Trading Faces
(or Call It A Weakness)

an SRU Tale

by Bek D Corbin

Angela H. Delarosa sullenly strolled down the galleria. Normally, she could find something here to get her mind off of her troubles, even if she had to haul her ass all the way out from NYC to home, sweet home, Greenwich. But there was no getting out from under her woes this time. She was coming slowly, inexorably to the end of her rope.

Then she spotted something that knocked her completely out of her funk. She was sure that it hadn't been here the last time she was around, and was it a little shabby for the perpetually upscale suburb, especially for such a new shop. But over the door carved in a faux wooden plaque was "Spells 'R' Us". Spells 'R' Us?

But the Spells 'R' Us Shop was only a really silly bull session story told by drunken Sorority girls to see exactly how gullible pledges were! Stupid tales of obnoxious Frat boys turned into pneumatic bimbos. She'd even sat in on a couple of sessions where sexy, bosomy Cheryl Masters had insisted that she had once been a Frat boy named Chad at the Delta Iota Kappa frat house. It was completely ridiculous of course, but it might be worth a look.

She opened the tacky door, tripping the near-mandatory bell. The shop was cluttery and dusty, and really didn't belong in Greenwich. Behind the counter, reading a magazine was a cute-looking, well-developed brunette girl. By her side on the counter were what looked like a game-board with holes in it, and a pile of pegs. She looked up from her magazine, and smiled brightly. "Hi, Angela! It's about time you showed up!"

"But, what, how...?"

The girl jerked a thumb towards a painted sign on a far wall. It said, "He knows because he's a Wizard."

Angela looked askance at the girl. "'Because He's a wizard?'"

The girl shrugged. "The Boss is in the back doing something wizardly. I'm Dannie. Welcome to Spells 'R' Us, where stupid tales of obnoxious Frat boys turned into pneumatic bimbos are born. Here we have a wonderful selection of doo-dads, gimcracks, knick-knacks and boondoggles. _So_, tell me your troubles."

"What makes you think that I have troubles?"

"Hey, you wouldn't be here, and- more to the point- this shop wouldn't be here, if you didn't.

"Wellllll...., if this IS the Spells 'R' Us shop, then wouldn't you already know what my problem is?"

"Yeah, but you gotta verbalize it first. Them's the rules; I don't make 'em, I just occasionally trip over 'em."


"Y'got six or seven years to spare, just to hear the basics?"

Angela passed on that and started in on her tale. "I've only been married for four years, and my marriage is already falling apart. I married Frank straight out of college, and never had a chance to see if I could make it on my own. Frank was a senior, and had done two tours of duty with the navy, while I was just a sophomore. He was wonderful and romantic. But he only married me for my family connections. You see, he was raised in a Catholic orphanage, and my father is Jeremy Harcourt, a senior partner at Ashton, Harcourt & Jenks, the brokerage firm. Thanks to my father's connections, Frank's career took off like a rocket. But now, my looks are starting to go..."

Dannie started to open her mouth to say that Angela was still a very good looking woman, who might stand to lose, say 20 or 30 pounds, but with a reasonable diet and moderate exercise- but had been a woman long enough to know better.

"My looks are starting to go, and he's spending more and more time at work. I'm sure that he's either screwing around or setting me up to get a divorce."

"So what? You're young and still pretty, your family is rich, and divorce ain't the big hoo-hah it used to be. If anything, it would probably hurt him more socially than it would you."

"But it is! You see, he made me sign a very binding pre-nup, and Daddy- well, Daddy took it in the chin when those damn Dot.Com stocks went south. I have no money of my own, and Frank is smart and mean enough to tie up what funds-in-common I could claim seven ways to Sunday. I gave up my own studies to be his wife, and I have no job skills! He said that there would be no need for me to have to learn them! But now, I've put on a few pounds, and he's sniffing around somewhere else, the pig! He has everything set just the way that He wants it, and there's no way that I can get out from under his thumb!" She began to cry softly. To console herself, Angela reached into her purse, pulled out a small box of chocolates, and popped one in her mouth. She looked at Dannie "Call it a weakness."

Dannie propped her chin up with her arm on the counter. "That's very sad, but exactly what do you want? To be somebody else? For your husband to love you again? To be slim and beautiful, so you can hold his interest?"

"NO! I want that RAT to know how helpless I feel! I want to be the one with him under my thumb!"

A deep voice boomed from the back "Well spoken! We can definitely help you out, under those terms." An old man in a tatty robe came from a room in the back, smoking an odd looking pipe with a kind of high domed metal lid. "But, before we make any transactions, one clarification- which do you want: Justice, Revenge, or Power?"

"Why, Justice, of course!"

"Ah, well then..." The old man rummaged around in a cabinet for a bit, and pulled out a jewelry box. He lay the box on the counter and opened it. In the box, lying on a bed of green velvet, was a hand-wrought gold medallion. On the face of the medallion was a stylized character that Angela felt she should have recognized but didn't. "Take this medallion and place it around your neck. Then, when you think the time is right, place it around your husband's neck. When that is done, you will have the upper hand- for as long as you can keep it. And I assure you, Justice will be done."

Angela picked up the medallion. "How much?"

"Five bucks."

"Five dollars?"

"Hey, business is business."

Even if it were only piece of junk jewelry from a schlock shop with a really obscure theme, five bucks for a medallion that size was still a good buy. "Sure, I mean, why not? Do you take plastic?"

"Sorry, all payments are strictly cash- and Karma. But we insist on providing a receipt."


Once outside, Angela felt a twinge of buyer's remorse and turned around. But the tacky little shop wasn't there. Instead the Stationary shop and the Food Court were flush against each other. But- that was impossible- unless... Suddenly, Angela felt her entire paradigm shift- the Spells 'R' Us Shop was real! There were beings that could alter the very fabric of reality at will! Cheryl Masters really had been turned into a girl! It explained why, against all odds, logic and the laws of Averages, her college had the highest averaged bra cup size in the academic world!

Angela looked down at the box in her hand. She could barely keep from laughing out loud. For a measly five bucks, the Wizard had given her the ability to take control of her life!


Dannie looked out the window at Angela through the window, from a vantagepoint just barely out of shift with Angela's reality. "Ah, Master- I didn't think we dealt in those medallion thingies. I mean, it doesn't really fit into your change-dudes-into-babes schtick. Don't you have an agenda with that?"

"Yep. Not to worry, Dannie. I prefer to let these things work themselves out a bit before I lay on the major mojo."

"Since when?"


Frank T. Delarosa trudged out of the phonebooth-sized elevator into the cramped hallway. By corporate office standards, it was squalid- by the standards of Manhattan condominiums, it was downright luxurious. The african-american woman who lived two doors down hustled past him without a word. It occurred to him that he didn't have the slightest idea of what her name was. He remembered something he'd read somewhere, about how those who grew up in boarding schools didn't have any problems being in jail- only those who grew up in the comparative intimacy of slums find prisons so heart-breaking.

He opened the door. The place wasn't a mess, but that was only because of three-times-a-week visits from a cleaning service. Even the less than homey air of the apartment wasn't what made coming home so hard- it was who he was coming home to. After a long week of cozening nervous investors into coming to something vaguely resembling a working arrangement, he really didn't want to come home to yet another session of how he was personally responsible for [suppressing, blocking, diminishing, eclipsing, invalidating: pick one] her.

He'd run into Derek Kryczek again that afternoon. They'd exchanged the usual nasty asides, and generally made lunch unpleasant. Ol' Dirk and him had been best buddies in college. They'd studied together, played touch football together, gotten seriously drunk together, and dated the same women. It was the last thing that had screwed them over- to wit; they'd both dated Angela. What had started out as merely uncomfortable slowly escalated into unrelenting bitterness. And he'd won- or so he thought. If he had won, then why did coming home to the spoils of his victory fill his stomach with twinges of anxiety?

Angela was sprawled across the sofa, a highball glass in one hand, her other in a box of chocolates and a snarky grin on her face. "Hey, Frank! You're home! I'm so glad to see you!"

Well, THAT was a change! No 'it's about time you got back', or 'you get to work in a great big office, while I'm stuck in this dinky apartment'. But his well-developed sense of suspicion wouldn't let him take it at face value. They fenced verbally for a while, but for some reason, Angela never started in on her usual round of recriminations. She always kept that sneaky smile on her face, like she was holding onto a special secret. That was it for Frank- as soon as he could get something, anything on Angela, he'd drop divorce papers on her so fast that it would break the sound barrier.

After a bit of repartee as foreplay, Angela decided that it was time to lower the boom. "Honey, I picked up a new piece of jewelry today."

"Oh, Christ, another one? How many useless pieces of crap are you going to go out and buy?"

"Call it a weakness. Besides, I didn't buy it for me; I bought it for you! Here, I've been keeping it warm for you." She reached up, lifted the large gold medallion off her neck, and handed it to Frank.

He looked at it. At least it looked like men's jewelry, but he was sufficiently sensitive about his background that he didn't particularly like the implication that he was some gold medallion wearing mook. But it was a gift, and he didn't want to give her any ammunition when the sniping started. He didn't recognize the ideogram on the medallion, but thought it best to keep that under wraps. It probably was ancient sumerian for 'kick me'. He put the medallion around his neck.

A sensation as if his very essence were being sucked out hit him. His vision swam, as if he were being pulled through a tube. And finally, he felt his- for want of a better word- soul, land someplace. Suddenly, he was sitting- no, lying down, and he felt the glass in his left hand joggle. It spilled the drink onto his dress. Waitaminnit! Dress?! "What the fuck?!"

His voice sounded way too high- instead of his usual baritone, it was a light soprano. Sitting bolt up straight, and spilling more of the drink in the process, he looked over at the nearest figure.

The man was tall, at least 6' 2", athletic in build, and wore a well-tailored suit. He was dark, with curly close-cropped hair, and rugged good-looking Mediterranean features. He stood as if staggered at bit himself. He looked down at himself and said in a very familiar baritone voice, "Well, I wasn't expecting that! So That's what the Wizard meant when he said that I would have the upper hand, and that Justice would be done."

Frank recognized both the man and the voice- it was he! But How? He looked down and instead of the body that he had diligently maintained with regular visits to the gym, it was a very feminine body wrapped in the dress that Angela had been wearing. Feeling an impossible dread, he lifted his left hand. On the dainty ring finger were Angela's engagement and wedding rings. At the wrist was the diamond-encrusted watch that they'd had that argument about last week.

His hands flew to his chest. There were large soft mounds where there should have been hard flat pecs. He scurried off the couch and into the bathroom, completely ignoring the unfamiliar shoes with the high heels. Peering out of the medicine cabinet mirror were Angela's ever-so slightly over-ripe features. He- no, She gasped "But, How? This is Impossible!"

The man came up from behind her. "Impossible? Now, Angie, is that anything to say about your Lord and Master coming home?"

She spun around and looked him straight in the eye. His rugged features were split into a nasty grin. "Angela? Is that You?"

"No, You are Angela; I am Frank. I am the one with the big-shot job, and the money in the bank. You live through my largesse. And if you know what's good for you, you'll act like a good little wife from now on." He strode masterfully out of the bathroom and got his overcoat. "For now, I'm going to go out and do some guy stuff."

She tried to stop him, but he easily brushed her aside. "And, Angie? How many times have I told you to get off of your fat ass and clean this place up? I don't want to come home to this pigsty!"

As she heard him march down the hallway, Frank- now Angela- Delarosa sank down onto the couch and tried valiantly not to cry.


Later that night, Angela was in bed after a bad night of getting used to her new situation. She was wearing the long flannel nightgown that Angela- that is, the Angela-who-was-now-Frank- wore when she didn't want Frank- that is, the Frank-who-was-now-Angela- to get too frisky in bed. She heard the front door open, and Frank's voice sing out in a mock Ricky Rickardo voice, "Aaaangieeee! I'm HoOOOmmme!"

He staggered slightly as he came in the bedroom. She could smell good booze on him- what a waste. He started to shuck out of his clothes. When he was naked, he pulled the sheets off of her. He smirked down are her, huddled in her flannel nightgown. "And now, for the high point of the evening. A husband's right."

He lay over her, and took possession of her.


The next morning, Angela-who-had-been-Frank looked over at her old body, lying next to her, snoring. Apart from her childhood conditioning, the lack of foreplay, and the mess afterwards, the worst thing about having sex with Frank-who-had-been-Angela was that he was over and done with it, just when she'd actually been starting to enjoy it. Her body had actually been starting to respond, and he had left her hanging. She looked at him, and thought what countless women through the ages have thought in the same circumstances: I wonder how many years they'd give me, if I kill him while he sleeps. Of course there couldn't be that many who would also have the complication that they would actually be killing their own body as well.

She got out of bed and hustled into the bathroom. She locked the door and went about douching the sticky goo out of her vagina. As she finished, it occurred to her that she shouldn't know how to do this, let alone do it automatically. She looked at the makeup and other feminine articles. She recognized them, and knew not only how to use them, but how to use them to achieve specific effects. It occurred to her that if she knew how to use makeup, and probably how to dress in women's clothes, then the Angela-who-was-now Frank might very well know how to do his (er, her, ah, his, whatever!) job. There had been a fleeting hope, one she hadn't consciously voiced to herself, that Angela-who-was-now Frank wouldn't be able to handle working in the TTW office, and would be forced by necessity to reverse this abomination. No hope of that now.

Figuring that it wouldn't do to give her "husband" any ammunition, she made herself presentable and went to the kitchenette to make her "lord and master" breakfast. Without any easy targets of derision, Frank-who-had-been-Angela would probably go off to play executive at the TTW office. He-who-had-been-she had this strange impression that his job consisted mostly of sitting around, drinking coffee, harassing the secretaries, bullying subordinates and palling around with a vaguely defined "old boys' network".

Frank-who-had-been-Angela spent breakfast complaining about the food and playing grabass with his "wife". Angela-who-had-been-Frank didn't rise to the bait, and he did indeed go off to "his" new office.

Angela waited for Frank, no this was getting too confusing. She decided to label her own personality as "Frank", and for herself in this female body as "Angie". Her treacherous spouse she labeled "Angela" for the sick, twisted personality behind whatever face she used, and "Frankie" for that personality in her stolen male body. The formal version for who they were before the body-switch, and the informal version for who they were after it. Frank/Angie watched through the window for Angela/Frankie to exit the building.

Only when he showed up seven stories below did she relax. Finally, she had a few hours to think this hideous thing through.

The Medallion. It had to be the medallion.

Frankie hadn't been wearing the medallion when he left; maybe he had left it somewhere in the apartment. Three hours later, she gave up the search as a waste of time and effort. She checked Angela's purse. In it, among the candy-wrappers and Kleenexes, she found a box and a receipt. The box said "Spells 'R' Us". Spells 'R' Us? The bullshit Frat story? But that was completely impossible! But so was walking around in your wife's body. And if anybody could, or would, give an airhead like Angela a magic amulet to switch bodies, it would be the Spells 'R' Us wizard.

The receipt gave an address in Greenwich.

The mall in Greenwich was exactly the kind of place that a super-annuated mall-bunny like Angela would shop, Frank mused. And there, at the very address listed on the receipt, was a cutesy 'Olde Curiositie Shoppe' style store. She went in, hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

Behind the counter was a very cute brunette, playing an involved looking game involving pegs and a board with holes in it. She looked like she was losing. Sitting on a rickety rocking chair was an old man with long white hair and beard, sitting in the rattiest looking robe she ever saw.

The old man pulled his pipe from his lips and said, "Mister Delarosa, I don't appreciate unsolicited comments about my apparel."

Angie's jaw dropped almost to the floor "How?"

The girl pointed to the sign that said, "He knows because he's a Wizard" without looking up from her game.

The Wizard got from his chair, and leaned on the counter. "You are here because, last night your wife gave you a strange amulet that exchanged your bodies. Lacking any more logical venue for escape, you've come here in the desperate hope that we could somehow remedy the matter."

Well, that certainly cut out extraneous dialog! "So?"

"Sorry. We can't undermine our own product by selling a counter-measure."

"Well then, how about you sell me another one of those medallions? That wouldn't undermine your product, it would be a completely different transaction!"

"Don't tell a wizard his business. Ethics demand that we act in the behalf of our primary client. We can't exchange you back into your old body."

"How about changing me into another male form? That wouldn't violate your ethics, now would it?"

"Sorry, darlin' I just don't do that."

Tasting bitter bile in her mouth, Angie turned to leave.

"Mister Delarosa? While I can't transform you, I can give you a material piece of advice. At the risk of stealing someone else's catch-phrase, 'When Life hands you lemons, make lemonade'."

"That's IT?"


She turned and left, not bothering to turn around to see if the shop were still there or not.


Angie walked down the streets of Greenwich in a haze. She was completely at Angela's mercy. If Frank had thought that living with Angela had been unbearable, then living with "Frankie" would be a living hell. She then had the horrible thought that not only would Frankie keep her under his thumb for years, he might even take the notion into his head that Angie should bear children for him to torment!

She was still reeling from this sanity wracking thought when she heard a cheery voice. "Angela! Angela, Darling! Yoo-hooo!" For a moment, Angie didn't realize that the caller was addressing her. She turned around and spotted her mother-in-law- No, mother now! - waving and coming closer.

Angie steeled herself for one of Evelyn Harcourt's chilly receptions. So it was a complete surprise when Evelyn took her in her arms and gave her a warm hug. "Angela! This is such a wonderful surprise! Why didn't you call and tell me that you were going to be in Greenwich?"

Say Whaaaa? This is the cold and distant mother that Angela had told him so much about? The one that was so obsessed with propriety and getting further up the social ladder that poor little Angela was never shown any affection? Waitaminnit....

