Sick Time Ever had mononucleosis? "Mononucleosis ("mono") is an infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Signs of mononucleosis include fever, sore throat, headaches, white patches on the back of your throat, swollen glands in your neck, feeling tired and not feeling hungry." - AAFP Information Handout. In reality, it's like this: imagine being captured by your worst enemy, who shrinks himself like they did in Fantastic Voyage, clones himself about a billion times, and then proceeds to beat you to death from the inside. And, he's hooked you up to some sort of energy drain, so you can't even move. Add to that nausea, occasional vomiting, and a secondary respiratory infection or two, and you will understand why, in my lucid moments, I hated my roommate Jim with a passion. Because he was the one that had infected me with all of this. The doctor had said it was almost inevitable that I would catch it if I didn't leave the apartment for safer climes. Unfortunately, I had finals during the very week of most danger, and I couldn't leave. Not to mention I felt guilty about leaving Jim in the lurch. He could barely move himself, and he needed someone to make sure he was drinking enough water, that he ate what he could... You know, the sort of stuff you can do at home to make sure that your roommate doesn't have to go to the hospital. Or maybe you don't know. Anyway, it's not that hard, even if it is kind of embarrassing at times. But I sort of owed him. We'd come to UT at the same time and ended up as roommates. The first surprise I got was finding a big jock type inhabiting my dorm room. The second surprise I got was when I found out he wasn't typical jock mentality - actually a decent human being, instead of a large animalistic id-made-flesh. EVERYONE got surprised when he declared himself homosexual and proceeded to explore that side of the fence with a vengeance. It took a lot of late-night talks before I was comfortable with the idea of an extremely large gay man sharing my sleeping quarters, but eventually we both got comfortable enough with the concept that we could joke about it. Eventually. He grew up in one of those little Texas towns, that you hear about but I'd never seen, where it's practically a little nation all to itself, and a monarchy too. He was the eldest son of the eldest son of the current patriarch and therefore in line for the throne, and he'd had a lot to live up to when he was growing up. Being gay was naturally not one of them. I guess the freedom of a 'big' city like Austin had just been the trigger, and he really cut loose. But, he was rich as hell, and when I didn't turn on him like he expected, he was really really grateful. I made my own way, but when my financial aid check was late coming in second semester, he paid for everything until I got it, and didn't charge me a cent of interest. And if a girl hit on him, he'd direct her my way, which worked out a couple of times. Things like that. And, when the first year was over, he found a condo he wanted and 'paid' me to stay in town and occupy it, while he went home to the family estate for the summer. He refused to let me pay rent, too. He said it was so he wouldn't lose the best roommate in the world; I think it was just he was scared of losing someone that he knew was okay with him being gay. I made sure I didn't take advantage of him, like I could have, but it was kind of cool having a nice place with nice furniture and an awesome entertainment center and that sort of thing. And he WOULD have bought all that stuff whether I was there or not, and I did manage to save him a couple of hundred dollars a few times, so it worked out well, I think. So when he got mono the two weeks before the end of our second year, I felt I had to take care of him. I mean, that's what friends do, right? At least that's how I was raised. So I ignored his protests and the doctor's advice and did my best for Jim while studying and taking classes. His boyfriend Steve did the rest when I couldn't, which was great, but he worked for a living, and he couldn't be there all the time. Steve had already had it, so he was immune; at least we all hoped and prayed he was... My own crash didn't happen until Jim was feeling much better and finals were over. Thank God. Though I still hated him sometimes. Mono is like that, though. Sometimes I hated myself just as bad and wanted to kill myself. At those times, I'd cry myself to sleep, which pretty much meant a couple of sniffles before I passed out. It's mono; what can I say? Anyway, it was a Thursday, the week after finals, that he came busting into my room in a panic. "Brad, you gotta help me!" Seeing as how I had seriously considered reverting to diapers so I wouldn't have to make the marathon trek to the bathroom, I really wondered if he'd lost his mind. "Uh," I grunted, which was about all I could manage at that point. It came out in two octaves, too. The sore throat I had along with the mono was a doozy. "It's my dad, he's coming to visit!" I grunted for him to continue, and he came and sat on the edge of my bed and held a straw to my lips so I could sip flat Sprite while he explained. "I've been telling Dad that I had a girlfriend, right? After I met Steve and everything, 'cause he wondered." Jim and Steve had been disgustingly cute; after their third date, even my friends could tell something was going on. If you could stand the idea of two gay guys in hearts-and-flowers kind of love... I could, barely, but any two people in fresh romance could be ultimately disgusting, especially to someone like me who was single. I knew they couldn't really help it, but it was still gross. And grosser watching two guys moon over each other. What made it truly terrible was that I didn't have anyone in my life that I was that serious about. "Guh?" I confirmed. "Yeah, I know it was