even sure you could find them any more," I mused. I hadn't been able to find the original, years ago, and I didn't remember what the copy brand was called. Buying them at a convenience store was like throwing money away, but they were, duh, convenient. And for some reason I'm sure was not at all connected with the two rugrats I happened to be hauling around, the convenience store carried a lot of candy type products. Well, one of the rugrats wanted candy; Stella wanted to grab things but didn't seem to care too much what. "Can I get a Coke too?" Ricky begged. "Only if you are willing to risk DEATH!" "You said you wouldn't explode!" "But what if I'm wrong?" That stopped him. Momentarily. "Blooo gah!" Stella shouted, rather astonished at something or another. "We could try it on Stella!" Ricky realized. "I don't trust her to be able to eat anything, I mean get it in her mouth and swallow it," I told Ricky. Plus, when I thought about it, her having tummy-fizzies would probably end in some sort of gross explosion, Pop Rocks or not. *** 15:24 21 Nov "Oh, right," I said when I finally figured out why the clerk wouldn't meet my eyes. He'd been staring lower down, and it wasn't at a stain on my sweater. And I thought I'd been wearing enough overall padding to prevent this. "Ricky, we gotta make another stop before we go home." And I was glad I'd stopped at an ATM before this. "Aw man!" "No, really, we need to." Or I needed to anyway. I didn't need guys asking my breasts out. I snickered when I realized that, in fact, I wouldn't actually be required to go with them. But that was one of those things I shouldn't mention to most people. "Heh." "What?" "Nothing!" *** 15:46 21 Nov "'Cause I realized they wouldn't have to go out with ME, they could just take the twins out and _I_ could stay home." Ricky had been more than happy to stay in the car; he thought women's hair salons were gross and cootie-infested. John's place didn't look verminous; it did, however, smell bad. Perm solution made my whole face hurt. I made a face when I realized I was going to be smelling this for all of next year. *Ugh!* "But where's the fun in THAT?" John asked scornfully. "Men are PIGS!" He challenged, "And women are better?" "I can stay home by MYSELF," I mentioned. "And that's why you're in here today?" "Y- Can I just change? I've got a baby out in the car, and an eight year old with a Coke and a bunch of Pop Rocks; if-" "Don't you know that'll make him explode?" "No it WON'T!" I was beginning to wish _I_ could've stayed in the car. *** 15:47 21 Nov Now smaller, and much lighter in money, I could go back to the car. I tried bouncing as I walked, and I did feel a lot less inertia effect. Well, somewhat less. *** 16:11 21 Nov "Ready?" "Ready!" Since I knew I wasn't going to explode, I hadn't taken the precautions Susan had skipped; but then again, I KNEW I wasn't going to explode. The Pop Rocks fizzed worse than I remembered. "Awgh," I mentioned, but managed to make a Will roll and swallow them. "Coke next," I said, and drank a goodly amount. After fifteen seconds, I found I had an almighty belch interrupt to service. "Burp time," I said, as the fastest and most coherent warning I could manage, and serviced it. When I finished, and blinked the water out of my eyes, Ricky was clawing desperately at his Pop Rocks. "Oh man!" he shouted in awe, "That was so gross!" "Excuse me," I said, more for form's sake than anything. I was supposed to be on my best girly behavior here, after all. "Don't spill them!" Ricky managed to not spill the Coke it in his haste, somehow. *** 16:12 21 Nov "Give it time," I told him. "But it was so GROSS when you did it!" he whimpered. He hadn't burped yet, even one little one. "Maybe I just had some left over from lunch or something. It'll happen," I tried to console him. "Maybe have some more Coke?" He had as much as he could stand, which was an appreciable fraction of the bottle. "Nahhhh," he gasped as he finally came up for air. *** 16:16 21 Nov "Did I just force-feed a twelve-ounce Coke to an eight-year old?" His was empty, so I must have. "Oh, cr... D- Sh- Bloody hell." "Bla heh." "Oh PLEASE don't say that..." "BLA HEH!" I needed another day off. THEN the phone rang. "Bla HEH! Banagorannnnnn..." "Yeah thanks." It was Mike. "Oh gods, what now?" "What's up?" "Did you know that even eight year olds don't explode when you feed them Pop Rocks and Coke?" I'd figured that Mike needed to know this, back when he had - erroneously - assured me that it was true. But he'd been seven at the time, not eight. "Yeah? You showed me that." Apparently he remembered. "Why?" "Ricky fed me the same BS today, and I proved him wrong." "Cool. You ready for tonight yet?" "Noooo, I have to cook dinner, possibly feed Stella, and then change into nicer clothes." Not like I hadn't planned for these items, either. "I DID remember." "YA BA RO MANIAH GO!" Stella shouted while gesturing with both hands. Nothing materialized, which I was grateful for; she'd sounded pretty emphatic in her incantation. "Did she just summon something?" Mike asked. "BA RA!" "Not yet," I told him. "Can you pick Pam up? She still has no car." "Yeah, no-" "REE MARA GANOO PAH RINGGggggg..." As she trailed off, Mike confirmed, "You'll pick her up?" "Aye-aye!" I figured we had to be fast. "Nineteen thirty, her ho- HER HOUSE OVER." "Nineteen nineteen th-" "Ba WAAAAA NO!" "-Thirty thirty. Out." "Out!" and I hung up so I could concentrate on distracting Stella before she opened a gate to realms better left sealed, or whatever she was doing. *** 16:23 21 Nov "Throw the stick for him, and then see if you can beat him to the stick," I suggested. "Oh that'd be cool!" Ricky shrieked, and went to go try it. "C'mon Ruffles!" *Ruf-* Hangover the dog, whose real name was apparently Ruffles, perked up a bit, but looked at me. 'You know this is all going to end badly.' "Shut up, get out," I suggested to the dog. "I didn't say anything!" Ricky protested. "Shut up, get out. You just DID say something. And take the dog with you." 'I knew you didn't like me,' Hangover sighed at me before whuffling hopefully in the direction of the door. 'Nobody does...' *** 16:24 21 Nov "Oh, right!" Dad had 'suggested' this game, with Patches, to me and Mike at least once; which I had just remembered. "Da- I hate him." Though his tricks on me, back then, were proving extremely useful for me to use on Ricky now. *** 16:37 21 Nov Miz Parker was coming in, which made me think of a whole bunch of things at one time, but what I ended up doing was running outside to interrogate Ricky. "You DID tell them about yesterday's incident at school!?" I insisted. "Yes!" I glared at him, but detected no signs of falsehood, so I put him back on the ground. 'See, I knew this sort of thing would-' *SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!