Evelyn invited Angie back to the Harcourt homestead. Angela's dad, Jeremy was there, and immediately shifted into doting father mode. Once again, Angie experienced a glitch in her reality. Angela had always made out that her father was this stiff, undemonstrative type, who always dismissed everything she did. But here he was talking about little things that Angela would have known, and people she would've known about. When the issue of "Frank" came up, the familiar chill returned. Evelyn reached out and touched Angie's hand. "Are you all right, dear? You seem so- distracted. Has Frank been... agitated again?"

Agitated? The way Evelyn said it made it sound like a euphemism for abusive. What had Angela been telling these people about him?

From somewhere Jeremy pulled out the dreaded family photo album. The three of them settled on a sofa and went down a memory lane that Angie had never been on before. Throughout the reminisce, Angie noted a tension and discontinuity of logic in places, like they were glossing over some unpleasant aspect. It occurred to Angie that Angela had been a demanding, ingrate brat, who had manipulated and exploited her loving parents with the blend of cunning, ruthlessness and charm of a true sociopath. There were mentions of 'unfortunate incidents' and 'misunderstandings' with friends, neighbors and relations. How did a warm, wonderful, loving couple like this produce such a complete creep of a daughter?

Angie felt kind of spaced out by all this sudden affection. Being raised in a catholic orphanage, Frank didn't have a lot of experience with that kind of casual acceptance. It felt so good when Jeremy put his arm around her- not a sexual kind of good, just that wonderful, warm, safe feeling, the kind your supposed to get when you hug a teddy bear. Jeremy and Evelyn Harcourt loved their daughter, no matter what she did. It was the first good thing to happen to her all day. She needed to be by herself, and get a little perspective.

Evelyn offered to let Angie lie down in her (or at least Angela's) old room. The couple had kept the room as she'd left it before going off to college. That's the kind of people they were. Angie lay down on the frilly canopied bed, and tried to not think for a while. She looked around. The room was littered with momentos of Angela's past. There were the Pony Club ribbons. There were the cheerleader pom-poms. There was a Homecoming queen tiara. There were scores of photographs of Angela, looking triumphant over one scene or another. There was even the near obligatory line-up of stuffed animals on the seat by the window.

Angie walked over to the seat and sat down. She picked up a stuffed giraffe and gave it a cuddle. Hey, if y'gotta be a girl, then you have to take your comfort where you can get it. She took a hard look at the giraffe, and then the other stuffed animals. There was no obvious favorite, no one animal that had been used more than the others, ala the Velveteen Rabbit. Indeed, they all looked so... perfect. Like they were just things that Angela had wanted once upon a time, and once she had them were of no further interest.

And Lo! The answer struck her like a bolt from heaven, hallelujah! She had to sit down, mussing up the perfect arrangement of plush toys. Angela had a terminal case of the grass being greener on the other side. She always wanted what somebody else had, and ignored the abundance around her. What is it that every woman wants? What some other woman has! Frankie was still woman enough inside, that seeing another woman, even Angie, having something would trigger that acquisitive drive. Angie just had to make her life look so appealing that Angela would want it back.

This is what the Wizard meant! Make Lemonade! It fit! If the Wizard actually had his primary client's best interests at heart, then his advice must mean create a situation where Angela would realize how good she had it!

The light at the end of the tunnel was small, faint and far away, but it was much better than the total darkness that had been there before. It was going to be a long, hard chore to get to the end of this god-forsaken tunnel, but if there was anything that Frank Delarosa, even trapped inside the body of a little blonde monster, was not afraid of, it was hard work. Hard work had gotten him out of that gawdamn orphanage, through the Navy, through college and gotten him out of that junior salesman's berth in record time. With the right mixture of sweat and moxie, she could feather Angela's nest so pretty that Frankie would be grabbing her and forcing her to put on that stupid medallion!

Her heart now light as a feather, Angie skipped down the stairs. She hugged Evelyn, kissed Jeremy, and told them both that they deserved a much better daughter, but she had to get back to New York. Evelyn watched her daughter's petite form walk down the steps. She bit her lip and fought back a tear. It was so good that she was finally letting them through to her. For so long, she wanted to be able to sit down and be a family with her daughter. Now, if only she could get Angela away from that animal Frank...


Frankie leaned back in his chair and sighed in satisfaction. It was every bit as good as he'd always thought it would be. The sheer power of it all! The ability to control almost everything! The terror that his unexpected unreasonable demands inspired was so invigorating! And everyone gave in so easily. If Frank hadn't been such a wimp, he could have taken this firm over long ago! But it took strength to do that kind of thing, which Frank had never had. It was so much better that Frank was now in a nice feminine body that suited his effete nature.

The intercom buzzed. "Ahhh, Mr. Delarosa? Mister Fitzgerald is here to see you."

"Send him in, honey."

George Fitzgerald walked in hesitantly. "Frank? Is something the matter?"

"Hunh? Why do you ask?"

"Well, word around the office is that you're on the warpath! According to Jerry Ortega, you muscled the RCU pension investment account out from under him."


"But only yesterday, you were moaning about how much you already had on your plate!"

"I learned how to delegate, Fitz."

"Delegate? Who to?"

"Barbara Cartman. She has moxie."

Fitz looked at Frankie like he wasn't sure what he was hearing. "Are you sure about that?"

"Sure, I'm sure! Why wouldn't I be sure?" Frankie reached into his desk, pulled out a box of chocolates and popped one in his mouth.

"What's with the chocolates?"

"Call it a weakness."


Frankie slithered out of the cab in front of his condo building. He passed Henry the doorman without a single word. After he passed, Henry called up to Mrs. Delarosa to let her know that her husband was on the way up, just like she asked.

Frankie smiled to himself as he pulled the condo keys out of his pocket. The thought of Angie sitting alone in that dingy little apartment, trapped in a female body, anxiously awaiting the moment that he would come home, just added to the testosterone rush that he'd been riding all day. Then he opened the door. The snide comment about the condition of the apartment died unborn in his throat. The place was spotless, and everything was in its proper place. The semi-formal dining table was in the breakfast nook, set for two. The smell of good food permeated the condo. Then Angie came out of the kitchenette, wearing that luscious little hostess gown that Angela had bought last month. It still made Angie's slightly over-ripe curves look good. Frankie suppressed an urge of irrational anger at seeing Angie wearing "her" clothing- but what else would she wear? And it's not like Frankie could wear it, not without looking completely ridiculous.

Angie was done up to the nines. Her dark blonde hair was pulled back in a chignon, except for the flirty bangs that emphasized her blue eyes. In her ears were a simple pair of diamond studs, which matched the single diamond pendant hovering over her décolletage. Her only other jewelry was her diamond encrusted watch and her wedding and engagement rings. Simple, elegant, refined and utterly delicious.

Her heart-shaped face lit up in a smile. "Frank! You're finally home!" The vision swept forward and kissed him full on the lips. Looking up into his startled face, she said, "I hope you brought your appetite! I spent all afternoon cooking your favorite dishes!" Actually, the meal was courtesy of a nice little restaurant around the corner with a delivery service, but she would die before letting that body-stealing bitch know it!

Sweeping over to the table, Angie lit the candles, dimmed the lights, and then went into the kitchenette. She returned with a bowl of Caesar salad.

As she tossed the salad, Frankie just stood there. This was not what he'd been expecting! "Aaahh, what's with all this?"

Angie paused tossing, and looked up at him. "Well, I admit, I was a TAD disconcerted when this first happened. But, I ran into a very wise man, who told me to, as he put it, 'Make Lemonade'."

Frankie smirked, "So, you went to Greenwich and tried to find the Spells 'R' Us shop. And what did the wizard tell you?"

"Like I said, he told me to 'Make Lemonade'."

"And what does that have to do with all this?"

"It means what it always means- make the best of your situation! Hey, I'm young, I'm pretty, and you're rich, and now I don't have to work! It can't be that bad, being a woman- hell, half the human population is!"

"So, you wouldn't mind if I threw that medallion into the East River?"

Angela was losing her edge. Angie actually saw that threat coming. "Well, gee, sweetie- it that really such a good idea? I mean, you actually don't know how that thing works, now do you? For all you know, you might have to keep it near you at all times for the switch to stick. Or maybe it switches back and forth during different phases of the moon."

"Hah! It's permanent! One use, and that's IT!"

"Did the wizard tell you that?"

"Ah, well, no."

"So, you're talking out of your ass. You think that that's the way it works- or more to the point, you hope that that's the way it works. BUT, even if it works exactly the way you say, is it really a good idea to limit your options like that?" Angie smiled sweetly, and proceeded to serve the dinner.

After dinner, as Frankie settled back on the couch to let the meal begin to digest, Angie disappeared into the bedroom. A few minutes later, after Frankie had gotten the inevitable belches out of his system, she came out.

She was dressed in a filmy black lace negligée that slenderized as it suggested. She had let the chignon down to let her hair play around her shoulders. She slinked over to the couch and snuggled in close to Frankie. At first she just played around, tracing lines on his chin with her finger. Frankie started to give her strange aside glances. She started to nibble at his ear. Frankie stiffened. Angie began to kiss the side of his face. Then she kissed him full on. He jerked free, and shot to his feet. "Jesus! What are you, some kind of fag!?"

Angie smirked and struck a pose. "Does this look like a fag? Thanks to you and your amulet, I'm a woman now. And, if I have to be a woman, I may as well enjoy the good parts." She reached out. "And one of the great joys of being a woman is supposed to be making love to your husband. Your great, big, strong husband." She smiled seductively.

He snarled, "This is a trick! I know it's a trick!" He stalked over to his coat, wrestled himself into it, and was gone.

What the fuck! Angie said to herself, I psyche myself into this all afternoon, and the stinking asshole just leaves? I'll bet if I was all cringie and 'please don't touch me', then he'd be all over me!

Which then struck her as the absolute truth. The truth, it seems, is more often stumbled over than actively found. It seemed that Frankie found the idea of forcing himself on her more exciting than the physical act. Indeed, the notion that Angie might enjoy the experience seemed to take all the fun out of it for him.

Angie laughed sadly. Well, at least she had a way of keeping Frankie at arms length for a while. All she had to do was make him think that she wanted it. Now all she had to do was get this stupid knot in her crotch untied!


The next morning, Frankie was back in form, complaining about breakfast, making cracks about Angie's weight, and playing grabass. Angie made light of the complaints, ignored the weight remarks, and squealed joyously when he played grabass. More than once, she tried to sit on his lap. Angie was playing the game better than Frankie was, and he didn't like it. He left in a foul mood. Angie sighed and started to pick up the condo. If nothing else, working with his hands made Frank think better.

Angie found that Angela did have at least one valid point- after cleaning the condo and doing the laundry, being a housewife was dreadfully boring. She decided that since having a trim, good-looking body was so important to a woman, that she'd better do something about getting down to fighting trim. The fact that it would deprive Frankie of one of his favorite barbs never entered her mind, No siree!

She started going to the gym where the couple had memberships. Angela had never gone, and Frankie never bothered to show up, so it was a safe place from him. But she was alone.

Ten days after the great exchange, one of the unavoidable trials of womanhood rose up to smack Angie in the face. Or the groin, if you must be crass. She woke up feeling slightly nauseous and bloated. For once, Frankie was actually sensitive to what she was feeling. That is, he picked up on her PMS, and knew what it was before she did. He was in seventh heaven, and could barely contain his giggling as Angie staggered through breakfast. Not that he let her in on the joke- letting her resort to PMS relievers would take all the fun out of watching her suffer. After he left for the office, Angie laid down for a while, but decided to soldier on despite the flu or whatever she was ailing with. When she got the laundry down to the building washing machines, the african-american woman who lived a few door down was there, reading a magazine. They nodded to each other, New York-polite, and went about their business. As Angie was putting the whites in the washer, a killer cramp hit her and she doubled over.

As Angie bent over gasping, compassion kicked the young black woman out of her New York isolation. She came over and helped Angie over to one of the benches. "Hey, Honey, what's the matter?"

Angie gasped out "Cramp."

"Eeeewwww. That bad. hunh? What's the matter, you out of Midol?"

Midol? Angie thought to herself, Waitaminnit! That was a PMS drug! So that's what that creep was snickering about! And he didn't even give me a clue! Angie added this to the growing list of things to take out of Angela's hide when he got back into his proper body. Thinking quickly, she ad-libbed, "I'm a few days early- don't you just hate it when that happens? Would you watch my stuff while I go up to my condo and get it?"

The young woman smiled in sympathy for Angie's condition, and said that she would.

Angie rode the molasses slow elevator up and back down, feeling a little better, if only for the knowledge that relief was in sight. When she got back, she told her neighbor, "Thanks! Y'know, I thought that my husband had given me that stomach flu that was going around his office."

"Oh, you had to baby-sit him through it?"

"Frank! Nahhhh, he has the constitution of a team of oxen! He could jog through the Black Death and not get a sniffle."

The woman smiled broadly, and introduced herself as Debra ("NOT Debbie!") Parker, from 7-D. Angie opened up her bag of schmoozing tricks, and by the time the whites were in the spin cycle, Debra was invited over for afternoon tea.


"Jarvis? Your husband's name is Jarvis?" Angie asked incredulously.

Debra grinned mischievously. "Yeah, it's an old family from way back in the slavery days. It seems that Jay's- he likes to be called Jay- great-great-something-grandfather was the butler to this big shot family of Cotton Aristocrats. According to Grammy Parker, who knows all and tells all at the drop of a hat, Massah used to read Ivanhoe more often than he did the Bible. So, everyone of the house slaves was given this la-de-dah name out of the British nobility."


Like many New Yorkers, Debra was friendly enough once you broke the ice. Angie pursued the friendship, and wrangled Debra and Jay memberships. Besides being a nice thing, it gave her somebody to talk to while working out, who wasn't trying to hit on her. During one laundry session, Debra moaned about having to do the bathroom. Angie volunteered to do it for her. In the Navy, Frank, like every other swabbie ever hatched, had spent long hours cleaning the head. So, the dinky little bathrooms of the converted apartment building held little terrors for her. In exchange, Debra offered to do the dusting, which Angie hated with a passion.

Eventually, Debra initiated Angie into the cult of Shopping. While not a proper Park Avenue shopaholic, Debra was completely aghast that a well-turned out number like Angie thought that only one pair of red patent leather pumps was enough. It amused Angie that her sprees were being financed by the labors of the asshole who had waylaid her body and life. After all, every outfit in her closet meant a couple of hundred dollars out of Frankie's wallet.

It may seem that the two were joined at the hip, but they weren't. In the late afternoons, Debra spent her time improving her commercial art portfolio, and Angie practiced her new 'hobby'- keeping Frankie from committing professional suicide. She went through the files that Frankie oh, so conveniently left on his computer desktop, and left him notes warning him off those things that slipped past his radar. Angela may have had a minor genius for climbing up pecking orders, grabbing things, or finding a weakness in a person's character, but she had little understanding of fine detail or long range strategy. It occurred to Angie that Frankie was behaving as Angela always claimed Frank did: sitting around, chasing secretaries, bullying clerks, backstabbing co-workers, kissing up to the bosses, and drinking with Frank's circle of business contacts. Which was fun, but took up a lot of time. So, he dropped the boring, time consuming business of actually working in Angie's lap. Angela knew that she could count on Frank to take care of business, and the daily-amended files showed that she was right. It seemed to Frank that Angela had having her cake and eating it too down to a fine art.

Angie wanted out. Out of this stupid situation, out of this female body, and most of all, out from under Frankie's thumb. But she would settle for getting out of New York for an afternoon. It was summer, and _nobody_ moves to New York for the climate. Even given modern air conditioning, the condo building was sweltering. She'd been up to Greenwich a couple of times since that first visit with Jeremy and Evelyn. The unconditional affection that they showered her with was still a little much to take. Also, there was all that family history that she was supposed to know. If only she could get a family history lesson without the clumsy explanations-

Then it struck her. Debra was having problems getting her commercial art past the reception desk, and Jay just didn't have those kinds of connections. But Jeremy and Evelyn did. Frank was a big exponent of the 'win-win solution'- as opposed to Angela's business philosophy, which could be summed up as 'kill them all and let God sort them out'. If she took Debra up to Greenwich, Angie could probably count on the Harcourts to know somebody in the publishing business- or at least they would know somebody who knew somebody in the publishing business. That's how networks work. Jeremy and Evelyn would get the credit for 'discovering' Debra's talent, Debra would get that all-important contact, and Angie would get a history lesson when Evelyn trotted out the family album. And all of this would take place in nice, cool, breezy Greenwich.

Angie called Greenwich and asked Evelyn to expect her and a guest. Then she knocked on Debra's door and almost dragged the poor woman up to Greenwich on the commuter train with a folder of her art samples.

On the way, Angie reassured Debra, "Don't worry! Black Republicans are very in these days!"

"But Jay and I are Democrats!"

"Hey, Mom and Dad don't know that."

Evelyn greeted Debra like an old school chum. She didn't even blink an eye when Angie asked if she or Daddy knew anybody who might be able to help Debra get past the gate at a publisher. These things were done all the time; well it was the first time that Angela had ever done it, but that was all for the good. She leafed through Debra's portfolio to see what she could think of. Hmmm... Too refined for Advertising, too realistic for the Artsy crowd, too sophisticated for Children's books, too abstract for historical periodicals, but it still had a something... Of course!

"I think that your material might be just right for Molly Gooden. Molly is the supervising editor of AMW Publishers' 'Young Adults' division. That's teens and tweens, and like that. I'll give her mother, Laura, a call and see what it will take."

"What it will take?" Debra asked a trifle flummoxed.