stupid, but I swear, he HEARD it in my voice and asked me who she was and everything," he explained. If he could decipher what I was trying to grunt, he had a real future as a dentist, I thought. "Anyway, he's coming into town tomorrow night, and I gotta find a girlfriend I can show him." "Unh nnnuh oohhh aaahwuh," is what came out, meaning, 'I don't know anyone,' with a subtext of 'You dolt, what am I gonna do, start calling people when I can't even lift my arms?' "I had this idea, though, but it involves you. Please, Brad, would you help me out?" he asked. "Uh?" I asked, and he explained. To his credit, he didn't withhold care to try and influence my decision. On the other hand, at that point I was of the opinion that a true friend would have humanely ended my suffering, so I felt entitled to sulk for a while before I agreed to his stupid-assed plan. At least it mostly involved me sleeping.... I don't know how he knew what he knew or the people he knew, but he brought in a couple of guys who did drag or something, and they spent the night working on the house, giving it that 'feminine touch.' Me too. The first thing they did was feed me some Darvon. I asked why, and all they said was, "You'll see." The second thing they did was stuff me into a hot shower and wash everything, including the hair I'd been growing out since our dorm days. It felt good, in a remote sort of way, especially with whoever-it-was running his fingers through my hair with the hot water going. I was squeaky clean when I got out and they wrapped me into a clean set of sweats and back into bed. The third thing they did was hot wax my face. I later found out that this is an incredibly painful procedure, but the Darvon kicked in and I really didn't feel much. Or see much, or hear much, or think much... My eyebrows mostly disappeared at the same time, as did all my chest and abdominal hair, my underarm hair, most of my arm hair, and all the hair on my legs. I have no idea how long this took; they were there all night, and I kept waking up just long enough to get helped to the toilet to urinate, back to bed, and then to drink a glass of something and choke down some pills before I passed out again. I found out later that they had trimmed my hair and painted my toenails, too, but I was completely unconscious for those evolutions. I got moved into Jim's bedroom after that, which I remember as being amazingly cold for May in Texas and incredibly painful, even though I was mostly carried. I was shivering so hard I could barely see straight, and they made it worse by taking off all my clothes. By the time they redressed me and slipped me under the covers of Jim's bed, I thought I was going to die. The electric blanket they'd put me on helped, though, as did Jim pressing against me. I thought about protesting, since I wasn't gay, but I decided I'd wait until I got warm again before I did, and then I passed out from exhaustion before I got really warm. Jim woke me up later, and practically carried me into the bathroom for another hot shower. He did all the 'dirty work' this time, but aside from a couple of asides about 'finally getting me all hot and wet' which made me chuckle, he was all business. I did smile at them, though. It hurt when I laughed. I got put into fresh clothing, and this time I noticed it was into a nightgown, which I didn't remember either of us having one of before. Jim explained that he'd spent some money on girl clothes for me, which was gonna help support the fiction that I was his girlfriend. Yes, I WAS delusional and fevered at the time, or I never would have agreed to this. On the other hand, there was no way he could expect me to do a whole lot more than sleep, which was alright with me. Especially since I couldn't do anything else anyway. And I did owe him. And, I hate to admit, the long flannel was almost warmer than the sweats, somehow. It really felt nice, in the minutes I had of consciousness during the day. Jim spent a lot of the day shopping with one of the 'girls' for my new wardrobe, while Steve kept an eye on me like he'd done with Jim two weeks before. I slept, with occasional episode of consciousness that were devoted to pissing, drinking, and despairing of ever living again. Even a fifteen-second crying jag can exhaust you when you're not awake more than five minutes at a time, and they did exhaust me, several times. What eventually caught my attention was some sick bastard pounding on the front door like he was going to bust it in. I wanted to ignore it, but it was too loud, and then I finally realized that it was Steve who'd forgotten his key. I said a lot of choice words, or thought them, as I staggered to the front door, gasping for extra air as I held myself up with soggy limbs. When I fell on the doorknob and pulled the door open by some telekinetic feat I hadn't known I had in me... no one came in. I wanted to drop to the floor and collapse in a tantrum, but I knew if I did, I'd die there. So I looked outside. The light hurt, a lot. I squinted into the glare, and saw someone there - which at least meant I wasn't hallucinating or dreaming the knocking - but I couldn't tell who it was. "Huh?" I said, protesting everything from me having to get up and Jim being gone, to the raise in tuition and the fact that people were still hungry on Earth. "Oh, my God, Stephanie?" asked a deep male Texas voice. "Let me help you back into bed, where's that worthless son o'mine?" "Uh?" Stephanie? This was a whole new set of circumstances to complain about, so I did. "Rrrrr!" But the voice had already grabbed both my arms, shut the door, and taken me back to bed, where it wrapped me in the covers and made sure the electric blankets were where they could do some good. *Fuck all of you, I hate you,* I decided, and with that outburst of emotion, I passed out again. When I woke up again, I