* I beamed at the dog, as I turned away; I'm not sure it helped, but it seemed to. *** 16:40 21 Nov "No, he had a Coke earlier, so he's out running it off. And I'm happy to report," I added, in case she didn't know, "that eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Coke will NOT make you explode. Though you're gonna burp a lot, and I can't tell if that's just the carbonation from the Coke or something else," I admitted. Miz Parker looked rather astonished. "What, you never heard that story in school? They said Mikey, the kid from Life cereal ads, died 'cause he did it and exploded. You really never heard this in grade school?" I'd thought she was old enough to catch it, since my sister had. *** 16:48 21 Nov Miz Parker looked up from the report, and I did not like her face. "Valerie, don't you think this is sort of over-reacting?" "No ma'am," I said formally. "They were chasing-" -image of the locker room- "-him, I saw that. More than one. And they, one of 'em kicked him and he went-" -image of a locker and a flash of remembered pain- "Damnit!" I shook my head to try and clear it. "Uh, he went down, when she kicked him, and that's when I got there. Check his leg for a bruise," I thought; he'd been kicked hard enough he ought to have one. *** 16:53 21 Nov It was faint but it was there. Ricky looked like I had betrayed him. "It's not a big deal," he repeated. "They were just messing with-" "No it IS a big deal, Ricky," I snarled. "Valerie," Miz Parker said sharply. Like _I_ was the one being delusional and crazy. "Miz Parker," I managed to say calmly, "five girls, larger than he is-" "There wasn-" Ricky started then stopped himself. "Five. I counted." Tactical evaluation like that was something Mike had drilled into me, actually, though Dad had backed him up. And, of course, writing a report ASAP afterwards made it stick in your head better. "I talked to his school today," Miz Parker said, "and they said that they would look into it." I could not stop the snort that came out, even though I knew it was a very bad idea. "Mooommmmmm!" Ricky wailed, inadvertently interrupting whatever further stupidity might've come out of my mouth. "Mommmmmmmmmmmm," Stella repeated, and held out her arms to Miz Parker like she wanted to be picked up. "Ricky, they said they'd look into it," Miz Parker told Ricky as she reached over and picked Stella up, "and if you are getting bullied you need to report it to a teacher." Stella wrapped her arms around Miz Parker's neck. "Oh-" fell out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Um. Yeah." That rarely worked, unless they were right there. Sometimes, you could goad the assailant into chasing you to a teacher, but not often; and if not then it wasn't any good to say anything. "But Mommmmmmm!" Ricky wailed, "if you tell them then they'll chase me worse!" "No they won't, Ricky," Miz Parker said soothingly, "not if a teacher is watching them." Miz Parker was now revealed as an alien. Or one of Them. Ricky looked desperate, but as Miz Parker bent down to say something to Stella, I put a finger to my lips, then shook my head at Ricky. He looked tortured, but didn't say anything else. He just sort of teared up and left. Quickly. "Ricky? RICKY! PATR-" "Miz Park-" "What?!" she snapped at me. I sighed, because I was going to get yelled at one way or another. "Why don't you let him-" There was a word or phrase- "Uh, have a time out in his room for a little bit. That way, he can calm down." She sighed at me, but agreed, "I suppose that's a good idea." Every time I thought she was a mother, she did something like this; being reasonable instead of yelling at me. *** 17:12 21 Nov I was just getting to work on the ground turkey when the phone rang. "Oh..." *Shit. Well, fuck'm, I'm busy,* I decided, which meant I didn't have to spazz and try (and fail) to clean my hands enough to answer a phone before it stopped ringing. *** 17:14 21 Nov Now my cellphone was ringing. "Godda-" I almost kicked a cabinet in frustration, which would've been worse because I was very frustrated and I might've broken it. I sort of wished I'd tried something with the roast beef instead of the ground turkey, so I could cut it into small strips with a lot of energy and blood and nice meaty killing noises. Except anger led to force, and force had a tendency to result in bloody wounds, which was a Bad Thing when working by yourself with knives. Don't cook angry, as Dad had said. I hit the meat instead with one downward-hammering fist, splatting it flat, which made me feel slightly better, and went to wash my hands off so I could find out who was calling me and call them back so I could rip them a new asshole. *** 17:16 21 Nov "'Lo?" "Debbie, this is- this is Valerie, at the Parkers. I'm in the middle of cooking dinner; what is it?" "What is this report thing you emailed me? What happened?" "I wrote it in the REPORT, Debbie!" With a subject and everythi- "Did you talk to the Parkers about it?" "Yeah, sort-" "What did they say?" "They said they'd talk to the school on Monday about it." "Okay, don't do anything until they do that. Did you actually KICK a little GIRL?" she emphasized. "After she kicked Ricky, yeah I did! And Miz Parker saw the bruise too." Debbie said something I didn't catch which sounded like relief. Then she said, "Okay, don't do anything else until Monday. You didn't actually set that deal up with the other babysitter for Stella did you?" *** 17:18 21 Nov I really needed to come out here sometime with some tools and fix the Parkers' pool fence before they uncovered the pool for the summer, because sure as shit if the dog or Stella went through the hole they'd blame me. I took an inhaler hit as I headed back inside, just in case. *** 18:22 21 Nov Now that I had supper well on the way, and Miz Parker was doing something in the front room with Stella, I could sneak up and tap on Ricky's door. Which I was doing. "Ricky?" Murmur from inside. "Ricky, it's Valerie. You need to... Just let me in for a minute," I changed my mind. He didn't need some lie from me right now, just to get him to open the door. He eventually opened his door and sullenly demanded, "What?" I pushed past him and into his room and shut the door behind me. "Ricky," I said quietly as I squatted, then motioned him closer. "Your mom..." He made some kind of unhappy noise at that. "Yeah, I know. She just doesn't get it, okay?" "Why-?!" His face was all screwed up with torment. "I dunno. I guess she didn't get bullied and stuff when she was in school." She might have been one of Them, but I did NOT want to suggest this to Ricky. "Look, though, the point is... she's- she doesn't get it, and she's gonna do the stuff the parenting books tell her to do, which is complete bullshit." His face untwisted in amazement. "Uh, I didn't say that last word. Um. Look, just go along with your parents for now, and I'll help you out. _I_ know." "Do you?" he spat at me in a challenge. -being propelled headfirst into a metal locker- "I've been, uh, stuffed into garbage cans, Ricky. And worse." His mouth had dropped partly open, and his eyes were quite wide. "Stuffed..." "Head first. And then people came along and kicked it, while I was trying to get out. It ruins your clothes too. Maybe your pack." I noticed I was starting to shake. Unfortunately, Ricky noticed it too. "Look," I told him, "I know more, NOW, about what would've worked at your age, okay? I think I can help you avoid it, or fight it off, or whatever. Just don't go screaming at your parents and get into trouble. And DON'T," I emphasized, "DO NOT mention what I said, okay? They'll think... I dunno. Just don't tell them about what I said, okay?" After a bit, he agreed, "Okay." "Promise?" "But how can you help?" "I already agreed to pick you up early from school, and then pick Stella up afterwards, right? We