"I'll open with the Fort Lauderdale Marina slip, and see where it goes from there."

Angie leaned over and quietly explained, "Mom and Dad took a beating on technical stocks. In order to cover costs and stay fluid, they had to sell the Lauderdale house, and mortgage the yacht. The yacht is mothballed at the local marina, but the Lauderdale marina slip fees were prepaid, non-refundable, and non-resaleable. So, if Laura Gooden plays along, she'll get to use our slip, which has a prime location, for free."

"Do you people do this a lot?"

"Of course! How do you think anything gets done? The Bureaucracy in any organization only really exists to keep the real decision-makers from being inundated with requests. It isn't ideal, or even particularly fair, but it does have the virtue of working most of the time."

"And what do you get out of this?"

Angie made a long face and said in a whispery 'Don Corleone' voice, "For now, nothing, but someday I or one of my friends may call on you, and ask you to return the favor. You may kiss my ring now." Debra cracked up, and kissed Angie's engagement ring.

Evelyn hung up and looked at the two young women. "Laura says it's doable, but she needs a couple of warm bodies for a charity fund-raiser."

Debra and Angie looked at each other and shrugged. Debra said, "Well, as long as it's not for the KKK..."

Evelyn recoiled. "Please! the Hartford Heritage Foundation is not the Ku Klux Klan! ...Although, Joanna Fairchild did make a nasty comparison back in '69..."


Later in the day, Jeremy showed up and in the course of the afternoon trotted out the photo album. He got them all on the back porch and told Debra all about Angela's childhood. Debra indulged him. Angie pretended to be embarrassed, but was secretly taking notes. As 7 o'clock rolled around, Angie and Debra had to leave for the return train for the City. Jeremy gave Angie a last long hug, which she returned. It was just a hug, but it felt so good. Angie was beginning to worry that she was becoming a cuddle-junkie.

On the train back, Debra remarked that she got off easy, what with just doing a little envelope stuffing for a Heritage non-profit.

"Are you kidding? You scored big-time! First, you're paying your way as you go- that always looks good. Second, this is not just envelope stuffing; Laura Gooden works at the management level, so you're going to be doing stuff like arranging deliveries and such. BIG chance for you to make contacts for Jay and yourself. Remember, it's not all 'know-who', it's also who knows you. And finally, it's the Hartford Heritage Foundation. Very nobby. Being connected with it in any way can only improve your cachet."

"You're really into this networking stuff, aren't you?"

"What can I say? I like putting things together. I like it when something I put together works. I like it even better when something I put together makes things better. It just isn't my style to kick back and play the victim."

"Oh? Then why are you still with that mook husband of yours? Did you know that he tried to feel me up on the elevator, yesterday?"

"It's a long, embarrassing, and very weird story. But believe me, I'm not taking his nonsense lying down. It's just that it has to be handled in just the right way."

Back in the city, Frankie tried to make an issue of the fact that Angie didn't have dinner on the table. Angie refused to rise to the bait. "After all, they are your parents- but do you ever visit? Call? Even write a postcard?"

"Yeah, well, they're your parents now, and you can have them!"

"How generous! By the way, exactly where were the 'cold, distant, disapproving parents' that you were always bitching about? When I visited them, they simply the warmest, kindest, most loving people you could ask for! Mom even helped Debra Parker get hooked up with the Hartford Heritage Foundation."

"Who the hell is Debra Parker?"

"Our across-the-hall-and-two-doors-over neighbor! You know, the one you felt up in the elevator yesterday?"

He smirked. "Which elevator?"

"Don't you have any respect for women? You used to be one!"

"Call it a weakness."


In the third month of her feminine captivity, things began to come together for Angie. Her exercise began to bear fruit. Slowly, at the rate of a couple of pounds a week, the excess weight began to melt off. While she would never again be the svelte coed that Frank had married, the padding was coming off the right places and staying in the right ones. She was developing the curves of a full-grown woman, and her muscle tone was improving. Since she got out more than Angela had, Angie's skin tone was healthier. Her drinking was a fraction of Angela's, and she had the stimulation of regular social interaction, so her nerves were better. Where Angela could charitably be called 'over-ripe', Angie was a fine figure of a woman. The downside of this was that her 'eager' act couldn't keep Frankie off of her anymore. He would come in late and mount her, no matter what she said or did. The thought of just letting him do that to her made her gut twist. She took to putting in Angela's diaphragm before bedtime, just in case.

News of Angie and Debra's chore-sharing arrangement got around the building. Other tenants thought this a good idea, and wanted in on the action. It got so that Angie had to set up a chart to keep track of who was doing what. Not all of them did chores, but offered other services in exchange. Grandmotherly Mrs. Chamfrov in 3-F, who knew every market, butcher and greengrocer in a ten-block radius, was such an awesomely adept grocery shopper that she earned the nickname 'Robo-Yenta'. Some of them had other things to offer; the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne in 4-E had even more connections than Angela's mother, Evelyn did. Mrs. Van Hoorne swapped housekeeping chores for theater, concert or opera tickets. When Pavarotti played the Met, she was able to get center aisle seats for 12. Her condo was very clean for a long time. Most of this was orchestrated out of Debra's apartment, for the simple reason that both she and Angie knew that if Frank knew about it, he'd do something to screw it up out of general perversity.

The building had been a typical New York hive of anonymity. The gradual development of the tenant's network broke down the walls of isolation- for most of them. There was still Mr. Preiss in 2-A, who steadfastly refused to talk to anybody. But for the most part, the building started to take on a small town atmosphere, with other tenants stopping Angie and Debra in the hall and chatting. The down side was, as with a real small town, that everybody started knowing everybody else's business. It was rather embarrassing for Angie when Bob Arthurson in 2-D asked her why she stayed with that ass of a husband of hers. After all, she wanted to BE that ass again someday!

Debra's deal with Laura Gooden worked out quite nicely for both of them. Debra managed to score a nice little assignment illustrating a book about a 13-year old girl in Renaissance Italy, which stretched into a 5- book series. Having an attractive and intelligent african-american woman like Debra definitely perked up the Hartford Foundation's PC profile, and Angie heterodyned the fund-raising drive with her in-house network, reaping impressive results. Angie got the unexpected dividend of being mentioned in Vanity Fair columns three times in three months, the last time as "the lovely Angela Delarosa". Angie was getting a reputation around town a person who got things done. Such reputations are very valuable things in New York.


Angie dragged herself out of bed and got into the kitchen before Frankie got up. Then she took a quick peek at the bed and noticed that he wasn't there. By the condition of the sheets, he hadn't come home at all. Apparently, her 'dead fish' tactic was working better than the 'intimidating enthusiasm' one had. She hoped that nothing bad had happened to him- at least until _after_ they had swapped bodies again. Cheered by the prospect of at least a morning without harassment as usual, Angie decided to take a day off and rest. Do nothing. Well, maybe go up to Greenwich and get a hug fix from Mom and Dad- she didn't really think of them as Jeremy and Evelyn any more. It struck her that there must be something she could do for them. They'd done so much for her, especially in ways that they could never guess. Well, maybe later. She really did need a day all to herself, and not deal with things for a bit. So, her plan was to cancel any appointments, kick back, watch some crappy TV, and maybe send out for Chinese. Mrs. Chamfrov, the Robo-Yenta, said that the Szechwan place a couple of blocks over was to die for, and Jews have a special sense about Chinese food- just ask one.

At about 10 o'clock, there was a tapping at the door. Angie ignored it. She wanted a little downtime, dammit! Then she heard Debra outside the door, "Angie? You in there?"

Oh, hell. Well, there were some people she actually wanted to see. Angie schlumped over to the door and opened up.

Debra started, "Hey, babe-" and then took in Angie's appearance- housecoat, fuzzy slippers, hair up in curlers, no makeup. "You okay, Hon?"

"I'm fine- I just decided to take a 'Me Day', y'know? Not deal with anything for a day."

"Ooooh, I hear that! But how about our gym date?"

Angie screwed up her face; she was really looking forward to doing a lot of nothing today. She hopped up and down like a child told she couldn't have a pony. "Mmnnnnn- Oh, awlright! But only because I gotta reach my weight goal by Columbus Day. Which I would have already made, if you didn't keep tempting me with those damn Petrucchio's parfaits!"

As always, Angie threw herself into her workout. And, as always, Debra talked her into throwing herself onto a Petrucchio's parfait afterwards. It could only be the wiles of the devil that placed Petrucchio's ice cream fountain in a direct line between the gym and the condo building.

Once back at the condo, Angie shed the trenchcoat she had over her spandex activewear. "So, Deb, you gonna go be a good, productive member of society, or would you like to kick back and watch the best that day-time programming has to offer?" Then Angie felt two hands reach from behind her and gently cup her breasts.

Debra felt Angie stiffen, so she didn't squeeze.

Angie was completely flummoxed. She didn't know what to do! She knew how to act sexually as a man with a woman. She could fake acting sexually with a man. But the only thing that she knew about lesbian sex was a few things that she'd seen on porno videos, and she was smart enough to know that that was complete bullshit! But it felt so good!

Angie didn't freak out and relaxed a little, so Debra caressed the breasts a little. Angie moaned and started to melt. Debra smiled and leaned in, pressing her front against Angie's back. "It's all right, Angel. Just relax, and let Momma show you how..."

Later, in the bedroom, Angie looked up dazed at the ceiling and thought to herself, So that's what female orgasm is like. No wonder Cosmo writes it up all the time!

Then a fear wrenched her gut. And after Debra had been so wonderful to her! "Debra...? That was beautiful... But-"

"But you don't want to enter into an intense lesbian relationship?"

Angie nodded, fearful of hurting this woman who had just done so much for her.

"Thank Gawd! For a minute, I was afraid that you'd want to move to Christopher Street, and march in Gay Pride parades!"

"But aren't you- didn't we-"

"Honey, I love Jay; I love what he does to me in bed. But just 'cause I love my steak and p'tatoes, doesn't mean that I don't like to graze at the salad bar occasionally! Angie, when I was in college, my roommate and me had pretty much the same relationship. Best friends, partners, and occasional lovers. College life is hard enough, without relying on men for sex! This, " she waved a hand over the two of them, naked on the bed, "takes the edge off. I know, there are women who are 'vegetarians', but me, I like my T-BONE STEAK!"

Angie laughed along with Debra, then looked at her. "Deb, why me?"

Debra traced a lazy finger over Angie's collarbone. " 'Cause you're beautiful, and sweet, and loving, and I have never seen anybody so unnecessarily starved for human touch."


"When I first saw how you reacted to your father's hug, I thought it was a little weird- y'know, maybe the Electra thing? But you were just the same way when your mother hugged you, and even when old Mrs. Prescott at the HHF have you that hug. I see the way you reach out and touch people. Not that it's bad, actually you do it very well. It helps to break through that wall we all have. And why? Well, my guess is that with Frank, it's 'Wham-Bam-Thankee-Ma'am!'. Am I right?"

"Actually, a thank-you once in a while would be nice."

"God's Teeth, woman! _WHY_ do you put _UP_ with that asshole?"

Angie sighed and got up on one elbow. Because that asshole is assholing around in my body, and I want it back! But Debra would never believe the truth; after six months, she occasionally still found it a surprise when she woke up. Best to tell a lie with the Spirit of the Truth, and as much of the Letter of the Truth as possible.

"Debra, the nasty truth of the matter is that Angela Harcourt Delarosa is materially responsible for Frank Delarosa being who he is today. My parents loved me, not too wisely, but too well, as they say. Growing up, I was a nasty, selfish, spoiled brat. My parents saw everything I did through rose-colored glasses, and I learned to manipulate them very early on. I saw the world as a place full of things I could get, not as a place full of people. If anything, I saw people as devices for getting me things, including my parents. I always got my way all through school, and as for high school- well, did you ever see the movie 'Heathers'?"


"But I was one of those people who peak in high school, and after graduation, it's all down hill. I got into a good college, pledged a good sorority, and found myself in a place full of people who were smarter than I was. Suddenly, I couldn't have my way anymore. My bag of tricks didn't work anymore, and I knew it. I knew that I wasn't going to graduate, so I decided to snag the first decent husband I could lay my hands on, marry him, take him for everything I could, divorce him after a few years, and then move on to the next sucker. But none of the Old Money types would play my game, so I settled for the pair of up and comers- Derek Kryczek and Frank Delarosa. I dated them both, and then set them against each other, so that marrying me would mean 'winning'."

Frank took the booby prize- that would be me- and he was the perfect chump husband for a while. Then he got wise. And after he got wise, he got mean. In order to survive living with a whining bitch like me, Frank had to become a stone-cold bastard. It was either that or be crushed by me. We battled it out for a few months. It was like a monster move: 'The Shrieking Bitch versus the Raving Bastard'; real 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe' stuff. The Bitch lost. One day I looked around and said to myself, 'Jesus H. Christ! What Am I Doing?' "

"You actually said that?"

"Yep, I remember the moment exactly, like Saul on the road to Damascus. I said, 'Jesus H. Christ! What Am I Doing?' out loud, clear as a bell. So I stopped being a bitch. Although I expect that being a bitch is kind of like being an alcoholic- you're never an ex-bitch, just a bitch in recovery."

"What? Do you have meetings? Do members stand up and say "Hi! I'm Leona Helmsley, and I'm a Bitch'?"

"Yes, and afterwards we sit around drinking lemonade. Though Kathy Lee Gifford hasn't shown up at a meeting in a while- I'm worried that she may have fallen off the wagon. But seriously, it took Frank becoming the asshole that he is to get me to stop being this stupid bitch; unfortunately, he didn't stop being an asshole. It's like he had to use the Dark Side of the Force to survive living with me, and now he's stuck being Darth Vader. Honestly, Deb, the Frank Delarosa that married Angela Harcourt was a good man. And I am absolutely sure that he can be a good man again."

"Honey, it isn't a good idea to construct major life plans around guilt. If you keep waiting for him to snap out of it, he is only going to get worse, and he will eat you alive from inside. I've seen men like him before- they don't just get better."

"Oh, I do have a plan- don't I always? Y'see, Frank is going off like this because he's built up this momentum. It got rid of the Bitch, and now it's giving him all these easy victories. He's on a roll, and there's nothing in his path that he can't roll over- yet. But he's making enemies and losing friends, and the friends that he is making are worse than his enemies are. So, he's charging full tilt into an invisible brick wall. When he hits that wall, one of two things is going to happen. One- he's going to have his senses knocked back into him, and I'll be there to forgive, be forgiven and help clean up the mess. The other- he'll decide that he likes being a total asshole."

"And if he decides that he likes being a total asshole?"

"All he'll see of me is the vapor trail I leave behind me. That, and a set of prison bars."

"You're going to set him up?"

"Won't have to. That's just the way he's heading."

"Sister, that's a very long shot."

"Yeah, but if it pays off, I get the old Frank back- and wouldn't you do the same if you lost Jay and possibly could get him back? And if it doesn't, at least I'll know that I did everything that I could."

Debra sat up and took a long hard look at Angie. She wondered how much of what she saw was strength, and how much as a masochistic need for punishment? No, she decided, Angie wasn't a victim. Victims feel sorry for themselves, and want others to feel sorry for them. Angie just wanted to make things right. "Okay, honey, it's your life. But you can't let Frank stifle your sexuality! You need to be able to enjoy life. If Frank shuts you down, below the belt, then the Bastard wins!"

Angie reached over and traced a circle around one of Debra's aureole with her finger. "And do you have any suggestions in that department?"

"Well, I think that I could be persuaded to share afternoon delights with you other than Petrucchio's parfait!"

"Why, Mrs. Parker, are you suggesting that we become fuck buddies?"

"Why, Mrs. Delarosa, such language from a young lady of your education and breeding!"

They then proved that it is possible to share a sisterly hug, buck-naked.

"Very well, Mrs. Parker, I'll take you up on your indecent proposal. But only under one condition."

Deb arched an eyebrow. "What?"

"That you let me have the pleasure of pleasuring you."

"Oooh, you do learn quickly!"


Somewhere, in a cluttered shop not quite in any one plane of reality, Dannie managed to get the peg in the hole she wanted.


Frankie Delarosa swiveled around in his chair. Being a hotshot financier could be just as boring as being a housewife, he thought. After six months of being an Alpha male, he was beginning to look for new challenges. If only these damn inconveniences didn't keep popping up! People he used to be able to call on to get favors out of weren't returning his calls anymore. That bitch Chelsea was beginning to complain to her superior; nothing he couldn't talk his way out of, but still! A man tries to have a little innocent fun- and what could be more innocent than a blowjob?- and they climb all over you. Angie was becoming less and less fun. She was adapting too damn well to being a woman- except in bed; Christ, a sturgeon would show more reaction! And finding things to rib her about was getting harder, though not impossible. After all, why look for real faults, when you can invent some?

Frankie decided that he'd played this stretch out for what it was worth. Now he had to find new fields to conquer. But what? The only obvious thing at hand was taking over TTW. But that would mean actually running the place. Angie was the one who was good at that namby-pamby, nit-picky stuff- not that he'd ever admit it to her- and what was he going to do? Bring her in to run the place? In the first place, that would be admitting that he needed her. In the second place, it would mean giving her real power. Hell, he'd rather stick his dick in a tank of piranha!

There was a rapping at his office door. Barbara Cartman stuck her head in. "Hey, Frank! A few minutes of your valuable time?"

Frankie waved her it. As she trotted in, the part of Frankie that was still very much Angela ticked off the suggestions of artificiality in Barbara that eased Angela's insecurities: dark roots indicating a dye-job, the nose had obviously been bobbed, the lips were probably puffed up with silicone, and the tits were about as real as Barbie's. She was obviously desperate to improve her looks, and just as desperate for male approval. Frankie liked that. The prospect that she would submit to him, even if she didn't really like him, lit a heat under his zipper.

