-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Tuck Season, Wabbit Season, Tuck Season! Part 3 -*- Copyright 1999, 2004 by either Joel Lawrence or Ellen Hayes Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible. Continuing to read this document, or storing it or reproducing it in any format means that you explicitly affirm that you are legally allowed to possess and read such materials in your city, county/parish, state, and country. All rights reserved. See the bottom for distribution rights. *** Marie had just finished laying the first of the outfits on the bed when Eugene came scrambling into the room. "Ah," he said in confusion. "You don't have much time," she warned him, and after a second, he nodded. "What do you want to do first," he asked quickly, "clothes or makeup?" Marie's eyebrows raised at the question, but she answered, "Hair." He shrugged and sat down at the makeup table. She picked up the second hairpiece she had selected, and held it up to his hair. This one was a good match, as she had anticipated. "What is THAT?" Eugene asked, pointing in the mirror at the fall. "It's a hairpiece," she explained, "to give you a nicer hairdo, since your own hair isn't long enough yet." He snorted. "Not what my girlfriend says," he snapped back. "Well, I don't think she would recognize you after this," Marie replied gently. All she got was another snort, as he folded his arms defiantly. Tucker had to admit to himself, Debbie probably WOULDN'T have recognized him like this. When he'd dressed up as a girl before, he'd displayed some TASTE. And today's first example, like raw tofu, had no taste whatsoever. The curly hair that resulted from the curler torture last night had only been exarcerbated by whatever Marie had done with the brush, and by the hairpiece she'd pinned - it felt like she'd nailed it - to the back of his head. It was also improbably long, covering his nipples after draping over his shoulder. That hadn't been enough; she'd concealed the nails and the blood with a large fabric bow, actually tied around the joint. The makeup was subdued, but far too pink-related and pre-teen for his tastes, and Marie had run the full routine on him, from foundation through powder to eyeliner and several shades of shadow, blusher, and just-barely-visible pink lipstick. The clothing was white where it wasn't pale yellow - *YELLOW! UGH! Even _I_ know that much!* - and drowning in frills and laces, and the matching little-girl patent-leather shoes had floral-pattern piercings as well. His legs were bare, and the skirt - with too many of those petticoat things, natch - just barely reached his knees, while standing out sideways like he was a handbell. And as a final offense against good taste, it was all synthetics. As Tucker was staring at himself in the mirror and trying not to scream, he remembered his supposition that there was a camera there, and almost lost it; before he could really move, though, he realized that if a still photo of this were ever shown to Debbie, she'd KILL whoever had done this to him. "Well, don't you look just darling!" Jane smiled at Eugene. The boy just closed his eyes and sighed deeply, looking for all the world like he was mortally wounded, as he shook his head. Jane's smile broadened. Tucker sat down at the vanity and looked for makeup remover. There wasn't any. With a sigh, he got up and started towards the bathroom. Apparently, he WAS supposed to take a shower or wash his face or something between changes, and he knew that the makeup was going to discolor the washcloth something fierce... That was probably supposed to get him in trouble too, he realized. He didn't bother shutting the bathroom door, so he wasn't very surprised to look up from soaping the washcloth and see Marie in 'front' of him. "What are you doing?" "I have to get the makeup off, you said?" he reminded her. "Why are you in here?" "Because there isn't any makeup remover on the table," he stated patiently, visualizing a large block falling on her head and crushing her into tomato paste. She frowned and left, and just before Tucker started scrubbing himself, she called, "Yes there is!" "Bullshit," Tucker said under his breath, but went to go look. She was holding up a large-for-makeup jar of something. "Right here," she said. "Huh?" Tucker got closer to look at the label. "That's cold cream." "That is what women use to remove makeup from their faces." "No it is not," Tucker sighed. The girly crap was hard enough; he did NOT feel like putting up with a feminine version of a snipe hunt or antenna oil. "They use special wipes, or soap." "Then, what is this for?" she asked with a slight smile on her face. "Um, uh, it's that stuff you put on before you sleep..." Tucker thought hard. "Uh, keeps your skin oils in or replaces 'em, um-" "Moisturizer?" "Yeah, that's it," Tucker nodded. "Something like that." "You're late," Jane mentioned. "What's cold cream?" Eugene demanded. "What?" "What do you use cold cream for?" "To remove one's makeup," she said, wondering why he was asking this when Marie should have told him already. "You don't use those wipes?" "What?" He sighed, then stated, "Marie told m-" "You may call her 'Miss Marie'," Jane interrupted. "Ooookay," he replied insolently. "An-" "And that is not an acceptable response, either." He glared at her. "You have not the slightest bit of courtesy in you, and that is also something you will correct before you leave here." The boy glared at her a second longer, then snapped his heels together, slammed his arms by his sides while making fists of his hands, and stood completely upright with chin up and staring straight