did that today." He nodded hesitantly. "Mike- remember Mike?" "The asian guy?" "Yeah. He knows more than I do, and I'll be talking with him this weekend, and I'll ask him about you, what you should do. He's smarter than me about stuff like this." Which was why I wasn't dead, I thought; after a certain age, I'd realized that I could in fact kill at least half my tormentors if I went into the right gym class with the right equipment, which my family owned, and enough ammo. Mike had talked me out of it. And into a number of other things, which while weren't quite as satisfying, were infinitely more sustainable as far as my continued life was concerned. "So," I remembered, "promise?" He drew an 'X' over his heart, saying, "I swear I won't tell 'em." "Dude," I agreed, and held out my hand. He started to take it like it was a handshake, but I showed him the right way to do it. *** 18:41 21 Nov "So what happened?" Mr. Parker asked me. "I wrote it all down in the report," I said, again. I had to wonder why Mom and everyone told me I needed to learn how to write well, since nobody ever seemed to read the damned things. "I called the school, and we have an appointment to talk to them Monday," Miz Parker said to Mr. Parker. I locked eyes with Ricky, which seemed to keep him from commenting. *** 19:08 21 Nov "Aw, c'mon Dad," Ricky said when Mr. Parker looked at the stuffed bell peppers instead of starting to slice 'n dice on them. "Has she EVER fixed anything bad?" "Well, true," Mr. Parker admitted, with a smile at me, and he started in, but I did notice that he snuck a glance at Miz Parker before he actually ate any. Well, he tried to sneak a glance; I caught it. But I wasn't going to say anything. He was sort of on my side, I thought. "So lemme get dressed and things," I said. "Oh, but I can take the salad bowls back if everyone's done?" I thought everyone was done, except Stella who really wanted to play Throw The Slimy Leaf. *** 19:19 21 Nov As my car warmed up, I said to myself, "And now I gotta get Pam... Do I remember where she lives?" I thought I did. I hoped I did, because I didn't remember the instructions, and I didn't want to take the time to re-read them off the laptop- "Oh shit, what am I gonna do with the laptop?" I'd have to take it, was the only thing I could figure. I would NOT leave it in the car; and I didn't trust Pam's family not to 'play with it' and fuck it up, especially since I thought she had some younger siblings of some kind. And if I was going to check it wherever, like a coat or something, the same thing applied. "Damnit." Well, at least I wouldn't need a purse, if I re-sorted things. Which I didn't have time for, because I had to go get Pam. "Damnit!" And I had the stupid drug pack to carry anyway. "DAMNIT!" *** 19:43 21 Nov "Hey, sorry I'm late," I apologized as Pam got into the car. "Traffic's a bitch tonight for some reason. You look really good," I thought I'd mention. She usually did, and I hadn't seen anything bad in the sketchy glance I'd gotten as I drove up. "Thanks," she smiled at me. "So do you?" *Why do girls always do that...* "Really? I wasn't sure..." "Well, g- I mean, let's see when you get out. Oh, by the way, we're going out to eat first if that's okay?" "Um yeah, I guess? Yeah," I agreed. I was still a little hungry. *Because I wasn't going to eat much if we were going out,* I remembered. *Damn. Oh well.* I couldn't dance much if I had to carry the laptop anyway, and I was NOT leaving it behind. *Maybe Mike could carry it?* He'd bitch, but at least if he opened it up and started playing with it, I could trust him not to reformat or repartition the hard drive or 'rm -rf /' or change my passwords- *Does he have an account on- Yeah, of course.* I'd copied the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow over when we loaded the laptop, for just this sort of occasion. His password had probably expired by now, but that would just make him pick out a new one. Pam asked, "Were you going to go?" "Uh what? Oh, right," I agreed, and pushed thoughts of laptop onto the stack so I could drive. "Where are we going?" "Oh, Amanda said she heard about this place..." *** 19:48 21 Nov "Oh! Um, Val?" Pam asked, during a pause. I was suspicious. "Yeah?" "Um, is there any way I could stay over, at your place tonight?" "Oh." That wasn't as scary as I'd thought. "Yeah, sure, that'd be okay. Um, I do have to go in for cosmetology again-" "That's cool," she said, sounding very relieved. "Oh god, thanks." She squeezed my hand in further thanks. "Oh, sure, no- Wait." Definite problem, if I didn't call it in and clear it first. "Hold on..." I found a parking lot I could turn into, so I could stop the car in a safe place, remove a glove, extract my cellphone, and call my parents. This wasn't an emergency either, so I'd be billed for it, but it was cheaper in non-monetary costs than trying to do it from a pay phone. *** 20:11 21 Nov I'd missed the turn the first time, because by the time you could see the sign it was too late, and turning around had been a real bitch, but I made it the second time. "Man, I think they already started," Pam worried. "What?" "I think they went in and started eating already." "Oh. Well, I wasn't that hungry, I guess." "Me neither," Pam agreed, as my stomach argued that I WAS actually that hungry. "Um, so, like, what time would we be going? To the club? I mean, we don't want to get there too early, right?" I found a spot not far from Mike's car and almost ran over a motorcycle. "Damnit!" And, I realized, it might be JILL's motorcycle, which would be slightly worse if I hit it. "Oh man..." I pulled back out and kept looking for an actual empty slot. I finally found one, next to a bunch of people who had an amazing resemblance to my friends. "Man, get outta the way!" I complained, as they started to move. Slowly. I would've honked, but I thought I saw Jill, and she might throw a rock at my car or something. *** 20:14 21 Nov "Man, you do look good," I said to Pam, sort of again, but this time I could see it better. "Aren't your legs cold though?" Mine were. "You get used to it." "I guess..." I hadn't yet, and tights over my thermals did NOT work so I couldn't wear that combo. I'd found a long sleeved black sweater that had some kind of pattern knitted into it, and a V neck so I could get into and out of it easier, over a string-strapped black top, and a shorter black skirt because I'd planned on dancing, over black tights because it was cold, and a pair of shoes I had thought were flats but weren't quite and I'd never really noticed before. Boring, sort of, but it looked okay, and enough like some of the other girls had worn when going out. Plus it was slightly warmer, with the tights and my new knit hat (the red one) and the matching gloves along with a long sort of jacket from Rachel that I guess was new. It was slightly warmer. "What, no van?" Amanda teased. "My fucking bitch parents won't let me drive it any more!" Pam snapped. "Oh shit, I forgot! Oh god..." Now Amanda looked stricken. "But doesn't she look good, though?" I tried. Pam was wearing a VERY short black skirt that looked pleated if you could have pleats in eight inches of material, a white long sleeved shirt, and black Mary Jane heels - which shoes I had seen before, someplace, but not on Pam, and they hadn't looked like