She sat down and looked at him expectantly. To Angela's Old Money esthetics, her manner of dress was a touch too tight, a tad too short and a bit too loud. This pleased Frankie even more- he didn't have to consider this woman as any kind of equal.

"First of all, Mr. Delarosa, I want to tell you how much I appreciate the faith you showed in me when you gave me the Hayagumi portfolio to handle. I hope that I repaid your faith?"

"Oh, indeed, Ms. Cartman-"

"Please, call me Barbara."

"Very well, Barbara. I didn't mean to be distant, but you know how easy it is for misunderstandings to arise between the sexes. You have to be sure of where you stand."

"Oh, of course I understand!" She shifted in her chair a bit, just enough to let her skirt ride up a bit, and to show off her cleavage a little better. She smiled broadly. "And I hope to repay you even more!"

Frankie smirked. "And exactly how could you do that? Your performance in maximizing the value turnover for Hayagumi more than justified my decision."

Barbara smirked back, "Well, first of all, I have been contacted by a group of investors who are looking for a man of your kind of vision to handle certain transactions."

"Interesting, and secondly?"

"Well, I understand that you are a man of...appetites?"

"Call it a weakness."


Part of being an executive wife is attending those company soirees where the higher-ups, middle managers and competition play mind games with each other. This was Angie's third such party. During the first two, Angie had been the butt of Frankie's repertoire of fat jokes. This was despite the fact that during the second one, Angie had been more than halfway towards her weight goal. This time, she was five pounds under her weight goal, and she was dressed to stress that fact. She wore a black strapless leather sheath dress with a slit up the side high enough to show just a hint of the lacey trim of her taupe stockings. Her accessories were a severe pair of black leather pumps, long black satin gloves, a darling little red clutch purse, and a red satin choker. Her only jewelry was a pair of elegant diamond drop earrings. Her hair was cut in a deceptively simple arrangement, falling straight to her shoulders like a golden hood. She looked racy, without going over the edge into slutty. The worst that could be said of her, and it was tried, was that if she were a kept woman, then she cost more than YOU could ever afford. In her left hand she carried a lit cigarette. It wasn't that she smoked. It was a gambit that she'd developed during the second party- she carried it to 'accidentally' brush against the hand of any grabby Senior VPs. Not that it would bother her to cause trouble for Frankie; it was just that she still planned on reversing the switch, and she'd have enough work cleaning up Frankie's mess without shitting on her own doorstep.

Frankie was holding forth in a group of middle-echelon types, looking for all the world like an overdressed gang of schoolyard kids telling dirty jokes. Angie slinked over to join them. Without inhaling, she pulled on her cigarette to make sure that the ember was good and hot, just in case.

"...and then she had to buy another one for her Ass!" The circle cracked up at Frankie's punchline, just as Angie pulled in to put the lie to it. She gave the circle a blinding smile and slid her arm through Frankie's.

"Oh, Frankie! Why don't you buy a new jokebook? He started teasing me to prod me into losing some weight, but he just can't let it go! Why don't you start telling jokes about ditzy blondes?" Her smile went sardonic. "Oooh! Or how about wives who spend lots of money?" The smile went feral. "I swear, give him a joke and he'll ride it into the ground! Hey, Frankie, do you know any 'Dan Quayle is Dumb' jokes?" With that, she left, 'accidentally' leaving her lit cigarette in his pants pocket.

Despite being on display like a pedigreed spaniel, Angie looked forward to these parties. It was the best way for her to keep tabs on what was going on at the firm, without relying on Frankie's sociopath perspective. She circulated, schmoozed, deflected remarks from the jealous, avoided advances from the grabby, and generally made nice-nice. She talked with Fitz Fitzgerald, who asked her what the Hell she was doing to Frank. She wished she could tell her loyal old friend, without risking being packed off to Bellevue. She chatted with Suzie Wittgenstein in Research, who was worried. Suzie was usually worried, but she always had reasons. Her reasons currently all revolved around Frankie.

After a while, Angie retired to an uncrowded corner of the large balcony. She leaned back against the stone railing, crossed her arms, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and pointedly tried to think about nothing.

Then she sensed somebody at her elbow. Damn, she hoped it wasn't that octopus handed Junior VP from Payne-Webber. If he tried to grope her one more time, she'd give him a real Payne, right in his Webber!

She opened her eyes, and looked up into the strong, angular features of Derek Kryczek. She flinched with the recognition. An uncontrollable wave of feelings surged through her: the bitterness of their rivalry after Frank had married Angela, the pain of hurting Derek after Angela threw him over for Frank, the competitiveness between the two that Angela had nurtured and exploited so well, the comradery of two good friends in college; his admiration for the intelligent young man he'd met in their first Macro-Economics class. Damn, she hadn't realized how much she missed ol' Dirk!

"Hello, Angela. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Long time? But is the long time four years, or six months? It wouldn't surprise Frank if Angela had been sniffing around Derek, trying to set him up as her next chump-husband, in case he had managed to arrange a divorce.

"How long would you say it is?" Ick, that even sounded weak to her!

"Oh, don't be coy! How can you forget what you said to me the last time we talked?"

Oh, crap. He isn't even gonna give me a clue! How do I talk myself out of this without looking like an even bigger asshole than Frankie? "Well, I thought we said all that we had to."

"I'll say you did! If I live for a thousand years, I will never forget the cold-blooded way that you said that I wasn't good enough for you! How that Frank was going to make SO MUCH money, and treat you like you deserve! How I didn't have a future, and should just give up college and get a job at McDonald's like all the other losers!" Derek's mouth had that mulish set that Frank knew meant that he was a LOT angrier than he was letting out.

In other words, Angela had dropped her mask, and given poor ol' Dirk a double-barrel blast of her real personality. It also explained why Angela didn't try to cozy up to him. But then, Angela never did have an eye for the long haul. Dirk ol' buddy, you don't know how easy you had it.

Angie took a deep breath. She needed to re-connect with her old friend. She needed a contact in the financial community that Frankie couldn't lie to, or get a line on. Screw that- she just needed to get back in touch with the best friend she ever had, whom she had stupidly thrown over for the worst enemy she would ever have. She prepared to lie- because nobody would believe anything even like the truth.

"Derek, when I said that, I screwed up BIG TIME."

"I'll say! I mean, talk about vicious, unfeeling-"

Angie jumped in, "I _MEAN_ that when I made my decision, I was faced with a terrible prospect. You two were like brothers, and I came between you. I didn't want it to work out that way, but it did. And then that whole competition started, it only got worse. So, when I had decided on Frank- please, don't make me explain why, it was hard enough to settle once!- there was the horrible possibility that you would be hanging around, trying to get me back. It wasn't that I minded you being with Frank, I just didn't want some gawdawful Eternal Triangle thing happening. Y'know, You and Me, forcing Frank out; Frank and Me, freezing you out; You and Frank squeezing me out. I mean, even if I was the sort who would have two men, there's no way you two would have settled for that. So, once I made my decision, I had to be sure that you wouldn't want me anymore. So I put on my harpy mask, and acted like the vainest, most vicious, most selfish bitch I could think of. I thought that the 'cruel to be kind' thing would work. I hoped that you would find someone else, and eventually forgive Frank."

Angie paused, and lightly touched Derek's hand. "So, did you find anyone? Is this just your way of getting that hurt out of your system, so you can go to her with a clean slate? If so, just let me have it! Call me the Queen Bitch Whore of the World, and tell me to go to hell! Do it!" She spread her arms wide, and tilted her head back, inviting him to do his worst.

Derek reached forward and touched shoulder. His posture had changed completely. His face had softened. So had his voice. "No, Angela, I didn't. I looked, but there's only one Angel in my Heaven."

"Oh, God." Angie's throat felt like a rock was stuck it. "Derek. I'm sorry."

Derek looked like he wanted to say many things, but the words weren't coming.

Angie took Derek's hands in hers. She took another deep breath. "Derek, Frank's in trouble."

"_What_? You want me to help that arrogant ass in there get out of some trouble that he's made for himself?"

"Derek, that man in there isn't really the Frank we knew in college. About six months ago, he changed! I can't say exactly what happened, but one day, he was the good, honest, kind man we both knew and loved. And then, the next, he was this obnoxious, brutal caricature of the man I married! I don't even call him Frank anymore, I call him 'Frankie'! Because he's _not_ the same man!"

"Do you think he's taking something?" Derek swiped at his nose to imply that Frank might be taking Cocaine.

Could Angela be on the coke? Angie hadn't experienced any withdrawal symptoms when she was first adapting to this body, so Angela hadn't been on it then. But Angela might not regard Frank's body as her own, and may not be as careful of it. She might try drugs just to experience a new kick, figuring that she could shift back to her old body if things got sticky. "No, I don't think so. Maybe. I don't know."

But it's almost as bad. You've heard the scuttlebutt on the Street- he's doing stupid things, and getting away with them. But he won't- he can't forever. He's making all the wrong kinds of contacts, and losing the valid relationships that he had been building. Eventually, one way or another, it's going to burn him."

Derek looked long and hard into her eyes. "And what do you want me to do? Hold an intervention? Get him into Assholes Anonymous?"

"No. All I want you to do is watch him. See what I can't see. Find out what idiocy he's up to. When the crunch comes- and it will come- maybe we can save him. Or at least keep the bloodbath to a minimum. Because, y'know, when he does go down, I have a feeling that he's going to take a lot of people with him."

Derek held her hand between his two. Angie was suddenly very aware of the fact that she was now female, and he was still very male. "I'll see what I can do." And he was gone.

Angie suddenly felt very cold and very alone. She went back into the party. She felt warmer, but no less alone.


And in the Shop that doesn't really exist anywhere, Dannie jumped a peg from one hole to another.


The Hartford Heritage Foundation bash was a roaring success. The party was as fun as such things can be, while maintaining the level of decorum that the HHF demands. Debra and Angie had pushed the envelope by booking a Salsa orchestra as well as the usual chamber orchestra. The Salsa was just hot enough, without being over the top, and was a welcome break from the same old same old. Dancing to the Latin beat was exhilarating, and she rarely lacked for partners. Angie was a living confection in a pink chiffon mini-dress, and Debra was jaw dropping in a gold metallic off-the-shoulder number. Jay was impressively studly in his tux, with his shaven head gleaming. Debra even let Angie dance with her Jay for a couple of turns, before possessively reclaiming him. For a wonder, Frankie not only showed up, but also was on his best behavior. At least _his_ best behavior, which meant that nobody came up to her complaining about him. Debra and Angie were prominent among the society matrons lined up for the newspaper lineups.

At Three o'clock in the AM, Laura Gooden let Debra, Angie and their husbands go, and piled them into the limo. Jay, Debra and Angie were still lively, and mostly ignored the quiet lump in the corner. The Limo deposited them at the condo building, and Charleton, the graveyard shift doorman, let them in. The micro-party wound down in the cramped elevator, and ended at the condo doors.

Angie bopped down the apartment hall, getting the last of the Salsa beat out of her system. She chattered on, enjoying the late-night tiredness that came after a really good party. "Oooh, Bomp, bomp, bomp!" She punctuated each 'bomp' with a bump of her hips. "Oh, Deb was right, that man of hers really does know how to MOVE! Whoooo!" She twirled around and flopped down on the couch. "Man, am I beat! Oh well, first a shower, then your 2 minute lower back exercise- or are you up to 3 now?- and then to sleep!"

Frankie looked down at her sullenly. "Enjoy it while you can. Tomorrow, you stop going there."

"No biggie, Deb and I were only involved with that to repay Laura Gooden. Though Deb says that she's been approached by a couple of NAACP big noises, and she thinks that there might be a few things that I could help out with, even if I am melanin deprived."

"Not just the Heritage Foundation. I mean that, any other little 'ladies that lunch' bullshit that you may have hooked up with, this stupid 'tenant's network' of yours, the gym, and especially that couple of nigger assholes across the hall!"

"Oh, Dear. Racial Invective. I think that I'll go across the hall and invite Jay to beat the living crap out of you." She stood up.

Frankie shoved her back down on the couch. "Listen up, Bitch! I AM THE HUSBAND HERE!" He raged.

"Yeah, so I'm reminded every time I have to sit down to take a whiz!"


"And what, prithee tell, oh 'Lord and Master', am I supposed to be doing?"


"You mean those TTW files that legally I'm not even supposed to be looking at, let alone analyzing? Hey, I've been pointing out your more egregious blunders. As for the rest, well, thanks to that magic thingamabob of yours, you have the same MBA and Economics education that I have- So do your own damn work!" Angie sprang up off the couch.


"Are you ever?" Angie stalked into the bedroom and returned a minute later with a couple of sheets and a blanket, which she threw on the couch.

Frankie smirked, "Oh, you're going to punish me by sleeping on the couch?"

"What? Don't you ever watch old movies? It's always the HUSBAND who spends the night on the couch!" She ran into the bedroom and locked the door. She sat on the bed, and tried to calm herself down. This was the hard part. This was the part where Angela had to learn that people wouldn't always just fall over the first time that Frankie pushed them. He wouldn't be this upset if things weren't getting hairy at the office. She'd have to arrange a meeting with Derek to hear if he'd come up with anything. Frankie would never admit that his own sloth and greed was tripping him up, so he had to blame it on Angie's research. That, coupled with what probably seemed to him like all these good things- the Hartford bash, the good press, the tenant's network, her regained figure, Jay and Debra's friendship- just falling into Angie's lap, probably galled him. It would never occur to him that it all might be the result of Angie's long, hard, and smart work. No, Frankie/ Angela just never thought like that.

Frankie stopped pounding on the door, and began slamming away at it with his shoulder, Oh, Christ! He isn't going to-

He did. He knocked the door open, and staggered in, eyes blazing. He came at her arms wide. She ducked under his grab, and buried a knee in his mid-section. He gasped and bent over, the wind knocked out of him. As he gaped, she brought an elbow down across the back of his head, sending him sprawling.

"You just don't get it, do you Angela? While you were growing up with your private schools, having every boo-boo kissed, I was growing up in a Bronx orphanage, kicking ass just to stay alive! While you were in Prep School, honing your put-down techniques, I was surviving Basic Training and two tours in the Navy. You don't have any idea of what a real fight is like! It's like this!" She savagely kicked him in the ribs. "Oh, and sweetie, y'know what the latest exercise fad is? Kickboxing!" She gave him another kick to illustrate. He lashed out at her standing leg, knocking her off her feet. Despite her little rant, Angie knew that Frankie still had the edge on her. Frank had been keeping in trim since Basic, while Angie had only been getting in shape for eight months. Those months may have softened Frankie and slowed him down a little, but not that much. Not if Frankie was killing mad. And Frankie still had seven inches and ninety pounds on her. It's only in the movies where the slight little martial arts master can thrash the lumbering brute without taking a scratch. In reality, mass and reach count.

Angie jabbed him in the ribs, but Frankie managed to grab her arm. Now, he had the advantage. He brought his fist down across her face, once, twice, three times in rapid succession. Angie was stunned, but knew how to fight the daze. She pulled herself through his wide-splayed legs, and pitched him into an awkward throw. Jackie Chan wouldn't have used it, but it worked. From the front door, Angie could hear knocking and Debra calling, "Angie! Are you all right? ANGIE! ANGIE!"

Frankie was between her and the bedroom door. He got to his feet. His face was aglow with the thrill of the fight. Angie's pretty party dress was torn, and one of her shoes had lost a heel. One side of her face was already beginning to bruise, and a trickle of blood came from her nose. Her elegantly coifed hair was completely disarrayed. And between Frankie's legs was the biggest woody that Angie had ever seen there. This did not bode well.

She rushed over the bed toward the door. Frankie reached out and managed to grab her ankle. He leveraged this hold into having both of her arms pinned. He pulled her against him, and licked the side of her neck. She could feel the throbbing erection against her thigh.

She pulled away from him and snarled, "Okay Angela, you're so hot to be a MAN?" She kneed him in the groin. He gaped, utterly and completely taken by surprise by the unprecedented pain. He let go of her and bent over, clutching his crotch. "Welcome to Manhood."

Angie sprinted to the door and opened it. Jay, then Debra, then a few other neighbors on the floor piled into the apartment hallway. Jay was barefoot, and stripped to the waist, wearing only the tuxedo pants. Frankie and Angie had obviously interrupted Jay and Debra's apre-gala plans. He advanced into the apartment like a force of nature, the athletic condition of his chest and arms giving total credibility to his no-nonsense expression. He took one look at Angie's condition and stalked into the apartment. He ran into Frankie, who was coming out of the bedroom. "Hold on, Frank!"

Frankie, still operating on his testosterone high, took a swing at Jay. Jay boxed as part of his exercise regimen. It also helped to psyche out other lawyers when he asked them to discuss cases while he worked out. He easily blocked Frankie's punch and countered with a jab to the stomach. As Frankie reeled, Jay hauled him up by the jacket and frog-walked him to the hallway. Near the door, with the other neighbors as witnesses, he slammed Frankie against the wall and roared, "DAMMIT, DELAROSA! WE DO NOT ALLOW THAT KIND OF CRAP IN THIS BUILDING!"

With another neighbor helping, Jay marched Frankie into the elevator and went down to the lobby and threw him out, giving Charleton instructions not to let him in until sunrise.

Debra and Mrs. Chien from 7-B herded Angie over to the couch, Angie was trembling and hyperventilating from unspent adrenaline. Mrs. Chien scurried to the bathroom for mercurochrome and alcohol. Angie noticed that Debra was only wearing her slip under her flimsy robe.