heard Jim's voice in conversation. I screamed out as loud as I could, not quite as loud as a mouse breathing, but Jim heard and came in to see what I wanted. I pointed to the bathroom, and he got me up and helped me in, setting me on the seat and arranging me so I wouldn't piss on myself. When my bladder emptied, I remembered what had happened earlier. "Izzuh yuh Dah?" I asked. My throat hurt like it always did, like someone had carefully sanded the lining off with a wire brush. "Yeah." Jim shook his head. "He got here about two hours before I told him to, but he was so sorry about disturbing you it was almost worth it." He grinned evilly. "Ah." That made some kind of sense. I swallowed, which hurt, and Jim held a straw up to my lips. I sucked as hard as I could, which was enough to get the liquid coming. Water this time, though it wasn't like I was picky. When I had enough for the moment, I spit the straw out. He had been counting out pills, though, so I had to take the straw back several times before I was really done. Jim put the cup back on the counter, and helped wipe me and pull my clothes back together, which I noticed again was a nightgown. That reminded me of something. "Uh! J'm?" He stopped and looked. "Stef'nie?" "Ah..." he hesitated, and I glared at him. Or tried to. It hurt, but then again, breathing hurt. He relented, and explained quietly into my ear, "Steve, Stephanie. It just sort of came out on the phone a couple of months ago, so it's kind of yours for now." Great. I was irritated at him until I went to sleep again; maybe thirty seconds max, as he brought me back to bed and piled covers on me. When I came to consciousness again, I didn't hear anyone. I managed to get to the bathroom by myself this time, though it was ghastly. So was taking my pills. When I came back, I noticed that Jim had refilled the drink boxes. When he'd had it, I had set up several containers with liquids, several feet of tubing, and little clamps, and constructed something that worked a lot like the water bottle in a hamster cage, except you had to hold the clip open to drink, and there was a choice of beverages. I chose Gatorade, and drank until I couldn't stand it any more, then let go of the clamp, threw the hose away from my body and went back to sleep. I know; this all sounds boring. It's a lot less boring, in a bad way, when you hurt so bad that sometimes you can't see, and when it's so hard to move you just want to let go and drop to the ground and die, except you don't have the energy to let go. Anyway, the next time I woke up was kind of interesting, because it was Jim waking me up. By kissing me as he pulled me into a sitting position. He didn't usually wake me up like this... "Sweetheart?" he said. "Uh?" I said back, more than a little confused. I wanted to say something like 'I'm gonna tell Steve about this' but I couldn't find enough of the words. Which was a good thing, I discovered, as I saw Jim's dad standing in the doorway watching me. Everything crawled back to me - usually you say 'rushed' but my brain was as tired out as the rest of me - and I smiled at him when I figured things out. "Steffie?" Jim said, and I made a noise as soon as I remembered that that was 'my' name for a while. "Dad and I, we just got back from dinner, and he wanted to meet you for a minute." "Hi," I managed towards Mister Macdonald. Normally, it should have come out as one note, or maybe two; this time it came out as a glissando of about fifteen sixteenth notes. "Hello, Stephanie," he said, striding forward and holding out his hand. I held mine out too, and he caught it before I dropped it. That was good; it might have fallen off and broken. "It's good to finally meet the girl that caught my son's heart," he grinned. I just squeezed his hand and smiled until he gave my hand back. "Anyway," Jim commanded as he lay me back down, "we'll all talk later if you're feeling better. Steffie, do you need some help to the bathroom?" I nodded twice, that being all I could manage, and blinked, and when I could open my eyes again, the bedroom door was shut, Jim's dad was nowhere to be seen, and Jim was half-carrying me into the bathroom again. "You're doing great," he assured me as I swallowed more pills with his help. "I am?" I really hadn't done much more than lie there, but that was apparently all that was required, because Jim nodded at me, grinning, and carried me back to bed. "Good," I managed to get out before I was buried under soft warm covers again and left alone in the dark. The next thing that woke me up was Jim stuffing almost-hot towels on one side of me before he crawled in the other side and pressed up against me. He felt warm, too, like he'd just taken a hot shower, so I felt really good, and I managed to stretch out of my usual heat- conserving fetal position before I went back to sleep. I woke up again in dark. Apparently, Jim was tired, because he didn't wake up with me. I managed to dump all those towels - cool by now - off the edge of the bed, because I was too weak to climb over them, and get out of bed and go to the toilet by myself. I started getting cold and exhausted after I took my pills, though, so I crawled back into bed, next to Jim again and went back to sleep. Next time it was in sunlight, and Jim was gone, though the bedroom door was shut. I managed by myself, and even got a look at myself in the mirror. My sophomore goatee was completely gone, which I guess I should have expected, but it was still a bit of a shock seeing it- well, NOT seeing it, I guess. And most of my eyebrows were gone too. In fact, I barely had any hair visible at all, except on the top, where it somehow looked like more. I guess that was the contrast. But whoever-it-was had trimmed it too, giving me a feminine set of bangs, and as I looked at myself, I noticed I had a girl's scrunchie holding the rest