this. She was also wearing tights, I thought; they were flesh-colored if they were, in fact, tights. "Oh yeah, you look smash-taculous!" Amanda nodded, but Pam glared at me to show me that this trick wasn't going to work. "Pam I'm REALLY sorry..." "They're just bitches," Pam sighed. "I hate them." "Really," Amanda nodded. ""You," Kim told us, "don't look like you are in party moods." And held up a thermos. Pam snagged it before I could. "Wait, are you driving?" "Oh..." I stopped because Pam was waving her arms around as she swallowed, I think. "Hey don't spill-" "DAMN THEM!" she shrieked. "Chill, have some more, forget about 'em, they suck, they're not here, Val's driving right?" I nodded, repressing a sigh. I wanted a drink or three after dealing with the Parkers this afternoon. "Wait," I asked, "who's driving you?" "Dan offered," she smiled, as she turned towards the group. Which made me turn towards the group. "Hey," I said to Mike, Julia, Jill, Kelly, Anne-Marie, Book, and Dan, and got various over-the- shoulder greetings and casual waves back in return before they turned back to their previous conversations. "Nice dress dork," Dan smirked at me as I got closer. "It's not a- Fuck you, white boy!" I complained as Mike did something to Dan which made him bend over and make a pained noise. "If you want to be a shit, you can go home," Julia announced, quite loudly. And seriously. Some of the girls looked back to see what she was talking about. "I was just kidding," Dan protested. "We gonna eat now or are we gonna sit out here and blather some more and freeze our asses off?" Mike hadn't actually needed to finish the rhetorical question, because everyone was moving towards the entrance before he did. "What, no George?" I asked. "He got grounded, something about grades," Dan complained. "Oh hell... Is he coming Sunday?" "I said you were paying him to work," Mike told me. "Which you are, in pie." "Oh... Oh, right," I said as I remembered cans. "Yeah." "I made reservations," Julia told someone. "How many?" "Ten. I thought I was gonna have a date tonight but he couldn't make it," she sighed. "Maybe tomorrow." "You coming tomorrow night?" I asked Julia, moving her way so I could hear her answer better. "Maybe after," she said. "I think we were gonna catch an early dinner and a movie. Man, rehearsals are busting my ass," she complained. "I need some time off." "That's why you're HERE though, right?" Amanda asked. "God I hope so. Gimme thermos," she ordered. I really wanted that thermos. *** 20:20 21 Nov Despite reservations, we still had to wait, for some stupid reason. This was kind of like doctor's appointments, I realized. At least we weren't standing outside, though standing in the bar was driving me mildly crazy, because I wanted a drink reaaaaalllllyyy bad. The crowd noise was kind of getting to me too. I realized this when Mike came over and asked, "Tuck? Status?" "Oh, I'm... Uh. I'M TIRED OF YELLING," I mentioned. *** 20:22 21 Nov Once we were outside, and far enough away from the entrance that I could pay attention in one direction, Mike asked me, "Feeling a bit tense?" "Oh, no, why would I be tense?" He grabbed my wrist and almost got me in a lock, but I got out of it and kicked him, before realizing that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Mike grabbed my wrist while I was momentarily un-distracted and twisted my arm up almost to the point of pain. "No," he said calmly, "really, Tuck." I had to think about it - because he could tell whether I was thinking or not and he wouldn't let go until I did - and remembered that I had been trying to look around him because he was blocking my sight- lines, and then I remembered that I'd sort of backed against the wall in the bar and was sliding towards a corner. And the ceiling was dropped which meant I could get up to it if I scrambled. I'd noticed that. "Uh, yeah, okay, I'm a little tense." Pause. I sighed, because he wasn't letting go, because he wasn't satisfied. "Did you get a report from me? I emailed it to you, uh, early this morning." "No?" "Ricky got- He was being chased yesterday by a pack of girls, at school, I mean after school. I intervened-" He interrupted, "You told me that already." "Okay, so, today I had to talk to his parents about it, and..." I shook my head. "Remember how your parents were?" "Aw, shit," he complained as he let go. His parents had the sort of reaction, 'well, why don't you try being nice to them?' My dad, at least, tended more towards, 'did he get up again?' and 'will we have to talk to the police about this?' Mike asked, "Do you think that might be interacting with your own issues, recent issues?" "Uh..." *Duh.* "Well gosh, Mike, I can't see any possible connection there, or to my nightmares either. Can't imagine why I might be REALLY FUCKING TENSE!" I screamed. "Yeah, me neither. Wanna go back in?" "Yeah, it's cold." And, knowing why, I could control it about ten times better. We started back towards the entrance. "Did you ever consider wearing pants, dumbass?" "How many of the girls are wearing pants?" "Why..." When he gave up, I answered, "Partially because ALL the guys in that band are bigger than me, and I kinda don't want to, uh, surprise them with a sudden revelation of a dual identity, ya know?" "Shouldn't they be on stage?" As I started to protest, he said disgustedly, "Never mind, I remember." *** 20:25 21 Nov "Three." "What?" "Three of the girls are wearing pants," Mike told me. "What the- Oh." Damnit. "I don't have any pants," I complained. "You were JUST at the fucking mall WEDNESDAY!" "Fuck OFF!" I'd already determined that I was stupid. "That's entirely TOO easy to do because you're not wearing any PANTS!" When he stopped, I suddenly noticed we were attracting far too much attention. There was a short pause that was really really long. "Nice legs, sugar," Julia said, a bit loudly, and did some kind of gesture which I think she had to have picked up from gay men someplace. At me. As I sort of eased behind Mike, or tried to, and the attention sort of dissipated, someone said something to Julia that I didn't catch; Julia exclaimed, "Oh, right!" and smacked her forehead. "I date guys!" "It's so hard to remember," Amanda piped up, before giggling. *** 20:31 21 Nov I had been somehow stuck in between the guys and the girls, which I only noticed when the disparity in volume made me look around to figure out why only my right side was loud. "Nnnngh," I said to myself, but gave it up and concentrated on my menu instead. I was more hungry than I'd thought. "Why are you carrying your laptop?" Book asked. "Taking fashion notes?" Dan said, and laughed until he cried out in pain. I slapped Mike lightly on the shoulder to let him know the kick was appreciated. "No, I forgot to do something with it before babysitting, and then there's nowhere to put it. I mean, leave it in the car? Duh?" "You could leave it in Mike's car, in the back of the trunk." "It's COLD in there; that's bad for it." "What's the operating temps on it?" Mike asked. "Uh..." Why was he making me feel stupid so much tonight? "I don't remember, but I think it's gonna be colder out there than _I_ want to think about. Besides, hell, I'm hungry, and it's music not dancing, right?" Even though the last place they'd played had some kind of dance thing in front of the stage, sort of. "So I'm gonna be full and sluggish anyway." "And where's your fanny pack?" Mike bothered me. "Around my waist, gook," I shot back. I'd turned it into a 'purse' for the evening since the laptop case didn't quite have the room or the organization necessary. I'd had just enough room for the basics, since I wasn't carrying liquids at the moment. "Cellphone?" "On the laptop case! Hah!" "Did you log yourself out?" "This morning!" I felt better. I felt more better when he looked annoyed, like Mom when she couldn't think of anything else to bother me about. When he went back to his menu, I went back to mine. *Oh, why not an appetizer?