"S-sorry. Looks like we s-spoiled your good time." She lisped through a split lip.

"Jesus Christ! What started this?"

"Oh, Frankie d-decided that I was having too much fun, so he told that I was gr-grounded, and had to do all his homework."

"Hunh? Stop kidding!"

"Only partly. Back in college, I used to help Frank with his homework. Ever since he's been on this toot, he's been e-mailing the research and stuff from his job for me to analyze."

"You can do that?"

"Sure! Once you know how, it's just a matter of looking for patterns and reading between the lines. Anyway, Frankie ordered me to stop being involved with the HHF, and the tenant's network, and you and Jay. There were more than a few unfortunate names called. And then I told him he could sleep on the couch. Then- WWF SmackDown!"

"Oh, God. How badly are you hurt? Can you feel if anything's broken or bleeding?"

"Shush, shush, it only looks bad. Besides, I didn't exactly just curl up in a ball and let him whale on me. He's going to have a few marks of his own in the morning!"

Mrs. Chien showed up and started dabbing Angie's battered face. Jay came up from tossing Frankie out. "How is she?"

Debra started to talk, but Angie interrupted. "She is going to be alright, as long as she doesn't have a dozen mother hens hovering around. She is also very grateful to you, Jay, for what you did. She would thank you in detail- especially with you looking like that*Rawf!*- but you have this wife that she doesn't want to piss off!" She made a sickly smile through split lips.

Debra stood up and took her husband by the arm. "Well, if she's strong enough to make a weak joke like that, she must be all right. Alright, everybody! Shows over! Let's go!"

The crowd filtered out, with Mrs. Chien pausing to take a last look at Angie's face to be sure.

Finally, Angie was alone. Angie didn't like to be alone. Frank had been alone far too much. But Frank had always gone to be alone whenever he got in a bad fight. He hated to share his pain with others. Angie shut off the lights and went into the bathroom for some aspirin. With the painkillers down, she absently sat down on the couch before going into the bedroom. She never made it into the bedroom.


The sun was high and bright when the knocking on the door woke Angie up. The pain in her face snapped her immediately out of any daze. She looked down at herself and took in the wreckage of her dress. She hurt, she looked a mess, and there was somebody trying to pound down the damn door! She stepped out of the remnants of her pumps, and trotted into the bedroom. She stripped the ruined dress off and put her dressing gown over her slip. She stepped into her fuzzy slippers, and took a look at her face in the mirror. *yuck!*

Sorry, no time for fix-ups. She scurried to the door. It crossed her mind that it might be Frankie, come for Round Two. No, he'd either pound, or just use his key. She peered through the peephole. It was Debra. Angie opened up.

"YOWch! Did you just wake up?"


"Did you even make it to bed?"


"Eloquent this morning, aren't we?'

"Hey, feeling the way I do, Shakespeare woulda been hard pressed to come up with anything classier than 'Fuck! That hurts!' "

"Forsooth! By the way, I thought you'd like to know- Henry the doorman refused to let Frank in the door this morning. The cops came by when Frank was making a scene, and took him downtown. There was some talk about a restraining order. It was generally agreed that this was a good idea, and Henry shouldn't be penalized for coming up with it. Jay is hustling to make it a reality. You want?"

"I dunno. It's tempting. But, if I just cast him aside like that, I may lose him forever."

"OR MAYBE it will shock him out of that macho delirium he's in. Besides, you can always drop it later, if he starts to shape up."

True enough. And if Angie started playing hardball, Frankie might dig that medallion out from where ever he stashed it, and try to get on the winning side. Or at least he'd pick up on the fact that society does have rules. At this point, Angie would settle for that. "Yeah. When you're right, you're right. Tell Jay to go ahead, and tell him that I said thanks again for everything."

"It's as good as delivered. But now, you have to get cleaned up."

"Why? Believe me, after last night, I don't feel like seeing anyone or doing anything today."

"Tough Shit. Today, you have a Royal Appointment. The regal Mrs. Van Hoorne wants us both for high tea."


If Debra and Angie could be considered the driving forces behind the co-op's tenant network, then the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne was it's Queen Bee. She had lived in that building for over fifty years. She was descended from the old New York Knickerbocracy, and had been a High Society debutante back when that actually meant something. She was rumored to have been on speaking terms with Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Onassis, Helen Hayes, Alexander Woollcot and Truman Capote. As part of her networking efforts, Angie had linked up the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne with her mother, Evelyn. The two saw in each other, if not kindred spirits, then at least like minds. They formed a fast friendship, and Mrs. Van Hoorne often traveled up to Greenwich to visit. Evelyn regarded this as something of a social coup.

Back in the Day, Mrs. Van Hoorne had been hailed as a great beauty; it still showed, decades later. At five-foot-nothing, she managed to fill the sitting room with the serene power of her personality by doing little more than raising a single sculpted eyebrow.

"So, Mrs. Delarosa, you had quite a night, last night."

"Ah, yes the Heritage Foundation fundraiser was quite a do!"

"And, afterwards?"

"That was very regrettable. I didn't want it to happen. I will do everything I can to see that it doesn't happen again. I know that incidents like that lower the tone of the entire building. However, I think that the co-op can be very proud of the fact that my floor neighbors didn't turn a deaf ear to what they heard. They didn't ignore-"

"Hush, child. I'm not placing the blame on you." She paused as she raised her teacup to her lips. "Mrs. Delarosa, -Angela, you are a very remarkable young woman. When you started this 'Network' within the co-op, I took the precaution of asking around about you. I was not pleased with what I heard. My best information- which is very good, mind you- is that growing up, you were the worst sort of horrid little brat. A pretty face, a good family, and a vile disposition. Your school career was even worse- tease, slandermonger, tyrant and opportunist."

"Ah, well, I admit that I'm not looking forward to my Private School reunion; too many people that might have long memories - and machetes."

"You went to college to study for a MRS degree, and graduated early. You were well on your way to becoming the kind of 'socialite' that gives New York a bad name. I had no real expectation that your networking scheme would be anything other than just another stepping stone for you." And yet, you've made it work. Your mother- lovely woman!- tells me that you've opened up to her more in the last eight months than you had in the last eight years. In your work for the Hartford Foundation, you've shown an ability to commit to others without personal gain that is, frankly, totally foreign to your previous shown character."

And, at the same time, your husband Frank- a man known for plain and honest dealing- has become an absolute buccaneer! I confess, this was a vexing mystery to me until today. This morning, Mrs. Parker here told me of a conversation that you had a few months ago."

Angie looked at Debra, who gave a helpless 'What could I do? She's Queen Bee!' smile back.

"If what she says is true, then you are a truly remarkable woman, Angela! You are a truly repentant soul! You, who made a lifestyle of spite and selfishness, turned away from it. You are as the Prodigal Daughter. We would slaughter a fattened calf, but have you seen the price of veal these days?"

Now, if I understand correctly, you regard it as your duty to stand by your obnoxious husband as he faces a coming crisis that you believe his behavior will create."

"Yes, I genuinely believe that under it all Frank Delarosa is still a good man and-"

"Yes, yes, I know. My dear, I agree with the Catholics- contrition without penance is not repentance, it's just gas. You must at least try to make amends, if not to your husband, then at least to the world. But there must come an end to penance. And indeed, there comes a point where your penance may actually be doing your husband harm."

"What? How?"

"Dear, as long as you stand by Frank, selflessly withstanding his slings and arrows, he has no reason to reform. I believe that the psycho-babblers call this 'Enabling', in that it enables the drunkard- or in this case, dickhead- to continue in their destructive ways in safety and security. You are not helping him by, in effect, saying that what he's doing is all right."

Now, I will admit that I am very impressed that you didn't submit to his violence as some part of your penance. That is a very good sign. So, now I must pass on a bitter truth. Angela, you faced your own evil by yourself, and chose to change by yourself. Your husband Frank must also face his own evil by himself, and choose to change by himself. No matter what you do, you cannot do it for him, or even help do it. And, there is the very real chance that, when this great crisis comes, Frank may not be jolted out of his ways, as if from a bad dream. You may have already lost Frank forever."

When Mrs. Van Hoorne said 'You may have already lost Frank forever', it touched something inside Angie that she had been suppressing since the very first day. The thought, the possibility, the chance that she may never regain her true male body. That the bitch Angela would always be her bigger, stronger, more powerful husband. That there was no escape. Her face screwed up and her eyes filled with tears. Ever since the exchange, despite all provocations, Angie had never cried. Now she broke down and bawled. All the hurt, shame, confusion, anger, frustration and despair came pouring out. She fell to her knees, and buried her head in the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne's lap. Mrs. Van Hoorne stroked her head as the young lady released all that pain.

Debra looked at the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne with concern. The lady merely shook her head in a maternal way. It had to happen for this remarkable young woman to get on with her life.


In the Spells 'R' Us Shop, the apprentice wizard jumped one peg over another to form a cross.


Eventually, Angie cried herself out. She stood up and tried to breathe normally. Her ribs ached from the sobbing.

The regal Mrs. Van Hoorne looked up at her sadly. "Feel better now?"

Angie had to admit that, except for the aching ribs, she did feel better. She sniffled and nodded.

"Well then. Go use the powder room, and clean yourself up. You look like a raccoon." The last was said with a wistful smile. "When you're presentable, we have much to talk about."

Angie went in the powder room and set about cleaning herself up. As she was fixing her eyeliner, something clicked. Suddenly, it was no longer Angela's face and body that Frank was wearing as if it were a suit, it was her body. She had fed, cleaned and cared for it all these months. She had exercised and disciplined it. She had even learned to love in it. She was no longer trapped in this body; she was in charge of it.

She took a breath and joined the other ladies.

The regal Mrs. Van Hoorne took up where she had left off. "Now, dear, is there anything besides guilt that is keeping you tied to your husband?"

"Yes, the oldest and tackiest reason there is- money. Frank controls all the money. All the accounts are in his name, the condo is in his name, the stock portfolio is in his name. He even lists me on his income tax as a dependent. And as for the classic 'going home to mother'- well, Mom and Dad put up a good front, but they're on thin ice. If one more investment goes bad, they could lose everything. Having the extra expense of a grown child at home- that could be the thing that breaks the ice and puts them on a diet of cat food."

"Don't deride money as a hurdle for reaching your goals, dear. It wasn't the Vikings who toppled the reign of Charlemagne- it was the money-lenders of Venice and Genoa revoking his credit that did."

"And you have some ideas in that regard?"

"Of course, I do! That's why I called you here. When I was looking you over, I found yet another mystery. Your husband radically changed his business style. He lashed about, going for the quick profit. Time after time, he only avoided disaster at the last minute by careful maneuvers that were inconsistent with his new style. He confused people by appearing to blunder, without actually falling. Now, I understand why. Mrs. Parker- Debra, tells me that you've been 'doing his homework'. That is, reading his reports and warning him. This explains much. It also provides an answer to your problem."

Angie raised an eyebrow in confusion. "How? I have the know-how, but I can't use it! Without a degree, no firm will hire me, and god knows no one in their right mind would trust an unaccredited consultant. As for getting a job outside the financial sector- well, anyone that Frank can't lie to or scare off, probably won't want to take a risk on hiring a Wall Street shark's ex-wife. And after he hits the wall, well the smell will probably linger for years."

"True enough. But as for your contention that no one would trust an unaccredited consultant- well, that would only apply if that person didn't know you and of your remarkable financial acumen. Then, that person- or group of people, might find it a wonderful opportunity."


"As members of this condominium co-operative (what a term! it would have had us all dragged before the HUAC committee back in the fifties!), we have a sufficient financial identity to form an investment group. If you can find a lucrative investment opportunity for us, I'm sure that we can raise the funds to make it happen."

"Please, Ma'am, I'm not looking for charity- just a way to make my own way. If I take a handout, however well intentioned, I'll be on my knees for the rest of my life."

"Oh, I have no intention of giving you a handout. Quite the contrary- I fully expect that your sense of honor will compel you to provide as high a rate of return for our investment as ethically possible. Having you handle an investment fund won't be charity- it'll be the most golden opportunity that's come my way since I invested in Microsoft!"

"I can't charge you any money for putting it together. It would be illegal."

"True, but you could accept an equal share of the profits in exchange for your efforts. Besides, it would act as an incentive- the more money you make for us, the more money you make for yourself. If anyone asks, we can say that you acquired the share on credit donated by me. I'd love to see an SEC regulator try to take me downtown for questioning!"

"But I still can't handle any kind of investment directly. I'd either need a license, or work for a firm with one."

"Ah, but then you know a very well respected broker, don't you?"

"FRANK? Are You Mad! Even if he would handle an account that would let me leave him, I could never trust him not to just screw it up out of sheer spite!"

"No, actually I was thinking of Derek Kryczek over at Hull & Struthers. You do know him, don't you?"

Angie went beet red. "But- I couldn't ask him for a favor!"

"But you've already asked him for a favor, haven't you? My sources say that you and he met for the first time since college at a company party two months ago. Since then, after four years of belittling him at every opportunity, Mr. Kryczek has been carefully watching your Frank's every move without comment. Mayhap, when you met, you asked him to keep an eye on your husband to see that he didn't do anything foolish that you couldn't stop?" One eyebrow rose almost to the line of her snow-white coif.

Angie squirmed uneasily in her seat. "Which is why I can't ask him any favors now. Besides, that favor was for Frank. You see, Ma'am, I hurt Derek in college. Very badly. Asking him to help me now would be wrong."

"But it wouldn't be a favor! It is strictly business. Our investment group will need someone to handle the transactions. And that is his business. It only makes sense that our strategist and our broker already have a personal relationship." With that, the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne sipped the last of her tea, and the conversation was over.

Throughout the conversation, Debra had been silent. As they went to the elevator, she finally said, "Well, that was surreal!"

Angie gave a lopsided smile. "I know! I went in there expecting to meet Queen Victoria, and wound up being debriefed by Cardinal Richelieu!"


Angie's 'machine' sprang into action: Jay, using the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne's name as a passport, got a restraining order against Frankie; Mrs. Chamfrov had a nephew who was a divorce lawyer, who managed to freeze the joint assets before Frankie could do anything, and started the paperwork for the divorce. It was decided that they'd open with 'Emotional Distress' and 'Verbal Abuse'. They would settle for 'Irreconcilable Differences' if Frankie didn't contest the divorce, but could threaten to up the ante to Adultery and Physical Abuse if he got difficult. There were color photographs of Angie's face taken, and she even got dressed up in her ruined party dress and shoes for pictures. Contrasted with the pictures taken at the HHF rout, the effect was devastating. The neighbors who witnessed the scene made statements, which were promptly notarized. Mr. Chien had a cousin who was a CPA, who took a look at Frankie's books, pronounced them spaghetti, and set about trying to untangle them. There were a couple of nasty mutters about calling the IRS, but no one was fool enough to follow through. And Debra helped Angie go on a spending spree with the credit cards, which were all in Frankie's name, in an effort to max them all out before he thought of canceling them.

But the most unexpected help came from Angie's mother: "Why Angela, there's no problem about the pre-nuptial agreement! When your father insisted on it, he made sure that there was any number of trap-door clauses that you could use. You should able to claim the Condo and Bank Accounts as joint property. After all, he wrote it to protect you, not Frank! Didn't you read it?"


Debra and Angela sat at the upscale cafe, waiting for their appointment. In their matching suits, Debra in a yellow that flattered her complexion and Angie in a blue that set off her hair, both in coquettish white hats and gloves, they looked more like the latest generation of the Junior League than business partners about to start on a major venture. Which was, of course, the idea. Angie's face was a little more heavily made up than she liked, but that was what it took to cover up the discoloration that lingered from Frankie's beating. Even in this liberal age, Ladies do not advertise the fact that their husbands beat them!

Angie was nervous. It made no sense for her to be nervous- Derek was an old friend, who was here to talk business. She only seen him once in four years, and then had asked a major favor of him, but that was no reason to be nervous! They were here to talk business, and that's all.

Derek arrived, waded through the cafe lunch crowd, smiled at Debra and Angie, and sat down. Debra leaned back in her chair, taking in the newcomer appraisingly, an amused smile wide on her face. He was slender, but wiry, the kind of build that suggests that he played a mean game of squash or racquetball. Personally, Debra preferred men with more meat on them, like Jay, but she could see where Angie might think that he was cute. His face was long, thin and angular, rather suggesting a Russian wolfhound. His hair was dark and well groomed. His suit was chic and well cut, but not fussy. If he were wearing a pair of suspenders, he could have been a model for Young Professional magazine. His hands were large and long, and they were nervously playing with his silverware as he waited for the ice to break. But the really interesting things were his eyes, which never once left Angie. This was So Cute! It was like being back in sixth grade!

Angie started a little shakily, got her pace going once she was on the firm ground of the business proposal. She laid out the terms of the deal, and his part in it. He nodded his head. "So, this is all set and ready to go?"

Angie shook her head. "No, this is all preliminary, just a bunch of understandings. No real commitments will be made until I can actually find something and outline a presentation. Once we have that, all the signs, seals and stamps will be made, and you can start making the actual purchases."

"And who's the leader on this?"

"That would be Debra and me."

Debra chimed in, "More her than me- she actually knows what she's doing. I'm just here to make sure that she doesn't have a crisis of faith."

"So, you're going to be using Frank's TTW research?"

"OF COURSE NOT! That would present a clear breach of ethics!"

"Good to know it. The SEC gets very nosey during a recession, and I would hate to hear that you had picked up bad habits from your husband."

Bad habits? "You've heard something? About Frank?"