of my hair in a ponytail. The nightgown made me look feminine, too, including- I poked myself experimentally, and the twin lumps on my chest were semi-solid, but had no feeling. I poked harder, and confirmed that I still had nerve endings underneath the lumps somewhere, which was good... but under the nightgown, you couldn't tell the things were fake at all. I looked like shit, of course, but it was a surprisingly feminine shit. The daylight enabled me to see some of the stuff Jim had gotten, too. There was makeup and hair stuff in the bathroom, and some jewelry too, and there were clothes in the bedroom, including some obviously women's underwear kind of items. *Weird,* I thought, because Jim was the last person that I'd have expected to have such things... Of course, he'd bought it all, not 'acquired' it from girlfriends. My last thought before I went to sleep was imagining putting the racier underwear on my car mirror like trophies... I made it up and down a few more times, feeling proud because I was doing it myself again, but I didn't see Jim until he came to bed. He told me that he'd spent the day showing his dad the tourist spots, and he was pretty tired and stressed, but he thought it was going okay. He explained this to me as we both showered together. I'd thought, dimly, that I was getting better, but it was a measure of how bad I was still, that I didn't even consider the showering situation until we were in bed together, me in another nightgown and him in jammie pants, and even then I couldn't do more than chuckle sleepily before I passed out again. Still, I'd been awake almost twenty minutes, which was a record for the week, I thought. I only had to go once during the night, and I managed to both go to the toilet and drink myself full of Gatorade again without waking Jim up. Sunday morning, I actually was awake in bed for several minutes after my usual piss/take pills/drink lots routine. I'd almost decided to get up and see what was going on when, naturally, I fell asleep again. I woke up after lunch, and smelled something that had to be food, and I almost felt like eating it. At least, the idea of tasting it was no longer instantly nauseating, even after I drank something. I got up out of bed and noticed a pink robe hanging on the bedroom door hook. *S'not Jim's, or Steve's. Must be 'Stephanie's,* I decided, and slowly made my way over to the door. I still had enough strength to slip the robe on and open the door, so I did. "Jim?" I called out, getting irritated again at how my voice was bouncing all over the place. I couldn't see anyone from where I was, but a few seconds later Jim called back, "I'll be right there, darling," and in a few seconds, he was. He was wearing a suit and tie, too. He pushed me back into the bedroom and shut the door. "What's going on?" he asked quietly, putting arms around me to support me. "I'm almost hungry," I whispered back, and was happy to find that that put my voice back under control. "What are you eating?" "Dad got some barbecue after we went to church..." He rolled his eyes at me. "It's pretty good, though. Want me to bring you some?" "Should I come out and meet him?" I asked back. I guess, thinking about it later, that I was still fevered. But it made sense to me at the time - I'm dressed like a girl so I can convince him that I'm Jim's girlfriend, and I can't do that by just hiding in the room forever - and a glance in the mirror told me I looked as good, or as bad, as I had yesterday. Feminine enough to look like I was halfway to death's door, anyway, which was good enough. "Are you serious?" Jim asked me, holding me with both hands. "Are you sure you can handle it?" I shrugged at him. "We'll try it, and if not, I go back to bed and sleep some more." "Okayyyy," he said skeptically, but he helped me outside and towards the dining room. Someone had cleared all our books off the expensive Scandanavian table - while I was done with finals, Jim still had to make his up if he didn't want F's for the entire semester - and Jim's dad was sitting at it, gnawing on a rib. "Dad," Jim said as the older man stood up, "Steffie said she wanted to come out for a minute, but I don't want her to stay up too long." "Wahl, that's great," his dad said, smiling broadly at both of us. I smiled back, and Jim settled me into a chair placed very close to his. "What can I get for you, missy?" I sort of wanted a rib, but my teeth hurt too much. Everything hurt too much. Especially my stomach, all of a sudden, and I started to salivate at the sight of real food. I swallowed the mouthful of spit and said, "Um, brisket please?" My voice went everywhere again, and I tried not to sigh. "That's a bad sore throat you got there," his dad said as the two of them put stuff on a plate. Not just brisket, but some cole slaw and potato salad too. Jim busied himself cutting the brisket up into little pieces for me, which made me want to laugh at him. "Yeah, the doc said it's a secondary infection, coming in with the mono," he explained. "I hate it," I commented in several octaves, which made Jim's dad smile. "Wahl," he drawled at me, "I 'spect you'll be up an' around soon enough, if you let Jim take care a'you an' keep restin' like you have been." It was astonishing, how much like a hick Jim's father sounded. Jim didn't sound anything like that at all. Before I could work up a reply, Jim answered for me. "Oh, she will, Dad." He put an arm around my shoulders and 'encouraged' me to lean closer to him. Leaning up against him was easier than sitting up, anyway, so I just nodded and smiled. I had thoughts about feeding myself, like anyone over the age of two, but this was not to be. Jim started a steady stream of tiny bits of meat and potato salad and slaw towards my mouth, and it was easier to let him do it than it would have been to get him to stop. Especially