* I asked myself. It was a rhetorical question. *** 20:38 21 Nov "What do you think?" "What?" I asked. "What do you think?" Pam repeated impatiently. "Is Anne-Marie's top too low?" I looked over, and she tried to hide but Julia stood up and grabbed Anne-Marie's arm and pulled her upright too. Dan and Book made appreciative noises. It was rather... low, and somewhere between suggestive and revealing. I was pretty sure she wasn't wearing breast forms, anyway. "Aren't you freezing?" People laughed, which was annoying, because I hadn't been joking. "She's got a jacket," Julia said like I was being a jerk. "Okay!" I snapped back. "Perfect!" Dan commented, as I thought, *She's fifteen, isn't that- But we're going to a non-teen club, so maybe she should look older. Yeah, but is that maybe too old? Or suggestive or something?* It wasn't 'suggesting' much, because an awful lot was visible. And Anne- Marie looked rather embarrassed about it now. "Anne-Marie? Do you need to go home and change real quick?" I asked her over the noise. She looked confused, like she didn't hear me, and then Kim said something to her which made her turn away from looking at me, so I got up and went around the table to her. She'd sat back down when I got there, so I just leaned over and asked into her ear, "Do you want to go home and change? You look good, but maybe a little immodest. And I don't know what the crowd's like at the place we're going." "Kim said it would be- Ohmigod!" she squealed. I ended up in back of her other shoulder after a quick dodge and scan of the area, and I couldn't figure out what the hell had set her off. I knew what had set ME off - her - but that didn't help. "You're- You're-" I looked down, where she was pointing, and couldn't see anything wrong, like my intestines falling out, or even a spill on my sweater, much less anything that should upset her this much, like my intestines falling out. "You look a little different tonight than you do in school," Julia informed me. "Oh- Wh- Oh, right." I didn't know what to say. "It looks nice!" Kim insisted at me. "What?" complained Amanda at Anne-Marie. "You didn't NOTICE?" Anne-Marie shrieked back at Amanda, "NO!" "She's been wearing that the WHOLE TIME!" Amanda counter-shrieked. "How could you miss her HAT?!" Which made the others girls start sniggering. "No more thermos for YOU!" Kim ordered. Julia tugged on my arm and offered, "We'll explain things to her." "Oh..." A waiter was approaching, and I needed to refresh my order buffer before I transmitted it. "Oh, thanks a lot. Oh, and ask Jill what happened at her house when me and Jill went over there," I remembered. Might as well keep most of the story straight. Or something. *** 20:42 21 Nov "What is it with you and salads?!" Dan complained. I cranked my vocal range up to 'platinum blonde' and squealed, "They keep my bowels moving!" That shut him the hell up, and nobody else made any other comments, so I finished ordering, shut the menu now that I didn't need a cheat sheet, and handed it over. I'd had a salad earlier, at the Parkers', so this was probably overkill, but... they DID, and furthermore I liked salads, especially with interesting dressings. *And it HAS chicken on it.* *** 20:49 21 Nov "VALLLLERIIIEEEEEE!" *Oh, that's what that was.* I had sort of heard someone calling me before, but not quite, and not enough to look up. "Stand up!" Julia ordered. "Wh-" *Oh, Anne-Marie, right.* I stood up. Anne-Marie stared at me. I watched her stare for several seconds, and then got bored, and maybe a little embarrassed, so I did a classic demure Japanese-schoolgirl pose at her and smiled while making my eyes as wide as possible. "Yo, turn around, baby, show us your as-" Jill got out before she got suppressed. I decided that I would not, and instead grabbed my chair and sat back down in it and scooted back up to the table. "And you said MEN were pigs," Mike commented. "Oh, they are," I replied, "it's just that the women aren't any better." Pam laughed at that. *** 21:38 21 Nov "Tu-Val, you want dessert," Mike told me. "Wha- Why?!" "Because you need to gain weight, remember?" "Y- Oh, right. Oh well..." I sighed. "How about the chocolate cheesecake?" I looked at Mike, and he nodded, so I nodded. "Yeah." "Oh, and take some antihistamines." "Wh- Why?" They didn't do a thing for my weight- "Club, smoking, your-" "Right, got it, uh..." They were in here somewhere; this was the one drug I usually carried even when I didn't have to carry the stupid- assed fanny pack. That and Epis. "Aha!" I had about fifteen tabs; that ought to cover me in case we got trapped by a blizzard or something, but I really ought to refill when I got home. *** 22:02 21 Nov "You should tip for your own meal just like you're paying for your own meal," I complained. "And believe me, I WILL be checking." *** 22:11 21 Nov I could not believe it had taken this long to get this done, but it had. And, luckily, I had enough money from everyone, which meant that I wouldn't need to try beating it out of them. I also didn't appreciate the inclusion of the tip into the general total, but restaurants could be assholes. Or maybe they just didn't want to screw with it, which I could half understand. But then, the least they could do is show the tip per item, so the large party could divvy things up properly. *** 22:16 21 Nov "I don't think we're ever gonna get there," I complained as I shivered. "Oh, chill out, Val," Pam bitched. "They won't be starting until later anyway." "I thought they were starting at ten or something?" "Not usually," she told me, as I realized, belatedly, that now _I_ was doing it too. "More like eleven, at least for a decent band." She turned to look over her shoulder. "Come ON!" I looked back myself, and Anne-Marie detached and came over. "I thought she could come with us and, like, if she had any problems or anything," Pam explained. "Do what? Hey," I said to Anne-Marie. "Did you want to come with me?" She answered, "She said it was less crowded in your car, and then I wouldn't have to sit with Dan." "What is wrong with him tonight?" Pam asked me. I said, "I dunno. I think George isn't here, and so he's like- he feels he has to take his place. Or something." Anne-Marie said, "What, like-" "Designated asshole," Pam complained, except she sounded sort of happy about it. "That's George," I sighed. "Except he sort of invented the position." As Pam sniggered, Anne-Marie asked, "Um, are those real?" "Ar- OW!" She'd poked me in a tit, hard. By the time my vision cleared, I was a couple of feet back and had my arms wrapped around myself. "Damnit that HURT!" Even through the enhancers. "That is so RUDE!" Pam exclaimed, and poked Amanda with