Derek casually waved his hand. "Only that he's using a lot of out-of-town money to make a lot of odd purchases." 'Out-of-town' money was a Wall Street euphemism for money from unnamed investors. "Just rumors. Wind and vapor." He rested an elbow on the back of his chair. "Speaking of which, the wind whispers that you threw Frank out on his ear a few nights back. The last time we spoke," At this Debra's eyebrows shot straight up, and she started paying a lot more attention. "You were making 'thick or thin' noises. What made you change your mind?"

Angie took a deep breath. While her hope of regaining her old body was fading, it was still a possibility. And, whichever body she ultimately wound up in, she wanted Derek close, and Angela/Frankie nowhere near. "On the sage advice of people I trust and respect, I have come to realize that my determination to see Frank through this trouble may come more from a desire for a kind of personal redemption than a real desire to help him. The regal Mrs. Van Hoorne calls it 'enabling'. Indeed, I'm starting to think that I may be the primary cause of his behavior. So, whether he straightens up or not, I can't live with him again. Ever."

She looked Derek straight in the eye, reached out and touched his hand. "But, Dirk, on the slight chance that he ever does snap out of it, if he comes to you begging for forgiveness, forgive him. Be his friend again. Please."

"I will. And if he doesn't?"

"Then stay away from him like the plague. No witty verbal fencing, no snooping in his business, no sparring- verbal or otherwise. Just keep a healthy distance. Derek, I'm afraid that we may both have lost Frank! And whatever's walking around in his clothes is pure Evil!"


As Debra and Angie strolled home, Debra could sense the tension in her partner. So, she tried a little therapeutic teasing. " 'Pure Evil?' What are you planning to do, get a divorce or an exorcism?"

"Believe me, Deb, if I thought an exorcism would work, I'd strap Frank to the altar of Saint Mary's, and make the Pope do it at gunpoint!"

"Maybe. Personally, what I think you need right now is a nice parfait."

"But Petrucchio's isn't on our way!"

'Parfait' was their private euphemism for their lovemaking sessions. "I wasn't talking about Petrucchio's."


Whoever wrote "I Love New York in June" was obviously not a New Yorker. New York in June is a steambath with winos. If you want to catch New York at it's very best, Autumn is your best bet. The thermometer runs through a scale of temperatures, starting with chilly mornings, running through to warm afternoons. The change sets the blood singing, and you are actually glad that you survived your jog through Central Park.

Angie didn't jog- she preferred to do her exercising at her gym, where the worst psycho you're gonna meet is the health food nut who tries to get you to try wheat grass drinks. But still, she put on her spandex activewear, a college sweatshirt, and cross-trainers, pulled her hair back with a sweatband and hit the concrete. She trotted a few blocks in the general direction of the nearest plot of captive green, and then caught a taxi for the financial district.

The people at Hull & Struthers did have a dress code, but as most people will, made an exception for a good-looking young woman in tight- fitting clothes. She had a tense twelve minutes waiting for Derek in the waiting room- after eight months out of circulation, it's kind of hard to get back into the loop just by reading Forbes. Finally, Derek showed up, looking office-natty in blue pinstripes. Angie wondered for a second, whether pinstripes were ultra-in, or ultra-out. They tended to be one or the other. As she walked into his office, it never crossed her mind that she was now a very healthy 25-year old woman, and her old college buddy was still a very good looking, quite athletic 27-year old man, not at all. Nor had it occurred to her as she was dressing, that she might be assembling a look that that had the least possible chance of being conducive to romance in an office setting, Nosirre, BOB!

Derek took in her apparel and smiled. "I didn't know you were such a booster of the old school. Especially since you didn't graduate. Speaking of which, exactly why do your people think that you should lead this project, seeing as how you have no financial training?"

Angie shrugged, which did unfortunate suggestive things with her chest. Damn. She still didn't have this female thing completely down. "Actually, the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne came up with this as kind of Town & Country version of workfare. The idea is that I make a whole pot of money, of which I get a share. This will presumably allow me to be financially independent on my own merits, instead of waiting for my divorce lawyer to pry as much as he can out of Frankie's clutching fingers. It sounds silly, but y'gotta admit, it beats the hell out of being yet another Manhattan divorcee bitching at her Ex to be on time with the alimony checks!"

"But why you?"

*sigh*"Well, not to blow my own horn, but I did help both of you guys research your theses, AND for the last eight months, I have been the main reason why Frankie hasn't gone smash!" She smiled tightly.

"You're saying that you are the source of Frank's now-famous last-minute switches? That those were not some incredibly devious, intricately planned, double-feint, HA-I'm-not-really-an-asshole, masterworks of financial footwork?"

"Nope! He really is that stupid these days. He'd leave me his reports and research on the PC, and expect me to warn him off the natural repercussions of his idiocy. Why do you think I was so anxious to know about the things that he was doing that he wasn't telling me about?"

"But Frank isn't that stupid-"

"Not Frank; Frankie. They are two completely different people. Frank was smart enough to know that you don't build a secure career out of high end smash-and-grab. Frankie IS just that stupid. Hell, I'm amazed that they have the same handwriting." Waitaminnit- Does Frankie have the same handwriting? Hmmm....

Derek was having his own secret thoughts, which he broke off. Returning his attention to Angie, he asked, "By the way, why exactly are you dressed like that?"

"Oh, this? Well, color me paranoid-"

"Consider yourself scribbled."

"-but I didn't want anyone to know that I was going out on business- for all I know, Frankie has already hired P.I.s in order to catch me in flagrante delectable. I figured that if I looked like I was going jogging, they wouldn't be ready when I switched into the taxi."

"Which you ride to an office building, where you stick out like a banana in a ball-bearing bin."

"Ah-henh!" Angie looked uncomfortable.

"And what will your next ingenious disguise be? A Bag Lady? A Gypsy Fortune-teller? A-"

"Okay, okay! It wasn't the greatest idea I've ever had! Hey, they can't ALL be Gems, y'know!"

"Still, I admit, it is a good idea if as few people as possible know that we're doing business. As Sun Tzu said-"

" 'Your campaigns should be like the storm- conceive your plans in darkness, and strike like the lightning.' The Art of War."

"You've heard this before."

"Hey, it was in your thesis- I helped research it, remember? So, do you have any alternatives to my becoming a woman of a thousand faces?"

"Hey, hide in plain sight. What say we cunningly disguise ourselves as say, oh, old college sweethearts, say. One of who is going through a painful divorce, maybe. Naturally, that one- whichever one decides to play the part, you understand- would turn to an old flame for compassion and companionship. That way we could meet over, oh, say, lunch, maybe drinks after work, or even dinner, if you really want to rack up some hours. So, how does that sound, Angela?"

"Call me Angie. I hate being called Angela."


Amazingly, Derek actually wanted to work on their faux-dates. They decided to begin with the classic rules: Set your plan to match the market, Go where there's money, and Work with things you know about.

"There's a fourth consideration," Angie told Derek over cracked crab. "The second that Frankie hears that I'm doing anything involved with the market, let alone that I'm doing it through you, he's gonna try to screw things up just to be spiteful."

"We can avoid him."

"Or we can take the bull by the horns and target him."

"Vindictive wench, aren't you?"

"Vindictive, schmindictive! It fits all of our criteria. One: Set your plan to match the market. A Bull Market sews, while a Bear Market reaps. In a Bull Market, the smart money invests in bold new ventures. In a Bear Market, the smart money buys up failing ventures and boils them down for their assets. Frankie is going to screw up, and without me testing the ice for him, like a good Eskimo wife, he is going to fall into really icy water."

Two: Go where there's money. You said that Frankie was handling a lot of 'out-of-town' money. Margie Fitzgerald tells me that that's the only reason that the brass at TTW is keeping him around. The Out-of-towners are probably impressed by what they think are his aggressive tactics. So, if we are there to grab the ball when he drops it, he'll probably throw their good money after the bad to try to get the ball back. And that means more profit for our investors, who by the way, are expecting me to pull a mink-lined rabbit out of this hat!"

Three: Work with things you know about. You've been watching Frankie's moves for months, and I know what kind of mistakes he makes. All I have to do is look over his moves for the past few months, and I should be able to see what he's up to."

Four: If we are blindsiding Frankie, then he can't blindside us."

Derek sighed, "True. But it still stinks."

Angie nodded. "Yeah, Like last week's catch of the day."


Derek went to handle the tab while Angie went to the powder room to freshen up. As she fine-tuned her hair and makeup, she worried that the dark blue dress was just maybe a little too dressy. After all, it's not really a date- you're working!

Satisfied with the results, Angie left the powder room, and bumped her nose into a wall. A wall named Frankie.

Frankie glowered down at her. "I see that you're here with your old buddy, Derek. I always knew that you two were fags!"

"Frankie, go get a dictionary and look up 'Restraining Order'." She tried to pass, but he blocked her.

"And where do you think your going? Gonna go cuddle up with Derek? Suck his cock, maybe, like a good little fag?" He grabbed her arm.

"Oh, get real, Frankie! I'm not afraid of you! Not even you are dumb enough to start pounding on your estranged wife, in the middle of a five-star restaurant, in violation of a Court Order!" She pulled her arm free.

Frankie smirked even more nastily than usual. "I don't need to hit you. All I have to do is tell my ol' buddy Derek how my Queen Bitch of a wife is playing him for a chump. I'll tell him how he's just the latest of a string of suckers that you've been spreading for!"

"That isn't true, you asshole!" Then Angie saw Derek coming up from behind Frankie. She looked up at Frankie and said with a defiant smile. "And exactly what makes you think that Derek will believe anything you say?"

"Hey, I haven't lost my touch! And I know Derek and all his buttons. All I have to do is remind him of that nasty going away speech you gave him in college. I'll tell him that everything I've done lately is because of you, and now that you're done with me, you're moving on to your next meal ticket. Then I tell him about your affair with one of those two niggers across the hall. Though, I haven't decided whether it'll be the buck or the dyke bitch. Maybe both! Yeah, I think that would do the job!"

From behind Frankie came Derek's voice, "Oh, do you really think so, Frank? You don't think that I wouldn't want to join in? Or maybe take pictures? That seems to be the way that your mind works these days." Derek helped Angie past Frankie, and helped her on with her wrap. As she left, Angie favored Frankie with a wide sardonic smile and flipped him the Finger.

When they were out the door, Derek leaned over and said quietly, "Okay, we take the bastard Down."


Angie found herself with a very full plate: she had to honor her various commitments around the building; she kept up her sessions at the gym; she regularly visited her parents in Greenwich, often with Debra or the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne in tow; there were appointments with Herb Chamfrov, her divorce lawyer; and she took over a few minor chores from Laura Gooden for the HHF, just to keep up appearances. And on top of all that, she spent every spare going over Derek's reports on Frank's doings. A major complication had been that they had to be absolutely sure that whatever they did could not be proven to have been informed by the TTW reports that Angie had analyzed for Frankie. Angie even took down the PC, put it in a box, sealed the box and had the sealing dated and notarized.

Finally, Angie saw the light. She and Derek were working late at his office. They'd been to dinner and a revival of 'The Man Who Came To Dinner' earlier. Derek had his tie off and his coat was on the back of a chair. Angie also had the jacket of her suit off, and was in her stocking feet. She jumped up and shouted "Eureka!" Angie was a sucker for the classics.

"What is it?" Derek asked over a tottering pile of reports.

"It seems that my half-wit husband has delusions of grandeur! If I'm reading this right, he's going to try fill an inside straight!"


"He's going to try to use a small company, i.e. Skorczeny Concrete, to take over a much larger company, to wit- Buchalter Hauling & Freight. BHF really over-extended during the Dot.Com boom, and acquired a whole bunch of smaller firms and properties. It's a very juicy plum, right now. If they manage to sell off a few extraneous properties or firms, they should be in good shape. BUT somebody has filed an injunction citing this, that and the other to keep them from doing this. Three guesses whom. In the meantime, much smaller Skorczeny Concrete has been buying major blocks of BHF stock. Guess who owns a large share of Skorczeny Concrete?"

"My old touch football partner?" Angie smiled wickedly and touched her nose. "Sounds like a good move. Where do his 'delusions of grandeur' come into the picture?"

"He doesn't control a majority, or even plurality share in Skorczeny."

Derek chewed that over. "He probably doesn't want to either tie up the capital to buy up a majority in Skorczeny, or call attention to himself by doing it. He's probably threatening the Skorczeny board with forcing them out, in order to get them to go along with it. He must be using the 'out-of-town' money he's been handling to do it; there's no way the Skorczeny board would try this out of their own pockets."

Angie mused," And, once Skorczeny owns BHF, they'll sell off all of those extraneous properties for a quick payback to Frankie's backers. That is, if they don't completely cannibalize the entire company. Which would be exactly Frankie's style these days. A LOT of quick cash, a lot of people out of jobs, and most of the other BHF and Skorczeny stockholders will probably be left holding a very large and very empty bag."

Derek kicked back in his chair. "Okay, you're the project leader- what are we going to do, oh, fearless leader?"

Angie paced and twiddled her thumbs nervously. "Okay, Sun Tzu says that the essence of all strategy is-"

"The Essence of all strategy is this- to be strong where your enemy is weak, and to not be where your enemy is strong." Derek completed. " 'Kay, where is Frank weak- aside from between the ears?"

"No, Frankie's weakness isn't stupidity really, it's his Ego. He's not really that dumb, he's just reckless. He's gotten it into his head that he can get away with anything. Anything that challenges that pisses him off royally. So, we form our investment group, and we set off to conquer Buchalter Hauling in a great procession, with a great beating of kettle drums and blowing of bugles and waving of pennants, with you and me at the head of the conquering army."

"So, he'll throw everything he can at us to get what he wants. He has access to too much money, Angie. There's no way that Skorczeny won't buy out BHF."

Angie's eyes were bright with inspiration. "EXACTLY. We _WANT_ Skorczeny to buy BHF, purchasing our block of BHF preferred with a _Huge_ lump of out-of-town money-"

"Angie, we won't make that much money, and Frank will think that he's won a battle. Too much embarrassment for too little gain."

"-BECAUSE while we are marching on BHF with our kettle drums and bugles and waving pennants, a second investment group, headed by the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne, will be quietly buying up a majority share in Skorczeny."

"So, Frank will be paying enormous amounts of other people's money to hand over control of this plumb to a company that we control!"

Angie smiled ferally. "With you and me heading the BHF takeover diversion, he won't be paying any attention to Skorczeny stock. And once BHF falls into the hands of Skorczeny, we, as majority stock holders, will order the board to sell it lock, stock and barrel to our investment group at a reasonable rate."

Derek stood and faced her." Which is only what Frank would have done himself! If we time it right, we could even pay Skorczeny with the profit we get from selling the BHF block!"

She closed in on him. "Then we trim the fat off of BHF- which they were going to do anyway-, use the proceeds to pay off loans and provide a quick return to our investors, and we will own an nice mid-sized hauling and freight company, which will return a reasonable dividend year after year!"

Suddenly, they were nose to nose. Angie was snapped out of her vision of financial triumph and personal vindication by an overwhelming realization of how close- and male- Derek was. Derek pulled her to him and kissed her. Angie stiffened for a second, then gave a muffled squeak and melted. Suddenly, Angie realized why romance novelists use the phrase swept away, why women are supposed to take such joy in surrender. She felt herself carried along by the sheer intensity of the unnamable emotion. Like a ship without a rudder, not caring whether the winds blew it onto jagged rocks or to paradise.

Gravity pulled them both down onto the couch. Passion pulled Derek down on top of Angie. Some strange, unnamable occult force pulled Angie's underwear down around one ankle, and Derek's down around both.

It wasn't the first time that Angie had felt a penis inside her; it wasn't even the fiftieth. But it was the first time that it wasn't a part of a sick war of wits and wills between Angie and Frankie. It was all a part of a delicious merging of pleasure and emotion. Angie felt Derek moving inside her, pushing her ever higher toward a new level of intensity. Finally, she climaxed, muffling her scream by biting into Derek's shoulder. She started to float down from her climax, when Derek's movement pushed her up again into another climax, before cumming himself. Angie held Derek against her, but then felt him pull away.

Derek sat up and looked at Angie rather shamefacedly. "This was a mistake", he muttered. Angie was confused for a second. Then, she understood. For once, having been born a man was actually useful! He felt that he had taken advantage of her, in the rush of his passion. Most women would have been slightly insulted. Angie felt an amused empathy.

She reached up and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Damn straight this was a mistake. Now, let do it again, and this time, let's get it RIGHT!" She began to unbutton his shirt. They began to make love, which involved, but was not restricted to, sex. Mostly, it was a matter of just being there with each other.

After their third go-round, Angie and Derek cuddled naked on the couch. They whispered softy, not wanting to shatter the delicate magic of the moment, speaking of the things that lovers do. Such things do not translate well onto a written page, so I will not bother.

Angie looked at Derek and experienced a bizarre deja vu moment, as if she had been here, locked in a lover's embrace with him before. Then she realized that what she was reminded of- the woman that Frank had thought that Angela was. She saw in Derek, what Frank had seen in Angela. Then it clicked. How Angela had managed to enrapture them both. She had used her peculiar genius for spotting people's weaknesses to show Frank the qualities he loved in Derek, and Derek the traits he loved in Frank. No wonder Frankie had been going on so much about Angie and Derek being "fags". Bitch.

Angie felt Derek holding something in. She asked him what it was. He said, "You won't like it." She insisted. In a small, hurt voice, he said, "I miss Frank."