since I couldn't remember the words to get him to stop, and he wasn't giving me time to say them anyway. Jim and his dad were talking about stuff, but I wasn't really into whatever it was, so I just ate what was put in my mouth and tried to keep a pleasant expression on my face, just like any sorority girl would. It wasn't that hard; I guess my endorphins were coming back from vacation. I was glad they were back; I'd missed them. I ate half a slice of brisket and maybe two tablespoons of each of the sides before dinner was over, but that was enough to satisfy my cravings. I thought that, with the lack of food in the last week, that my stomach was probably the size of a golf ball by now, which made me smile before I drifted off to sleep... Jim woke me up just enough to where I could manage half the work of walking back to the bedroom - Jim did the rest - and then he helped me off with the robe and back into bed. I felt astonishingly full, considering how little I'd eaten, but then again, this was the first solid food I'd had in over a week. I also felt tired, but that was nothing new. I smiled at him, and I was gonna say something, but I fell asleep before I could get it out. Jim accidentally woke me up as he was getting ready for bed, and then he decided the two of us should take another shower. I didn't mind; I could, just barely, smell myself, and it wasn't a nice smell. "So how's it going with him?" I asked as he was holding me from behind and rinsing us both with the hose. I was hanging on to the showerhead, gripping with enough force to slightly deform an overripe banana. "Not too bad," he said sourly. "He's still an asshole, but I can deal with it a bit better." He sighed. "I miss Steve." "I know," I agreed. "Just don't show it. How long is he gonna be here?" "Oh God," Jim groaned. "He SHOULD be gone after tomorrow. I hope and pray." I nodded. "Brad?" he whispered into my ear. "I really owe you big time for doing this." "Oh, sure," I agreed before I realized what he'd said. One of those sentences where agreeing meant you didn't agree, or something like that. "I mean, no, Jim, it's not a problem, really. I mean, look at everything you're doing for me." About then, I guess, it hit us both what it sort of looked like, with him pressed up against me from behind and both of us all slick and all that. We laughed, but he didn't waste any time getting us both out of there and me dressed again. At least he stuffed me into clean clothes. It was sort of weird, but I almost felt safer in the nightgown around him. Of course, I didn't have anything to worry about anyway - I wasn't buff enough for him - but it was still sort of funny. I didn't mention this to him, though; he looked guilty enough. I dunno why. I guess our conversation had sparked something, though, because when we went back to the bed and he tucked me in, he pulled the phone out and dialed and started talking to Steve - you could tell it was someone intimate, and he only had the one boyfriend at the time. He'd shut the bedroom door and was talking quietly, so I didn't think he could be overheard. And hearing his voice drone on and on was soooo soothing... The next day went basically like the previous two had. Jim and his father left fairly early in the morning, I had no idea why, and I spent the day sleeping and doing my little bathroom routine by myself. I felt more energetic than I had in a long time; I even managed to sneak out of the bedroom and raid the refrigerator for the hoped-for barbecue leftovers. I was exhausted and shaky when I finished, but I'd also eaten two whole pieces of meat, AND walked all that way by myself. And back. Having mono makes you REALLY pathetic, in case you hadn't figured that out by now. You'll cry over things like finding a door unexpectedly shut, and in the worst of it if you spend ten minutes a day fully conscious you're overdoing it. So these tiny signs that I was heading back to normal were cause for rejoicing, which I did until I passed out again. Oh well... About four PM, I was on my way back from the bathroom, fully intending to read a book for a while, when someone knocked at the bedroom door. Like before, my thoughts didn't race like they would have normally; they kind of sauntered casually. *Who's that?* was the first one. Then, *Got to be Jim's dad. Am I decent?* I was, for a girl. *Oh.* This was mildly embarrassing. *Do I say anything?* Then I remembered I'd just flushed the toilet, announcing to all and sundry that I was awake. *Oh well, guess so.* I made my way over to the door and opened it. It was Jim's dad, like I'd deduced, which made me feel clever. "Yeah?" I asked in a four note arpeggio. "Hi, Stephanie," he smiled, which made me smile back. He had a lot of charm, even if he was a redneck asshole. "Ah hope Ah'm not disturbin' you?" "Not really," I told him. "What's up?" "Well, Ah'm gonna be headin' back to the farm tomorrow mornin', and I just wondered... you know me and Jim have had our differences, but we seem to be gettin' back in tune as it were." I nodded absently. I had no idea if this was what Jim thought, but I'd have to mention it the next time I saw him. "Anyway," Jim's father continued as I wondered where Jim was, "I was thinkin' about takin' him out to a nice place for dinner tonight, since it's mah last night in town, and since you know him purty well, I was wonderin' if you thought it'd be a good ahdear?" I almost asked him what an 'ahdear' was, but caught it just in time to save us both from embarrassment. He looked like he was having enough emotional strain anyway, at the moment. I guessed that things like 'caring' didn't come easily to this man. "Oh, um..." I tried to think, I really did, but all that came to mind was my hunger. "Yeah, I think he would," I smiled at him. He smiled back gratefully before he gently ordered me back to bed and made sure I had everything I needed. Finally he shut the door, and #ding!