two stiff fingers, right where she'd poked me. "Ow!" Anne-Marie recoiled and put her arms up to protect herself, too late. I realized we looked almost the same. "That's right, she doesn't like it either," Pam glared. There was something missing, and as Anne-Marie opened her mouth to say something, my mouth won initiative and commented, "So do I poke you now? To make it symmetrical?" Pam burst out laughing. *** 22:19 21 Nov "Why do you have a diaper box in your car?" "Goddamn-" "When are you going to get rid of that?" Pam asked me. "When I remember it when I'm near a trash can!" *** 22:48 21 Nov "Jeez, I hope you're right about eleven," I complained as I looked for a parking space. *** 22:53 21 Nov "Fuck it's cold!" Jill complained. "Enjoying your motorcycle?" Julia asked sweetly. Jill glared at Julia, who smiled innocently back, and snarled, "Fuck. You." "You wish," Julia retorted in a very sexy voice. "At least it's wheels," Pam complained. I was beginning to notice a pattern. "Hey, Pam, have some more thermos before we go in?" *Before we go in... Before we go-* "Oh, right, earplugs," I said, and shifted the laptop bag so I could shift the fanny pack around so I could open it so I could dig out the packet of earplugs and snag a pair. "What are you doing?" *** 23:00 21 Nov We'd missed the band's opening, which meant we also missed the best chance to get seats anywhere near the stage. Damnit. Also the cover charge hurt. Which we might've avoided if we got here early enough to roadie their stuff. Damnit. But at least my ears wouldn't hurt, unlike my wallet. And neither would anyone else's, since between me and Mike we had enough pairs for everyone. I had a feeling that next time there'd be more sets in purses than just mine. Mike had his pockets, of course. There was a reason he tended to wear baggy pants with pockets. Several reasons. *** 23:11 21 Nov We'd found Rachel near the stage, and some of the girls wanted to dance, but there wasn't enough room for all of us at Rachel's table, so we had to find another one, or two, and snag them. I hoped we wouldn't need to urinate on it to mark it as ours, but I kind of doubted we would. Actually I doubted anyone but me and Mike would think of it. I had everything packed up, of course, and _I_ wanted to get closer to the stage to watch Jack. What Mike had said about satori made me think of Jack when he was playing. Or thinking of Jack made me think of satori, maybe. So I slapped Mike on the shoulder, pointed to the area I'd be in while watching to make sure he looked up, and when he finally nodded, I started snaking through the crowd. Sign language was alright, I guess, but I'd really prefer something like the gun range radio setup in here. Those plugs didn't block noise that well - which was one reason we wore muffs over them - but they did a whole lot better at receiving radio than the foam-only ones I was wearing. And throat mikes didn't pick up a lot of extra noise. Realizing what I was doing made me look around guiltily in case Sabrina or someone was watching me geek. "Nah!" I hadn't really intended for Mike to come along, but there he was. he signed. Well, it sort of made sense, even though it was annoying. *** 23:18 21 Nov It was making more and more sense, I realized after one song concluded, because I'd backed myself up against a wall so I could watch the stage and the crowd at the same time. It looked like the girls were having fun, at least, what I could see of them. I wasn't miserable, but I wasn't having as much fun as I remembered having; people moving kept distracting me from watching the band, and especially Jack. And Dog or whatever the drummer's name was. You couldn't escape the sound, of course, and we were pretty close to a speaker stack; I didn't know if that was a benefit or a penalty. I was VERY glad I had earplugs, though. Probably there wasn't enough energy getting through my skull the hard way to do any damage. I had a bit of a twitch, when I remembered that speakers were powered by magnets and that my hard drive was encoded with magnetic domain shifts, before remembering how fast it falls off with distance. But I moved a little further away anyway. *** 23:49 21 Nov Mike slapped my arm several times to get my attention, and so I extended a bit and rescanned the nearest people first before I checked him again, to see if I could at least get a bearing- He clenched his legs together as he crouched a little bit. *Oh, right.* I sort of had to go, maybe, but not that bad. And, I realized, I couldn't watch Mike's back so he'd watch mine. *Maybe one of the girls?* Pam had been hitting the thermos a fair amount, so maybe she had to go. Or Kim. *** 23:50 21 Nov About halfway to the girls' table, the singer announced, "And we'll be back after this short break." A VERY loud crack made me flinch and twist, and I didn't understand the laughter until I saw Johnny the punk guy taking two pieces of a stick away from the microphone. It was bad enough trying to see or get through the crowd anyway; but now everyone seemed intent on shifting position. I was glad I was following Mike, but I kept worrying about someone swinging in behind me and knifing me in the kidneys or something. I was beginning to think I was stressed out or something. And I couldn't have any alcohol, because I'd been designated a driver for tonight. *Aw, damn, if only I had some Vali-* Maybe I did. *** 23:52 21 Nov I didn't have Valium, but I did have a few alprazolams, and one of the girls had some diet Coke left, which was not that great but was a LOT better than trying to swallow it dry. Alprazolam, like most drugs seemed to be, was nasty-bitter if you kept it in your mouth long enough to taste it. Which I tried not to, and I wasn't going to have to with the diet Coke I'd swiped. It wasn't until it was all gone past any hope of graceful recovery that I realized that I wasn't taking whole tabs lately. *Whups!* *Oh, fuck it,* I decided, as Mike glared at me impatiently, *it's Friday night, right? And...* Oh, the Parkers. Oh lord. I wanted a second tab, momentarily, but managed to restrain myself. *Walking is good, remember?* *** 23:55 21 Nov There was a line for the women's room, which reminded me that I did not need to go that badly. One girl came up, stopped, looked at the line, and turned around like she was looking for someone to appeal this horrid miscarriage of justice to. *My hair's fine too,* I decided. *And so's my makeup.* I looked around fearfully, to see if any of my friends were there and going to insist I wait in line to go in with them, but I got lucky this time. *** 23:58 21 Nov "So how come," someone said at me, "if they don't have to do makeup or hair or anything, guys STILL take so long in the bathroom?" It was some girl I'd never seen before, with teased-up hair and rather a lot of eye makeup but otherwise fairly respectable looking. She happened to be wearing a black Stepwise Pagoda T shirt, I thought; that or she'd coincidentally found a picture of a pagoda with an 'SP' on it. "Um, probably because they've got the same kind of line in there, that they've got," I pointed at the ladies', "over there, except they do go faster. Where did you get the shirt?" "Oh, it's a band shirt. They sell them after the show," she said as she pulled the hem down and stretched it out. I took that as an invitation to lean closer and look, and it was definitely a Stepwise Pagoda shirt. "I need one of those," I decided. *If I have enough money...