Angie started to say, silently within herself, that Frank was here! But she looked inside, and Frank was nowhere to be seen. There was only Angie. She said, in a small, lost voice, "I miss Frank, too." Softly, Derek began to cry. As she held him to her breast in consolation, Angie realized that she had not truly hated Angela. She had disliked her, resented her, been angry with her, disdained her, and even despised Angela. But now she truly Hated Angela, because Angela had hurt the man she loved.

The next morning, at the condo, Debra came over for breakfast and an update on the project. She took one look at Angie and said, "DETAILS! I want details! And be Graphic!"


Once the plan was committed to paper, there was the matter of building a warchest. Based on her fund-raising experience as Frank, Angie had anticipated a lot more trouble coming up with the needed cash. Instead, she was overwhelmed by the interest in the project. Almost everybody in the building wanted a piece of the action. The regal Mrs. Van Hoorne was in, of course- it had been her idea; she also brought in two outside friends, one of whom had been a "madcap heiress" back in the '40's, and hadn't lost a dime since. Jeremy and Evelyn mortgaged most of their assets for a hefty investment ante. Mrs. Chamfrov brought in most of her extended family, as did Mr. & Mrs. Chien. Those that didn't buy in because of their regard for Angie did so because the word was that she was taking her soon-to-be-Ex to the cleaners. Frankie Delarosa had a reputation for being- besides an asshole- involved in deals with BIG numbers. There was a recession going on, and deals with the potential for returns that shaking down Frankie Delarosa promised, were few and far between. If anything, they started to have a problem with security, as they didn't want the news of this scam getting out before they were ready. When the time came to get the ball rolling, Angie was starting to feel like the Little Tailor, being sent out to slay the Giant, because he had stitched 'seven with one blow' on his belt.

The opening round in their campaign was the very quiet acquisition of three separate blocks of BHF stock. These were registered under the name of the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne's madcap heiress friend, Melsa Manton, in trust for the investment group.

The second round was the 'beating of kettledrums, blowing of bugles and waving of pennants' that Angie had spoken of. The investment group sent glossy brochures to each of the stockholders in BHF, which raked Frankie over the coals in barely slander-proof terms. They outlined his Standard Operating Procedure, with an eye toward highlighting the dangers to BHF stockholders. They especially played on the quite reasonable stockholder fear that Frankie would rape the company and leave them holding the bag.

Frankie countered with a press conference in which he denied everything, and ridiculed Angie's ability to run BHF. Angie parried with newscast speaking engagements before the DAR and the NOW.

The popular media picked up on the name-calling, and Frankie and Angie became elements of contemporary comedy. Frankie fumed at being ridiculed; Angie made appearances on SNL, Leno, and Letterman.

As planned, the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne spearheaded the quiet drive to accumulate Skorczeny stock. One by one, she visited Skorczeny stockholders and calmly discussed the difficulties that that noisy Mr. Delarosa was bringing to Skorczeny Cement with his loutish antics. More often than not, she walked out with a block of Skorczeny stock in her purse.

The price of BHF stock went through the roof as even the regular financial press got in on the act and started pitching it as a clash of titans. Frankie tried to match Angie's success wooing the public, but Angela's genius was for psychological sabotage, not public relations. Then Frankie switched his tactics, and went with his strength- face to face nastiness. He unwittingly copied the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne's strategy and went to individual BHF stockholders and told them things that could be called, to put it mildly, slanderous.

The size of each party's pile of stock continued to grow. While Angie had the advantage in sentiment and self-preservation, Frankie had the incredible advantage of an apparently bottomless wallet. Finally, the mysterious three blocks of strangely neutral stock came to light. Frankie visited the madcap Mrs. Manton with the tools that worked for him: Money and trash talk. This time, his blatherskite was tape-recorded. It probably wouldn't help with the stock fight, but if all else failed, Angie could probably sue the SOB for Defamation of Character.

As the deadline imposed by the injunction that Frankie had slapped on BHF drew near, Frankie threw more and more money at both Mrs. Manton and Angie.

Then the wheels fell off of Angie's wagon. One of the Skorczeny stockholders dropped the ball, and clued Frankie into the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne's game. He changed the name of the game from control of BHF to control of Skorczeny. Angie and Mrs. Manton had two utterly humorless SEC regulators force Frankie to honor his last bid for both of their blocks of stock, which greatly replenished their warchest. They needed it, because Frankie started playing the same game for control of Skorczeny.


Dannie chewed her lip as she pondered her next move. She looked at the Old Man as he puffed on his pipe. The Wizard was inscrutible as a cat. There are certain lessons in The Craft that apprentices must figure out for themselves. Besides, she shook her rear end in such an entertaining way when she was trying to make up her mind.


Part of the war was waged on the social scene, and Derek and Angie were on everybody's party list these days. They were young, attractive, witty, charming, and best of all, a there was a built in chance of fireworks if one also accidentally invited the charming Mrs. Delarosa's soon-to-be-ex-husband (ooops!).

The war was coming to a head when Halloween rolled around. Frankie was using General Grant's tactic to win- just keep throwing soldiers (or dollars, in this case) at the other side until they drop.

Halloween was going to be celebrated at TTW this year. Derek and Angie were invited, (mixed signals there), and they managed to wrangle invites for Jay and Debra. Debra was in charge of the costumes. She decided that they should go as theme couples.

Derek was dressed up as a Knight in Shining Armor; well, if you can count a thick polyester knit sprayed with silver paint to resemble chainmail as shining armor. The red-and-white tabard helped. Angie was a Lady Fair in a long red dress with wide bell sleeves that looked like the design had been stolen from a bodice-ripper romance novel. The collar of the dress hung so low on Angie's shoulders that it had to be glued to there so she wouldn't flop out. A hair extension sent locks of gold down to her waist. There were more than a few unfortunate jokes about Swords and Stones.

Jay and Debra were dressed as an Antebellum Southern Gentleman and his Belle (with blonde sausage curls, no less!). They burlesqued the roles just enough to make a point without insulting anyone of the southern persuasion. Right up to the last minute, Debra couldn't decide whether to take the parasol or the fan as an accessory. Cramming her hoop skirts into the elevator and then a cab decided the issue in favor of the fan.

When they got to the TTW offices, Debra scanned around the party with keen interest. Then she smiled triumphantly, and pointed out a couple.

"There's your ex-hubby and his current victim."

The pair was dressed as a fancy-dan gambler from an old western and an old west saloon girl. Angie looked, incredulous. "Are you sure? I'd have thought that even Frankie would have more PR sense than to advertise himself in that light!"

Debra snorted. "Like he had a choice! He reserved Julius Caesar and Cleopatra costumes three weeks ahead, but for some bizarre reason the deliveryman brought those! And at the last minute, on Halloween, in New York? He'd be lucky to find a pair of sheets!"

"You went to all that trouble, for that?"

"Hey, I was bored! I gotta have some fun!"


It was inevitable that in the course of the evening, Angie would find herself cornered by Frankie. "You can't win, you know. No matter how many sneaky little tricks you have up that lacy sleeve, I will win."

"You forgot to twirl your mustache, Frankie. If your going to play the dastardly villain, at least do it right!"

"Oh, by the way, I threw that medallion you gave me into the East River."

"Y'know a few months ago, that would have really hurt." *yawn*

The two sneered at each other.

Angie decided to get off the subject. "So, who's Miz Kitty over there?"

He smirked. "My current enamorata, Barbara Cartman."

Angie bent over guffawing. "Barbara the Barracuda? Barbara the Barbarian? Cartman the Cannibal? How in god's name did you two get together? Screw that, how do you sleep in a bed with a woman who regards you as one of the four basic food groups?"

Frankie looked bewildered.

"Didn't anyone tell you? Of course not, I knew, and so they assumed you knew! She's the firm Scapegoat! She's the one with the messy past, who the brass keeps around to be thrown to the SEC in case things get sticky. She was sniffing around TTW for months, looking for someone dumb enough to get her out of the chump change pit and close to something big. I was never dumb enough to deal with someone of her associations." Waitaminnit... Angie changed the subject again. "So, Frankie, were you fucking her, back while I was still putting up with you?"

Frankie smiled nastily through the phony handlebar mustache.

"Oh, Gawd, I won't be able to sleep until I get checked for STDs."

The dance-hall girl started drifting in the general direction of the powder room.

Angie hitched up her gown." 'Scuze me, Girl talk." She headed off in the same direction. In the powder room, Angie and Barbara Cartman stood next to each other, fixing their make-up in icy silence. Then the snide remarks started. The verbal fencing lasted a while, and ended with Barbara fuming. It hadn't been a very challenging match- Angie had learned sparring with Angela as Frank. But then Angie didn't really have anything against Cartman- well, nothing that she didn't have against office doorknobs in general.

Barbara snarled at Angie. "You may think that you're hot shit with your up-town, old money contacts, but they ain't shit! Frank has a few tight friends from way back, himself! And we are going to plow you under."

"Oh, and I suppose that Frank is going to hitch the plow up to you."

Barbara finished her hair, and left the powder room in a huff.

Debra came over and adjusted her wig. "Jeez, you really are a bitch in recovery. Just don't fall too far off the wagon, honey." She looked at Angie closely. "Ange, what's the matter? You have the weirdest look on your face."

"Deb, honey, Belle Starr over there just gave me the last piece of the puzzle. Debra, m'love, we just WON!"


Dannie completed the meridian line, and put in the first peg to begin the lateral arch.


Angie spent the rest of the evening with a cat-that-ate-the-canary smile on her face. At the end of the night, as she was ready to go, she went up to Frankie and said, "Y'know, Frankie, I was wrong to divorce you."

Frankie preened his mustache.

"After all, why take half of everything in a settlement, when I could have waited a few months, and inherited it ALL as your Widow?"

She flashed Frankie her brilliant smile and swept out of the office on Derek's arm in her best Lady Guinivere manner.

Debra's crinolines only left room for the four of them in the elevator. Once the doors were closed, Jay asked, "What was that all about?"

"Frankie's squeaky toy, Barbara, told me that he has a quote, 'few tight friends from way back', unquote. Dirk, do you remember, back in college, what Frank used to say about where he came from?"

Derek puckered his brow, raking through his memory. "Yeah, kinda, He used to say that he was the only guy he knew from his orphanage who didn't wind up a garbage collector, a bus driver or in-"

"Or in the Mob. Think about it. All that flowing money without any traceable source. Can you say 'Money Laundry'? And who else would be impressed with his macho posturing?"

Jay pondered the thought through his false mustache. "It does explain why they want BHF so badly. The Mob has always been big in trucking. BHF got called before the Labor Relations commission back in the seventies, and there was a big clean up of Organized Crime connections. The Outfit probably feels that they're getting their own property back."

The elevator opened, and the conversation was put on hold until they could get into a cab. Debra squeaked, "Mob? We're dealing with the Mob?"

Jay patted his wife's hand consolingly. "Don't worry, honey. This isn't the movies. We are WAY too out in the clear for them to start any Francis Ford Coppola crap.

Angie agreed. "Yeah, honey, this is high finance, not a back street drug buy! At this level, mobsters like to keep things nice and quiet, and not get the FBI, or SEC or IRS interested. The only person who has to worry about the Mob is Frankie. Speaking of the Feds, Jay, Derek, first thing in the morning, start making calls to the various interested authorities. I'll go see the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne, and ask if she knows a Supreme Court Justice or two."


As part of her willingness to cooperate with the authorities, Angie provided them with detailed phone records, bank records, copies of Frankie's personal books, and the PC that Frankie had been leaving her his reports on, complete with notarized seal. At first, the FBI was leery of helping Mrs. Delarosa in her highly publicized vendetta against her husband. Then, the phone records showed repeated calls to a man who had been indicted several times- but never convicted- of money laundering. Then, everybody was interested.

Back before the exchange, Frank had made a habit of visiting the safety deposit box once a week, always on Tuesdays. The bank visitor record showed a much more erratic pattern in the last six months. There were visits two, three, even five times a week. Also, Frankie had even rented a second box, which he never told Angie about.

The bank safe deposit boxes were listed under the Delarosa accounts, which were technically under both their names, so Angela was able to waive any privacy measures to let the Feds into the deposit boxes. They all trooped into the vault in a mass- Angie, Jay acting as her lawyer, the FBI, the SEC, the IRS, and a bank official.

Before Angie opened the box, Jay handed the senior IRS agent a form. "This states that you recognize the fact that the Bonds, valuables and monies listed on last year's financial statement have already been taxed, and won't be seized along with any non-taxed items. Also, it guarantees that while Mrs. Delarosa's condominium is joint property, their estates are technically now separate, and that it will not be seized as part of any punitive measures against Mr. Delarosa."

"I gave the lady my word, Parker."

Angie chimed in, "My Daddy always told me that a tax-man's word was worth the paper it was printed on."

The IRS agent reluctantly signed. But he was used to this; angry ex-wives were a wonderful source of information. The box was opened. The box was divided into four irregular sections: one held stacks of bundles of money, none smaller than $20. The next held rolls of coins, which when held up, turned out to be Canadian Gold Mapleleafs. The third held the small lockbox that held Angela's jewelry, some of which she had inherited, some of which Frank had given her, and a lot of which she'd bought just to piss off Frank. But it was the forth section that drew everyone's eye. It was full of jewelry, wrapped up in clear sealable plastic bags. Apparently, Frankie was still Angela enough inside to measure a woman's wealth by the amount of glitter that she had- even if he had to hide it.

Angie reached in and picked up the lockbox. "This is mine. The rest, I never laid eyes on before."

The IRS agent said, almost out of habit, "How do we know that?"

Jay shoved the financial statement at him. "Everything she's claiming should be listed there. Besides, the vault records will show that she's never been in here before." The taxman didn't bother with the statement. He was too busy calculating the pieces' worth.

Angie opened the next box. She reached in, and pulled out another clear plastic sealable bag. Inside the bag was a small caliber revolver. She held it by one corner of the bag and said sadly, "Oh, Frankie, you fucking idiot! Every time I think you can't get any dumber, you go and surprise me!"

The rest of the box was filled with stock certificates, bonds, sundry documents, and a large ledger book that, at least on the outside, was identical to the one that Mr. Chien's cousin was trying to decipher.

The eyes of the FBI, IRS and SEC agents all lit up at the sight of the ledger book, and as one, they sighed, "Jackpot".


Unlike most white-collar criminals, who usually choose to be led off in handcuffs with a modicum of dignity, Frankie was hauled out of the elevator in the TTW office building kicking and swearing. The charges were wide and varied, and crossed several jurisdictional boundaries. The only ones fighting harder than Frankie were the various agencies who all wanted first crack him. Frankie paused in his struggles when he saw Angie waiting in the lobby. She smiled brightly at him and waved her fingers bye-bye. Then she went past them, and got into the elevator to go up to the TTW offices, to dictate the terms of their surrender.

When Frankie was arrested, the flow of 'out-of-town' money stopped as if a spigot had been closed. Those Skorczeny stockholders who said that they had 'given' Frankie their proxy, not sold it, suddenly changed their minds, and gave it to Angie. The procedural dosey-do of finalizing the sale of BHF to Skorczeny, and the immediate re-sale to Angie's investment group went through its paces without a hitch. The monies in question- totaling a whopping $172 million- were put in a pre-arranged escrow account, to sit out the mandatory wait for paperwork, objections and so on. When Angie put her name- yes, it was now her name, she had earned it!- on the escrow papers, finalizing the deal, she felt the wonderful golden glow of triumph. DONE! She felt so good she hugged everyone in the room, even the sour-faced president of TTW, who hated her guts.


The next day Debra and Angie celebrated by going on a glorious shopping spree. God knows they could afford it! Besides her share from the investment group, there were rewards from the IRS and SEC for her "invaluable assistance". People recognized Angie on the street, and a couple even asked for her autograph. Columnists were writing her up as a kind of "Iron Rose of Park Avenue", standing firm and rescuing Buchalter Hauling from the corrupt clutches of her husband. There was even some talk of a TV movie being made about it! The two gaily joked about which actor would play who. Debra suggested Drew Barrymore for Angie, but she was holding out for Reese Witherspoon. Angie decided that Vivica A. Fox should play Debra, while Debra wanted Jada Pinkett Smith.

They entered Angie's condo as they were getting around to who would play Frankie. They plunked their swag on the couch, and Angie went into the kitchenette for coffee. Angie came back into the living room with a soup-bowl sized cup of coffee with 'Really?You think that I drink too much coffee?' written on the side in shaky letters. Debra was chatting gaily on her cell phone.

Angie sat down and took a slurp of coffee. *sigh* She reflected that the Spells 'R' Us wizard had advised her that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. It was the best advice she'd ever gotten. Angela had handed her a pile of rotten lemon rinds, and now she had sparkling champagne. She had loving parents, who were now effectively out from behind the eight ball, once escrow closed. She had wonderful friends in Jay and Debra. She had the supportive community of the co-op, and the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne only lacked a pair of gossamer wings to make a perfect fairy godmother. Angie had asked the regal Mrs. Van Hoorne what she could do to thank her. The lady had looked at Derek and Angie and softly said, "I've always wanted a Godchild."

A Child. The thought of having a baby by Frankie had terrified and nauseated Angie. But a child with Derek? The thought filled her with many emotions, none of which were fear or disgust. Unconsciously, her free hand crept up onto her stomach.

The apartment wasn't really so small. It only seemed cramped because she'd been sharing it with Angela. And Madison Square Gardens would seem

cramped, if you had to share it with that bitch! But it was really quite roomy- if you actually cared for the person who shared it with.

Not that she had any intention of becoming a stay-at-home trophy wife for Derek! No, she could challenge a whole flock of courses, and come out of a local college with an MBA in a year or two. With the reputation she had already built taking on Frankie, she could get a berth in any firm except TTW. But where would that leave the baby?