# I passed out again. About an hour later, I'd rolled over and taken a mouthful or two of water. I was just about to go back to sleep when I realized that it was going to take me a looooong time to get dressed if he was going to take us out to a fancy restaurant! "Shit," I asked the ceiling, "why do I do these things to myself?" The ceiling didn't answer, which was a relief; I'd been half-worried, and half anticipating, hallucinations, but now would be a really bad time to start having them. I pushed myself upright, and looked around the room. I had enough in the way of clothes, at least... and Austin just didn't get very fancy, especially on Monday night. Probably, one of the dresses would do.... I spent at least a couple of minutes sitting up with my eyes closed, having a bout of REM sleep in which I was already dressed and I was at some restaurant, with Jim behind me. I think what knocked me out of it was when I started to fall over, but it was enough to get me moving. I tortured myself by getting out of the bed and going into the bathroom. A full shower or bath was beyond me, but I thought I could handle a hospital style bath by myself, so I stripped down to the bra - I wasn't sure I could get it off, or back on again - and knelt down in the tub before I turned the water on. When I finished, I was a bit cleaner, somewhat warmer, and most importantly, I didn't feel any more tired than I had when I started. "Jeez, I'm almost well," I told myself as I carefully got out of the tub. It was a lie, but it made me feel better even as I recognized how much of a lie it was. I wrapped a towel around me, girl-fashion, to get into the mood, and wandered out to look at the girl clothes that had appeared in Jim's bedroom. There was rather a lot, and I hoped he hadn't spent too much money. Part of me really wanted to say to hell with everything right then and go back to bed, but I really did owe Jim, and this would help him out, I knew. So I flopped on the end of the bed and looked around intently at the clothes that were strewn over the room. I looked and looked and looked, and I didn't realize I'd fallen asleep again until I almost fell off the bed. "Oh shit," I said softly, because I'd lost another fifteen minutes too. "Gotta go," I told myself. It was easier to crawl across the floor than walk, so I crawled to one of the larger piles and dug through it until I thought I had collected something that looked 'nice' and feminine enough. Or somethings. I had a white blouse, a long black skirt, and a black sweater vest, plus a lace-infested under-dress or whatever it is. You need one of those, in case... I have no idea why you need one, but you do. And a pack of pantyhose. I'd watched my mom get dressed enough times for work that I knew what to do with everything, and even the stupid reversed buttons didn't confuse me too badly. But it seemed to take forever and be REALLY hard, especially the damned pantyhose, and I was tempted to just lie down right there in the floor and rest... "Nooooooooooooo," I moaned as I pushed off and went scrabbling for shoes. The very first thing I found was a pair of black sandals, and I knew black shoes went with black clothes, so I tried them on. They fit, which was mildly disturbing, but it was gonna be a lot easier to explain than the shoes not fitting. That was all I could think of for the clothing; next was... "Makeup, ugh." That meant I had to go into the bathroom again, and worse, stand up. I crawled back over to the bed and used it to climb upright again. Going into the bathroom showed me a ghastly amount of stuff, much of which I had no earthly idea what it was for. But, again, I'd watched my mom enough times to pick out some foundation, and some eyeliner, and mascara, and lipstick, and eyeshadow, which was all I had time for before the spots in my eyes threatened to grow together and knock me out completely. Five minutes of resting my chin on the toilet seat restored me enough to where I remembered what I had to do. I looked up at the bathroom mirror, high high above me, and shook my head. "No way." But, I realized I was almost sitting on a small table, and one that was low enough to the floor that I didn't have to get up. All I needed to do was to shut the lid. And to find a mirror, and I thought I remembered one. On the vanity. "Oh, Lord, give me strength..." I made it upright long enough to find the mirror and make a semi- graceful landing, but then I had to rest again. "This is stupid," I commented to the world at large, but that was sort of a comment on the whole damn thing, from Jim having to come out when he got to college all the way to me sitting on the bathroom floor. It was, too, but I realized that I really didn't have time to get existential right then, so I filed the idea away for later discussion and got to work when I was strong enough. Foundation was easy; just smear it evenly over your face until it's all one color. I could even brace my back against the tub for most of it, which made it less tiring. The eyes were next, and I had to do some serious thinking to remember which part to do first, but finally I decided on liner. After a bit of experimentation - I'd had no idea my hands shook that much - I figured out that if I put the mirror flat on the toilet lid, rested my hand on the lid, and put my eye right over the mirror, that I could line the top lid without too many problems. I know it went on kind of dark, but I figured I could smudge it out later. The shadow was next, and that was easy. I'd just figured out which way the stupid curved mascara brush was supposed to line up with my eyelid when someone opened the bedroom door. "Jim?" I squeaked, somewhere above high C. I really hoped it was him... "Yeah?" Jim called back, and I sighed in relief. "I'm in the ba-" "What