* But I had stopped at an ATM today, partially to get money to spend tonight having fun. But durable goods were even better. "You like the band?" "Oh, yeah... I mean, I don't get out a lot to come see them, but I've got the- a tape of theirs?" I wondered briefly if they had more than one, but I couldn't remember. Plus it had been a while; they might've done a second, or something. "Yeah, it's really good isn't it!" she informed me, looking excited. "Oh yeah, _I_ think so!" I sort of lied. It sounded a little more raw than I was used to, like they'd done it with someone's home tape deck or something; but you could also sort of hear the, well, raw excitement or energy or whatever in it too. "So like how long have you been listening to them?" "Wha- Oh, um..." I really had to think about it. "Ummm, like last year sometime?" "Oh really?" "Yeah, I-" "So how come you don't come see 'em more?" she challenged, though the slight smile suggested she wasn't quite looking for a fight. I cautiously said, "Oh, I work late, like until eight, and, uh, lately I've been sick too, so..." I shrugged at her, hoping this would be enough. "I need to get out and see 'em more, though." "Yeah really! Support your local arts!" she commanded me. "I am! I'm here right?" "So are you gonna stick around to get a T shirt?" "Are you like their manager or something?" She was starting to remind me of a really primitive and unskilled Debbie. She laughed. "No, but I'm sort of dating Johnny, the bassist?" "Whi-" She made spikes with her fingers on top of her head. "Oh right!" The one I'd scared Ricky away with. "Wait, you're-" "Dating him," she finished, sounding overly happy with the idea of dating him, while I tried to remember if he was the one that one of my friends was dating. "For like a couple of months now." I thought he was. "But I was like going to all their shows-" *Amanda," I remembered, and looked around to see if she was here. I had a feeling she should not meet this girl. "-And we hooked up a while ago," she finished. "Oh, uh, cool," I finally responded. "Yeah he's like really into the band and stuff," she told me. *So are you,* I didn't say; but this did sort of explain why she was pushing the merchandising. The more the band made, the more Johnny would make, and so the more he could take her out. Made sense... though I did realize that all the sense did NOT obligate me to contribute. On the other hand, I could usually use another T shirt, and this one WAS cool, and it would support a band I sort of knew and liked. Or liked and sort of knew. Mike finally made it out of the bathroom, and I waved at him. "Is that your boyfriend?" "NO! Wh-" *Chill,* I realized; she wasn't doing it to be annoying, unlike the last dozen girls I'd been with. "He's my brother," I said instead. "Your brother?" Apparently she didn't see the obvious resemblance. Mike was close enough, so I flicked an 'ok' hand sign at him, to suggest he not react like we usually did to sudden grasping motions at us - GURPS called it a riposte - and slid an arm behind him so I could put my face close to his so she could see them close together. "See?" "We're almost identical twins," Mike said, catching on. She laughed, overly hard. "How drunk is she?" Mike asked into my ear. "Dunno," I said into his. "You okay?" I nodded. "Need to go?" I shook my head. "Wanna go find a seat this time?" I shook my head. "What the hell is wrong with you, gaijin ho-" He was about to call me a homeboy, I realized. But then a parallel process reminded me about seats, girls, and- "Is Amanda here?" "Wha- Why-" He tried to look for her, except I was grappling him, so he shook me off and twisted away to look. When he looked back, he was frowning. "Oh, no; she went home after eating. Why?" I motioned him in close, and told him, "This is the girl that is dating the guy in the band, that SHE used to date. And, I don't think the breakup went well. Not like you and Kim. Oh hey, speaking of, are you still officially dating Val- I mean, uh-" "Faciszewski?" "That's it," I nodded. One of these days I'd have to learn how to say that. "Fah-sis-ZEW-ski," he intoned. "Fuck off." "No, that's what you say to George. Fah-sis-" "Fah-sis-ZEW-ski," I dutifully repeated. "And, no, she found out she didn't want to date a geek after all, alas. Oh me," he sighed. "Uh-" I kind of suspected he wasn't serious. Or at least not seriously wounded. "Nah, just kinda mutually decided we weren't that interested in each other." "Oh good." Those mutual decisions tended not to hurt much. "You ARE dating him!" "GodDAMN-" I realized, a bit late, that it wasn't one of the girls teasing me, as I saw Johnny's-girlfriend in front of me, looking a little surprised as she twitched back and complained. Mike told her, "We are NOT-" "DATING!" I screamed, at her, just to get it out of my system. It felt good. "Okay!" she said, putting her hands up, as if she actually believed me this time. Not that this would necessarily stop her; the Pack girls definitely knew better but did it anyway. *** 00:38 22 Nov I thought that maybe the alprazolam was starting to hit, finally, as I was starting to not be quite so concerned with the crowd, say, turning all of a sudden and every one of them being someone who I knew didn't like me and they all had knives. Or something. *'Bout goddamned time...* *** 01:06 22 Nov "Hey, um, Jack?" When he turned to look, I waved at him hesitantly. "Hey," he said back, sounding very drained. "Uh, can I help? Like roadie stuff out or something?" "Yeah you can do something with this FUCKING cable!" one of the band guys - Mark? Matt? - snarled as he threw a cable at me. I tried to twist out of the way but didn't make it and got cabled. "Piece'a SHIT!" Jack gave him a look, which he ignored, and looked back at me and shrugged. I waited until he got out of the area before asking, "What's wrong with it?" "Dunno, it didn't work when we set up," Jack said. "So, uh, um- Good show," I remembered to say, which made him grin in this sort of 'glad you finally remembered to say that' sort of way. "Can I help? Or we? There's a lot of us here tonight." "Ah, not really," he said, looking around. "Hey, uh, you gonna be going somewhere afterwards?" "Um-" "Like to eat or something?" "That sounds good," Mike said, as he appeared next to me again like he was doing tonight. "Stealing souvenirs?" he asked as he picked up a cable end and waggled it at me. He did not remove the rest of the cable. "Do not taunt Happy Fun Musician," I told him. "Uh, it's kind of-" "You need to eat," Mike told me. "Why? Never mind," I groaned. "Shut up." I thought about mentioning 'sleep', but- "What'd he do now?" Jill asked. *** 01:11 22 Nov "Sure, why'n'hell not?" the drummer said, looking around. Or maybe he was looking at the girls, most of whom had sort of crystallized out of the crowd around me. "Nah, man, gotta go," Johnny told him. I looked, and Whatshername was Waiting, for him. Or maybe Waiting For Him. I don't know quite how I could tell that's what she was doing, just from her body language, but I could and she was. I thought. "Where?" Jack asked. *** 01:15 22 Nov "Dude, don't sweat it," I told Mike as we made our way out of the club. "I'll protect you." "Man," he grumbled. "How come we always end up going there?" "I dunno... it's good food though," I tried to entice him. "And since YOU ma-" I stopped because I was falling. Then I stopped falling, by hitting the floor. *Teeth, fingers, toes...