Her maternal meandering were interrupted by Debra. "Ange, its Jay. He needs to talk to you. He says that it's urgent."

Angie took the phone. "Hi, Jay. What's up?" She listened for a bit, an said, "Hunh, I wonder why she did that?" Then she stood straight up, splattering the coffee in her cup. "HE DID WHAT?"

Debra was immediately at her elbow. "WHAT? What did WHO do?"

Angie looked at Debra with the same look that the Lady of Challot must have had. "That idiot bitch Barbara Cartman managed to raise three million dollars to raise Frankie's bail. Then he somehow he managed to electronically transfer ALL the funds out of escrow."

"Can he DO that?"

"He did it! Arrrggghh! I just remembered! He was the one to pre-arranged the escrow account! He must have had some back-door password for some other scam he had in mind, and when we flushed him down the toilet, he decided to take it ALL! But it makes NO sense! His name is ALL OVER it! It's the high-finance equivalent of going into Tiffany's, breaking the glass counters and scooping up all the diamonds! You can do it, but it's impossible to not get caught! Every cop in the country, let alone New York, it gonna be looking for him!"

"You think that maybe he's gonna use his Mob contacts to get him out of the country?"

"Not a chance! That's Mob money he stole! We won that money, fair and square, so there was no way they could lay a claim on it. But now, he has it, and they'll probably want it back- preferably over his dead body!"

"Shit. We're ruined!" Debra paced back and forth. "I'm gonna go talk to Mrs. Van Hoorne, see if she can think of anything. Maybe she or one of her girlfriends used to date a Godfather!" She ran out the door.

Angie got herself another hot cup of coffee; not that she needed stimulation. She paced back and forth. "This isn't just stupid, it isn't even foolish, it's fucking INSANE! Frankie, you'd better pray the cops find you before the Mafia does. And you'd better pray the Mob gets their hands on you before I do!"

"And what will you do when you get your hands on me, honey-bunch?" came a voice from the bedroom. Frankie strolled out of the bedroom, reeking of smug triumph. "Y'know, I thought that jigaboo bitch would never leave!"

"How did you get in here? I saw Henry on duty, and he'd never let you get past!"

"True. But my dear friend Barbara, besides coming up with my bail, was also quite handy at picking locks. The side door lock, to be precise."

Angie felt dread crawl up her skin. "Was?"

"Yes, she's down in the basement, neck broken, poor thing. Yet another atrocity to lay at the feet of that despicable animal Frank Delarosa." Frankie opened his coat a bit to reveal a large gold amulet.


The wizard's apprentice carefully placed another peg in the board. The pattern was almost complete.


"I thought you said that you threw that thing in the East River!"

"I Lied. Well, you yourself told me that it wasn't a good idea to limit my options."

Angie focused on the gold monster sitting on Frankie's chest. It all made sense now! Frankie was going to force them to switch bodies again! The perfect hiding place and the perfect fall guy. Who would believe anything that Angie said, as it was coming out of Frank's mouth? The Mob wouldn't even care if he were crazy or not, they'd just kill him! "What about the Escrow money? Angela, you're going to bankrupt your own parents!"

"So what? I'll still know where the money is, and that's all that matters. And you know something? That was my plan from the very beginning. The minute I laid eyes on this amulet, I knew exactly how to get things to come out exactly as they have." Which was patent bullshit. Angie knew that Angela never planned further into the week than Tuesday. But if there was anything she liked better than sticking it to people, it was twisting the knife. "I'll have the money. I'll have the friends and contacts. I'll have the respect of the financial community and the admiration of New York City. I'll even have Derek. I'll have everything! And you? Well, let's see you make lemonade out of this, Frank!" Frankie began to take the medallion off.

As the medallion cleared his head, Angie threw the entire bowl-sized cup of hot coffee in Frankie's face. Then she used the cup to knock the amulet out of his hand. As Frankie scrambled for the medallion, Angie was down the hall and out the door. She thought of knocking on the doors and going into one of the other apartments. No, that would only trap her in that apartment. Besides, with that amulet, Frankie could theoretically change bodies with anyone. The specter of the evil that was Angela moving from one body to another, leaving behind a wake of destroyed lives, arose. Her only hope was Angela's limited imagination. She had to keep Frankie focused on her, until she could get the amulet away from him.

If she could get to the street, she could keep him chasing her until the police came. Then she could kick the amulet into a sewer, or something, while the cops handled Frankie. But she had to get him out of the building. She ran to the elevator and hit the call button. The elevator came, and she held it open until Frankie showed at the apartment door. She shut the door, and the elevator began it's slow descent to the lobby. After a second, she remembered the phone in the elevator car. She picked it up.

"Henry! Henry, this is Mrs. Delarosa- my husband, he's in the building! I'm coming down in the elevator. He will be coming down the stairs soon to stop me. Call the police and stop him!" She hung up, dreading what was going to happen next.

The elevator door wasn't the regular kind that slid open and close. It swung open like a regular door. When the elevator got to the lobby, and she heard the catch open, Angie kicked the door open, catching Frankie right in the face. Henry was struggling to get up by his desk. She shouted "Buzz me out!" as she passed by at a full gallop.

She lost a minute as Henry reached for the release button, and Frankie was only a few car-lengths behind her. Angie was in good shape and was pretty fresh, while Frank wasn't in shape, and had had to run down seven flights of stairs. Unfortunately, she was wearing 2 & 1/2-inch heels and a skirt, while he was wearing penny loafers and a raging mad. Running down the street as fast as she could, she considered screaming, but decided she needed the wind more than the noise. A pretty woman was running down the street, being chased by a raving madman; where were the cops? What do we pay our taxes for?

Angie gave up on trying to attract the police. She would settle for escaping Frankie long enough to think of something else. She looked around desperately for an open door. Kitty Genovese, she thought, if I get out of this, I'm going to light a thousand candles in your name!

The Martyred Saint of Mugging Victims must have been listening, because Angie suddenly saw an open door. She ducked inside, and shouted, "You've got to hide me! He'll kill me!"

"Oh, I doubt that very much Mr. Delarosa." Angie had only heard that deep voice once before in her life, but she would never mistake it.

She was back in the Spells 'R' Us shop.

The wizard was kicking back in his rocking chair, smoking the same pipe that he had the last time. For all Angie could tell, only a few minutes had passed since the last time that she'd been there.

"Maybe it has."

The young brunette girl was leaning over the counter, considering a peg-board with one last peg in her hand.

Frankie came storming in the shop, the golden medallion dangling from his left hand. "HAH!", he shouted as he saw Angie with her back to the counter. He advanced slowly, carefully, as not to allow her to duck around him.

Angie turned to the wizard. "Help Me! PLEASE!"

He pulled out his pipe. "Sorry, Ethics demand that I service the needs of my primary client, and that isn't you, Mr. Delarosa."

Frankie gave another victorious HAH!, and looped the medallion around Angie's neck.

Nothing happened.

Angie opened her eyes and saw Frankie standing there. She felt around. She was still wearing the 2 &1/2-inch heels, the stockings, the woolen skirt, the nylon slip, the lace panties and bra, the turtleneck sweater and the blazer that she had before. She was still Angie! Her mouth opened and erupted in peals of relieved laughter.

After a bit, she said, "Jeez Louise, Frankie! If I'd known that you were just going to give me a going away to JAIL present, I wouldn't have run so fast!", and began laughing again.

Frankie snarled and raised one hand. "_Don't_even_think_about_it._" The wizard barely raised his voice, but it would have stopped a herd of bull elephants charging after the last cow elephant in existence.

Frankie pounded his hands flat on the counter. "Sell me another amulet!"

The apprentice just stood there, looking at her pegboard, one last peg hovering over a selection of holes.

The wizard rose from his chair and came to the counter. "Are you saying that you want to exchange lives, and be a woman?"

"YES, Dammit!"

"No need to curse." The wizard went over to a cupboard, and took out a box. He brought the box to the counter and pulled out a golden medallion.

Angie looked at the ornament as if it were a poisonous snake.

The wizard held up the amulet. "Mrs. Delarosa, This will cost you $754.72, exactly."

Frankie pulled out a credit card. The wizard gave him a dirty look. Frankie pulled out his wallet and money clip. There was $746 there.

"I said exactly, Mrs. Delarosa, not approximately, EXACTLY."

Frankie emptied out all his pockets. The collected dollars and change equaled $8.70. He looked imploringly at the wizard. The wizard said exasperatedly, "Listen up, sweetie, when I say exactly, I mean exactly, To The Cent."

Angie burst out in another fit of laughter. TWO CENTS SHORT! it was too funny! "Honestly, Frankie, I don't have any money! I left my purse in the apartment. I don't even have a penny on me!"

At the sound of the word 'penny', Frankie was seized by inspiration. He bent over and took the pennies out of his loafers. He slammed the last two cents down on the counter with a victorious "HAH!"

The wizard said, "Very good." and handed the amulet to Frankie.

Angie's laughter died in her throat.

Frankie advanced on her again, and again put the golden medallion around her head.

Dannie brought the peg down into the last hole, completing the pattern.

The two medallions glowed for a second and merged. Angie could feel another shift in the fabric of reality. But this time it wasn't physical. It was far subtler.

The ideogram formed by the merged medallions was identical to the pattern on Dannie's board.

She opened her eyes and looked at Frankie. Frankie was shrinking. As his suit and leather overcoat swallowed his body, his hair grew long and fell down his back. His features also shrank, and became more refined, settling in the exotic cast of a Mediterranean beauty. "What the Fuck?" Frankie's voice was higher, but gravelly, as if ruined by too much smoke and drink. Frankie stopped shrinking, but then his clothes began to change. The leather overcoat shrank and split, molding itself into a tight fitting leather jacket around a small torso with an impressive chest, and an even tighter leather mini-skirt around a well-rounded derriere. His tie became a string of tawdry beads. His loafers became a pair of needle-heeled pumps. The Yves St.Laurent suit dwindled into a set of tacky patterned stockings around long slender legs, a threadbare slip, and a bra-and-panty set from Lili St.Cyr.

The hair began to arrange itself into a classic 'big hair' cloud of oily curls. A large pair of dangling hoop earrings appeared. His Rolex watch split and formed into a cheap Hong Kong knock-off, and a couple of clattery bracelets. His nails grew long and catlike, and acquired a bright red lacquer. His- no her face became covered in a thick layer of cheap make-up.

She looked like the kind of fun Saturday night that isn't welcome, come Sunday morning.

The woman gasped, "What IS this?", in a thick Bronx accent.

"Well, Miss Delarosa, you did say that you wanted to be a woman."

"I wanted to be THAT woman!" She pointed at Angie.

"Ah, but you didn't say that you wanted to switch bodies, you said that you wanted to switch LIVES. You see, you, " pointing at the dark-haired hussy in the mini-skirt, " -are, and always have been, Francesca "Frankie" Delarosa. You were raised at the Our Lady of Sorrows orphanage in the Bronx. You faced the same conditions and choices that Frank Delarosa did; you obviously did not make the same decisions. Your decisions included two farcical marriages, an abortion, one cold-blooded murder for which you haven't been charged- yet, and others that resulted in convictions for prostitution, drug possession and assault." Dannie reached over to a fax machine, and produced a Wanted poster for Francesca "Frankie" Delarosa, with several aliases, on suspicion of mail fraud and other crimes.

Frankie let out a screech like a cat being run over by a truck, and ran out the shop door. When she was on the street, she was no longer in an affluent Manhattan neighborhood- she was on the nastiest stretch of Hooker's Walk in Fort Apache, the Bronx. Frankie Delarosa had come home.

Angie watched the slatternly woman skitter out as quickly as her stiletto heels would let her. Dannie turned to the wizard and said, "Do you think we should have told her about the heroin addiction?"

"She'll figure it out."

Angie suddenly remembered. The Escrow money. Mom and Dad! Mrs. Van Hoorne! Jay and Debra! All her investors! She turned near hysterically to the wizard. "The money! The Escrow money that Frankie stole! Where is it? My family, my friends, they'll be ruined if we can't get it back!"

Danny shook her head. "It never happened. After all, why would anyone let a skag like Frankie Delarosa anywhere near that kind of cash?"

The wizard looked at her warmly. "Miss Harcourt, you never asked for any of this, so I believe that you deserve a more complete explanation. When Frankie put that second amulet around your neck, you didn't exchange bodies; rather, you exchanged lives. You were born Angela Demetria Harcourt, instead of that unfortunate piece of lifewrack that just left. Retroactively, you lived that life. In the past, you faced the same conditions, temptations and decisions that she did. And may I say, you met them with far more grace. So, you never met Frank Delarosa, who indeed never existed, and none of the subsequent events happened. And since the BHF- Skorczeny deal was Frank Delarosa's brainchild, IT never happened, let alone having the escrow money hijacked."

Angie tried to remember. She remembered being born Frank Delarosa and being raised in a catholic orphanage, but it was like a long, tedious movie that she had just watched. She really remembered being the cherished only daughter of Jeremy and Evelyn Harcourt. She remembered Norman Rockwell Christmases with Grampa and Gramma in Upstate New York. She remembered a beloved golden retriever named Bella. She remembered her first pony ride on her own. She remembered her schools. She remembered her sorrow and confusion when she first realized that not all people live as she did. She remembered Davie Collingswald, her first crush. She remembered High School, and losing out on being a cheerleader. She remembered furious battles and tearful reconciliations with her mother as a teenager. She remembered crying when Bella died of old age. She remembered being fiercely determined to prove that she had worth beyond her privileges- that there was more to her than being Daddy's Little Angel. She remembered going to college and studying so hard that her roommate would have to drag her out to parties. She remembered meeting a brilliant Junior named Derek Kryczek. She remembered how he always seemed to have something important to say, but could never voice....

She snapped out of her reverie. She looked at her left hand. The engagement and wedding rings that Frank had bought Angela were gone. But if that was gone..."The Co-op! My friends! Debra! Derek! Are they..."

"You still have your apartment. Your father bought it for you, in thanks for warning him to sell his technology stocks when the selling was good. You now have a cat named Duffy. You know and are friendly with, though not intimate, Debra. The regal Mrs. Van Hoorne still thinks of you as a surrogate Godchild. Oh, by the way, lacking the original Angela to fit the niche, your cousin Bess is now the family troublemaker. You are known and liked in your apartment building, but your 'tenant's network' doesn't exist. You could try to set it up again, but you'd find that you'd have to work twice as hard to achieve half the result, without Dannie's hand over you."

"I thought it was strange that I suddenly acquired the Midas Touch."

"Nonsense. People invariably believe that streaks of good luck are the way things ought to be. It's only when things don't go their way that they start believing in luck. Oh, and you got your MBA, and have been working at TTW, because you didn't want to be working for Daddy."

"And....?' She didn't dare ask about the most important thing.

"Derek?" The wizard pointed out the window. Derek was standing outside, peering in the window. "Without the pain of the original Angela's dismissal, his hope of ever regaining her, or the rivalry with Frank prodding him along, he didn't become quite the star at Hulls & Struthers that he had before. But he is considered quite an Up and Comer. Writes a mean small business start-up package, I hear. You two met again last year, and have been dating. And THAT is about it, Miss Harcourt. There is nothing more for you in this shop." The wizard led her to the door.

When she went through the door onto the street, suddenly Derek wasn't there anymore.

She heard the tinkle of a shop-door bell behind her. Derek was coming out of the Spells 'R' Us shop. "Angie! Were you in there? I didn't see you!"

Angie was temporarily flustered. She held up the medallion, which was still around her throat. "Yes! It's a little tacky, but I couldn't resist being able to say that I bought something at the mythical Spells 'R' Us shop."

Derek smiled as if he had something up his sleeve. "They don't just sell junk in there, Angie. If you look hard enough, you can find some true treasures." He pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to her. Inside, on a bed of green velvet, was the engagement ring that had been on her finger, only a few minutes ago- or never had been, depending on your point of view.

Angie looked up at Derek. Well, she'd already been through the marriage from Hell, from both sides! How hard could a marriage made in the Spells 'R' Us shop be?


Dannie watched Frankie Delarosa sullenly trawl for johns in hope of scoring enough money for her next fix. "Well, Master, you finally got to change a guy into a girl. Mind you, I'm not arguing the Justice of it, but what about those Ethics you were talking about?"

"What do you mean? The original Frank Delarosa got the life of love and acceptance that he always craved, and now has a body that is more in keeping with his giving nature. Derek Kryczek now truly has the woman that he loves, and his soon-to-be wife is his best friend- a state most men would envy. And the original Angela Delarosa, who spent her life getting away with things, will now have an opportunity to learn about dealing with the consequences of her actions. Though I wouldn't hold my breath."

"But what about all that stuff about 'Ethics demand that I service the needs of my primary client?' "

"Oh, THAT," pointing at the miserable slattern, "was never my primary client. While you were out picking up that shipment of Avalonean jeweler's rouge, HE" pointing out another window at the young man slipping the engagement ring on his new fiancée's finger, "came in. He had three, seemingly contradictory, wishes. His first wish was to have the love of the woman that he had fallen in love with in college. Or at least, thought he had fallen in love with. His second wish was to have revenge on the person that had betrayed him. And his third wish was to have his best friend back. Three passionate wishes, which appeared to make each other impossible. My first thought was just to turn him into a woman and find out the truth for himself. But that would have violated the terms of the first wish. To have the love of the woman that he had fallen in love with."

"Hmmm. And the revenge? I notice that part of your 'revenge' was giving Frankie Delarosa a fashion model's face, an hour-glass figure, legs up to here, and bosoms that could nourish a small third-world nation."

The wizard shrugged. "Call it a weakness."


© 2001 Bek D Corbin