the hell?" he said as he came in the bathroom. "Your dad, he wanted to take us out to dinner," I explained. "So I had to get ready, and..." I stopped talking when he walked out. I thought about it, and finally realized that we were probably running late and that he had to start changing himself, so I went back to gently daubing the black goo into my eyelashes. Toilet paper worked pretty well to get rid of mistakes; some of the Q tips that Jim used to clean his ears worked even better. I could just reach the box by his sink without having to get up. I'd finally gotten my eyes looking even on both sides and halfway decent, when Jim called, "Stephanie?" It wasn't too hard to remember that I was supposed to answer to that, dressed like I was and doing what I was doing, so I answered as soon as I could. Jim came into the bathroom and helped me up and back into the bedroom without really asking me if I wanted the help. The skirt was really tight; I could only take little baby steps after I pulled it back down where it was supposed to be. I guess that was a good thing. Jim's father was there, shaking his head. "Steffie," Jim said sternly, but his dad interrupted. "Jim, when I axed her," which confused me a lot. "I axed her about you an' me goin' ayout. I didn't say nothin' about takin' her to dinner with us. No offense," he nodded at me. "But you're way too sick to be out of bed, Stephanie." Jim put me on the bed and everyone looked at me. "Well..." I felt really stupid now. "I just sort of assumed you wanted me to go with you, and I am feeling a lot better than I was, really." If you tried to write down what my voice sounded like when I said this, you'd need four sheets of music paper and a tape recorder; I was hitting sixty-fourth notes in four octaves, and a few times I would swear I got two notes out at the same time, which was supposed to be impossible. "I just sound awful," I added, which was wholly and completely true. "And I'm hungry. And I'm almost ready..." We had a discussion, which made me more tired than I really needed, before they both agreed I could come along. I was starting to get irritated with Jim; I mean, what did he want me to do, just lay in his bed like a life-sized blowup doll? And I guess that helped, because Jim's father laughed and told him he'd better do what the 'little lady' said before she (me) got upset. That bothered Jim, and it would have bothered me too, except I'd just spent an hour trying my damnedest to look just like a little lady, and just for Jim's sake, to go out to a stupid dinner that no one wanted me to go to, and it just seemed so damned futile that I started to sob before I could stop myself, and that settled the issue right then. I got to go, and Jim's dad departed the bedroom quickly. Jim dabbed at my eyes with a tissue while I hoped furiously that I hadn't ruined the best makeup job of my life. 'Twas also the only makeup job of my life, but it was the principle of the thing that had me upset. Finally, I got calmed down and cleaned up, I guess, because Jim stopped wiping. "I guess, all you need to do is your hair. And the rest of your makeup," he said. "Yeah," I admitted. "Can you help with that?" I didn't know how to make my hair go, and if he did it, I wouldn't have to stand in front of the mirror for a while, the operative and painful word being 'stand.' And I had no idea what I'd missed on the makeup. He agreed, and I spent a while with him brushing blush over my cheeks, and then lining my lips with lipstick. I felt kind of dumb, forgetting lipstick. Then there were several painful minutes while he did I-don't-know-what to my hair, using a brush and a pick and some clips, and then he grinned at me and said, "Done!" "Can I see?" He hauled me in front of the mirror - well, I walked by myself this time; I just needed help getting off the bed - and I looked. If you hadn't known I was sick, it was pretty obvious, because... well, I just looked horribly sick. But, again, like a horribly sick GIRL, and this time I looked like a horribly sick girl who had made a serious effort to look nice and well for whatever reason. This was way too complicated a visual message for me to figure out in an hour or less at my limited brain capacity, so I just looked at the hair and makeup. They both looked as good as a normal girl would have done, at least to me. My hair looked good pinned up like it was, and the makeup wasn't too garish. The eyes, I noticed particularly, looked really good... Jim came back in and started attaching jewelry to me, much faster than I could have managed, and then showed me myself again. "Perfect!" I nodded, and so he put me on the bed to rest until he got ready, which I did. Getting ready must've taken more out of me than I thought, because it seemed like I'd just barely closed my eyes when he was pulling me up and saying, "I thought you wanted to go out so bad." "I do, I do!" I protested, and let him help me to my feet. "Lemme look at both of us," I said, and he led us both over to the mirror again. I hadn't messed anything up, and the two of us made a nice looking couple, especially since he was wearing a black sports coat and tie, which matched my outfit. I smiled at the reflection, or him, or something, and he smiled back before he took us out front. Jim made sure I was holding on to his arm as we walked out to the car, which was not something I was going to object to. I realized that I probably didn't want to run into anyone we knew, but that was about the time we were pulling out of the parking lot, so it was too late already. I shrugged, and then reverted to instinct, which meant sleep. "Steffie!" someone barked at me, which woke me up. I looked around, blinking, and Jim was on the right side, beckoning me out. I slid out and he helped me out and up, and smiled at the valet. I smiled too, wondering where in the