* And I'd managed to hit on the left side AND protect the laptop from direct impact. My left elbow hurt, though. As Mike helped me up, he started fingering around my crotch. There was about five seconds of excitement, and then we split up, and I had a chance to move the laptop to the back where he couldn't punch or kick it. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU _DOING_?!" I inquired. "Give me your fucking keys, bitch," Mike insisted. I was going to say something to him when I noticed something - or someone - large homing in on us. "Break Mike break LEFT!" He went to his left and I went to mine and the big male went after Mike. I screamed, "TALLYHO!" as I swung in behind the guy, except he'd stopped and was now looking at me. "Bouncer," Mike announced from somewhere behind the very large man. "Oh, right, sorry," I told the guy as I pulled my arms and legs back to a normal posture rather than a combat posture. *** 01:17 22 Nov "We were leaving anyway," I said to Mike, for no reason at all. He probably knew that already. "So give me your damned keys already," he complained. "What? Why?" "Because you are too drunk to drive like that." "Fuck I'm too..." Well, maybe I was. "You think?" "No, Tuck, I was desperately reaching for your, uh, panties," he stumbled in there. "Because I am consumed with lust for you." "You disgusting pervert," I told him as I fished my keys out. "It wasn't that, though; I forgot there was a step there." "How could you miss the people in front of you going down the step? You're too STUPID to drive right now, is what it is." "FUCK you gook!" "You're not my type," he dismissed. "Hey, there they are. CHICK CHECK!" he yelled at them. *** 01:21 22 Nov In a very strangely quick set of decisions, Dan was taking a few of the girls home because of curfews, leaving me, Kim, Jill, Mike, Pam, Julia, and Kelly. "How many cars do we have left?" Mike asked. "Mine," Julia answered, "yours, and Val's." "And mine," Jill smirked. Kim mentioned, "Jeez, aren't you freezing on that thing? Why not ride in one of the cars?" "Uh, no," Jill said, and stuck her helmet on so she wouldn't have to listen to reason any more. *** 01:23 22 Nov Somehow, I ended up with Julia and Pam in Julia's car, while everyone else except Jill rode in Mike's car. My car would languish in the parking lot of the club until we came back, which ought to be before they closed. I was going to make damned sure of THAT; I doubted I could get it repainted a second time. Julia lit a cigarette, to my disgust. "What the fuck are you doing that for?" I complained. "To get rid of it before I get home," she exhaled, then fumbled for the ignition lock. "Well fuck THAT shit," I said as I rolled down the window. She rolled it back up. "It's COLD Val!" "Well toss the damned cigarette!" I could not override her window control switch with mine, which was a definite design flaw. "Val, shut the fuck up," Pam complained from the back seat, ruining it by giggling. "Julia, could you at least roll the windows down some?" "Man," I complained as I shifted in my seat. "You're- Hey, is that one of Kim's thermoses? GIVE ME," I demanded. "And then you'll shut up? Give it to her," Julia ordered. I took it and drank deeply of the goodness within. Then, because the cigarette had not gone out, I pulled out an inhaler and had a snort. "And you're complaining about cigarettes?" Pam asked incredulously. Julia cranked up the tape deck, and I prepared to have a real screaming fit, but to my surprise out came Annie Lennox. To my second surprise, Julia started singing, "Walkin' on, walkin' on, brooooken glassssss..." *** 01:28 22 Nov "Two hearts, livin' in just, one mind," Julia and I harmonized as she drove. She had a lot of 80s compilation tapes, and knew the words. I knew them because singing was partially how I'd learned to speak like humans did. *** 01:30 22 Nov "You are GOOD!" Pam mentioned in the silent gap. "Both of you!" "Eh," I said, embarrassed. "No, you're not bad," Julia agreed, sort of. "Did you ever have voice training?" "No! Well..." I wasn't sure if language was the same thing. "Wait, wait, this is..." I recognized the synth. *** 01:37 22 Nov Julia stopped the car, but didn't turn off the engine. Instead, as Pam bailed and I got out slower, she rewound the tape for a while. "What're you doing?" Pam asked into the car. Instead of answering, Julia waited a bit longer, then let go of the rewind button and turned the engine off. She'd gone back to nearly the beginning, which was pretty remarkable aim, so to speak. "Give it some VOLUME, Val," Julia demanded. "From DEEP." She slapped herself just below her breasts to indicate what she meant. Chaka and I crooned, "Captured effortlessly that's the way it was. Happened so naturally did not know it was love." Pam began to dance. "The next thing I felt wuz you holdin' me close." Pam grabbed me and pulled me into her dance. "What was I gonna do I let myself goooo And now we fly through the stars I hope this night will last f'reverrrrrrr..." *** 01:38 22 Nov "Ho oh oh ohhhhh," Julia chimed in. "Ain't nobody loves me better Makes me happy Makes me feel this way Ain't nobody loves me better "Than youuuuuuuuuuu," I sang, as Pam whirled us around by our hands. *** 01:39 22 Nov "And a love so deep we cannot mea-SURE," I managed to sing as Pam spun me off gently. I twirled to a stop. "Ain't nobody..." *Ah, Kim's here,* I noted. She was singing the chorus too, but higher than me, as Julia sang harmonies around the two of us, which is how I could tell. *** 01:41 22 Nov "Holy god," Mike commented quietly. "Wait, do you know 'Cruel Summer'?" Julia asked me, or Kim, or both of us. "What is-" "Bananarama?" "Wh- Oh, yeah, that..." I stopped, because Julia was diving back into her car and fumbling madly with tapes. *** 01:45 22 Nov Must've been the witching hour, and I guess They wanted MTV or the live equivalent. Everyone around me looked like they felt the same way I did; stunned. In awe. Even Jack and the drummer dude. Oh shit. *** The discovery of song and the creation of musical instruments both owed their origin to a human impulse which lies much deeper than conscious intention: the need for rhythm in life the need is a deep one, transcending thought, and disregarded at our peril. -- Richard Baker Distribution: No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work (from the BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE header to the END PGP SIGNATURE footer) is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. And no fee may be charged. Archiving is permitted provided no fee is charged for access. All rights reserved. + @>--,--'----- Ellen Hayes o===[-------- __ vicki .sig + -=[1990]=- \/ virus 13.6 + http://www.barkingduck.net/ehayes PGP key: EFC9 5D55 (1996) + -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBSFYTC3YDebnvyV1VAQGEegP+KVwioODpGUvzweThed45X/3W9p20VwsS MJCCNrKkx2LbIT1hQoo1txEtFF5hswqMV5a/UeR1qccsK7HDfl8mtg28PyLZVKzK 0o3KJCylv3LGc17662281Me3OLxPLbCWBT4X/mrFAqBiaTeILppH596NQaVYfZqP 69lHG0rw8zw= =jhzO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----