hell we were, but I didn't see a sign before Jim whisked me in. I had no real idea what to do, so I consciously decided I would act like a brainless sorority girl and let Jim make all the decisions. All I had to do was stay conscious, and smile. It worked, I guess. We had to wait for several minutes in the lobby before we got taken back to a table, and then I got wedged into a corner which supported me on both sides, and I was right next to Jim. And nobody really looked at me too much, and if they looked at me at all, I'd smile at them and they would smile back. I guess that was good. Everyone asked if I was okay - the hostess, the waiter, everybody - and Jim kept explaining it while I kept smiling vaguely. I got a lot of sympathetic looks, which was okay with me, and they were really nice to me when Jim ordered some kind of broiled fish for me. Dinner was a lot like Sunday lunch had been, except I was using my own utensils this time, and of course I was dressed a lot nicer. Jim and his dad talked about stuff I could not be bothered to try and comprehend, so I concentrated on eating and looking feminine. That pretty much translated into 'Eat daintily' and smiling a lot. Luckily, my brain could handle that for almost the entire meal. And the fish was pretty soft, too, so it didn't take a lot of effort to cut up and eat. Jim's dad started asking me questions, about my major and stuff, and so I lied my ass off. Luckily, I was Plan 2, which meant I could talk about the English parts of the curriculum and leave the engineering out of it entirely. And, of course, talking about something I was actually taking made it a whole lot easier to lie. Eventually, Jim finished stuffing his face, and he put his arm on the back of my chair. I'd been done for a while, so I leaned against him and took little tastes of his apple pie. It was good pie, and I was sort of sorry I'd had fish instead of a dessert. Eventually, Jim tapped me on the shoulder, and when I looked up at him, he smiled and bent his head down. *Oh,* I realized as he kissed me, *he wants to kiss me?* But it was too late, of course. I made sure I smiled when he pulled away, though, because I was sure his dad was watching. "Ready to go?" he asked, and I nodded, and then we got into the process of getting me up. "Don't forget your purse," he said as he handed the black leather item to me, which confused me since I didn't remember bringing it. By the time I decided not to worry about it, we were at the front again. "Do you want to go freshen up before we leave?" he asked. I sort of had to go pee again, so I nodded before I really thought about it. I really thought about it when Jim had dropped me off in front of a door that said 'Ladies,' but by then it was too late, and I had a bunch of women coming up behind me, so I went the only way I could go and pushed the door open. It was a bathroom. The only difference I could see was no urinals. And, of course, it had women in it instead of men. Some of them were talking, but some of them weren't, which was good, since I didn't feel like a conversation right then. I found a stall, managed to find the appropriate organ, sit, and urinate before I fainted or exploded, which was a good thing. A minute or so after I finished, I realized I had to leave eventually, and it would be best if I got out while I still had a ride, as it were. So I pulled the pantyhose back up and wiggled everything around until I thought it was okay again, flushed the toilet, and came out. I was just going to walk out, but some woman started to wash her hands, which reminded me to wash mine, and then when I was washing, I noticed that all my lipstick had disappeared except for a ring around the outer edge. I dried my hands and then rummaged in the purse until I found the lipstick and then carefully reapplied it. When I came out, finally, both Jim and his father were standing around waiting. I started to say 'Sorry,' but Jim's father came out with, "We thought you might have got lost in there!" And chuckled at his own 'humor.' I just smiled politely at him and latched myself onto Jim again. We went home after that, and Jim's dad said some nice things before he left for his hotel room. "Oh, my God, you were fantastic tonight," Jim said in admiration. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, because I was tired of standing up, and I almost went to sleep right there. He took me into the bedroom, which woke me up, and he kept wanting to ask me questions, but I was so tired, it was all I could do to remove the clothing and jewelry and get dressed in a clean nightgown. Jim un-did the hair and makeup for me, and then I was out. The next morning, Jim and I woke up with his alarm, which didn't make either of us pleased, but he shut it up quickly enough. I was going to go back to sleep, but Jim put his arm around me and said, "God, you were fantastic last night." "Thanks," I said muzzily. I wasn't expecting him to kiss me again, but I guess that was all he wanted to do, because after he did, he let go and lay back down in the bed. This time, though, he had his arm around my waist. I thought about saying something, but once again, before I could decide whether I should or not, I went back to sleep. The next time I woke up, Jim was gone. I thought hard about changing back into 'me,' but decided that I'd wait until I got the all-clear from Jim that his dad was back in BFE Texas. It'd really suck to blow it now, I thought. I was hungry again, though, so after I'd relieved myself and taken my pills and drunk a lot of Gatorade, I put the pink robe on and slowly trudged into the kitchen and towards the refrigerator. The barbecue was gone, and I was debating whether to try heating something frozen or just go back to bed when there was a knocking at the door. "Man, I knew it," I smirked as I wandered towards the front door.