ahead as he barked, "Yes Miss Thompson!" "This is not boot camp, Eugene." "No Miss Thompson!" "Would you like to go to boot camp, then? That can also be arranged... We can drop you off in a very short time, dressed just like that, in fact," she smiled. "NO! Miss Thompson," Eugene emphasized. "Then, if you wish to stay here in my house for young ladies," she smiled, "you had best do your very best to act like a young lady. Otherwise, I might think you wish to go elsewhere." The boy sighed, then deliberately relaxed somewhat, resuming a more normal posture. Tucker wasn't done cursing himself yet as he finished the latest makeup job. If he hadn't been so damn clever, or been so damned tired, he would have stretched out the first one by playing stupid, instead of jamming it into half an hour. Now he had to do six by four, and he was beginning to hurt. And this wasn't like school, where he could put his head down and at least close his eyes for a minute. In fact, he had to keep them open, because he was jabbing pencils at them every half hour. He glared at himself in the mirror, noticing how the red of his eyes almost matched the lipstick he was wearing. *Now that's sick,* he told himself before he could force himself to focus on the image in the mirror. *Wait, shithead, you're not wearing lipstick yet.* He grabbed some, checked the color on it, and hastily applied it. *At least it still had a good edge on it,* he thought as he concentrated on painting. Lipstick was much, much harder to keep within the lines if it was sort of well-rounded. He smacked his lips, blotted it out with some tissue, and checked again. *Good enough for Deb,* he decided, and got up. "Miss Marie, is this good enough?" he asked. "Well, I hope so," she said, not helping him at all. He sighed and turned back to the mirror, and decided that except for the pinked-out eyes - luckily, his actual lipstick WAS a darker shade than the 'whites' of his eyes at the moment; it seemed like a positive thing - he looked good enough. As he left, Charlene was standing in her doorway, and smirked at him. "Oh, you just look so darling like that!" she burbled, and laughed. "Don't you have some flies to catch?" Tucker flipped back and walked off. Behind him, Charlene slammed her door in irritation. Tucker was congratulating himself perhaps a little too much when his foot plunged through the plane of the floor, and he realized too late that he was at the top of the stairs. "OhSH-" he reflexively yelled as he cranked his body around frantically to avoid smashing his brain into oblivion on the oak steps. It worked, sort of - he landed on his side instead, slamming his torso with several painful blows at once. He'd built up a lot of speed in the short fall, though, especially when his stupid spine had tried 'flank forward' instead of 'stop' and gotten a foothold too. So, instead of stopping, he slid down the rest of the way on his stomach, arms wrapped around his head. That wouldn't have been so bad, if his swollen nipples hadn't been exquisitely painful already. With each step he scraped them firmly over the edge, with the full weight of his body on them. His burned leg got the same treatment a half-step later. It came too fast and furious for him to even scream with the pain. When he finally reached the bottom and slid to a stop, all he could do was curl up in a protective ball, much much too late. Jane was working on a proposal when she heard an inarticulate shriek and a series of thuds that sounded like something falling down the- Before she finished the observation, she was out of her chair and striding quickly out of the parlor. When she reached the turn in the hallway that led to the stairs, she hesitated, because Eugene was curled up on the floor, apparently asleep. "Eugene?" she queried. He gasped, and tried to turn himself over. "Ow," he said, quite clearly. Tucker wiped his eyes, which felt like some sadistic ophthalmologist had sanded them with steel wool. Jane had let him take a few minutes off, which was awfully fucking decent of her considering he couldn't even walk for several minutes after she found him. *I wonder if jail would be worse,* he thought. *I'd have rights there, they don't allow cruel and unusual punishment...* Tucker thought that scraping his nipples, accidentally or not, counted as cruel and unusual. Marie sighed as she watched Eugene attempt to do his makeup for the last time before tea. Things were not going quite as planned. For one thing, he'd already had two accidents that day, both of them potentially serious, and he didn't seem to be getting any better. His hands were shaking slightly, she'd noticed, and it was definitely affecting his ability to put on makeup symmetrically and evenly. For another, he seemed far more intent on goading Charlene than she'd imagined. Usually the new boys were shattered enough emotionally at this stage that they were not able to keep their wits enough to torment their 'older' sisters. Of course, Charlene made that easier with her temper, which apparently was still not completely under control. *Well, if she hasn't learned that fully by now,* Marie mused, *I think the combination of Eugene plus Jane will teach her to do so.* Tucker realized he was running late with the last one, since the damn garters had turned into bungee cords that kept snapping as he tried to secure them to the stockings. *Now I know why women switched to pantyhose,* he fumed, *no matter what Debbie says. 'Sexy' my ass.* He did a quick makeup job in the mirror, going lightly for time's sake until Marie instructed him that he needed more. He sighed in desperation, because if he didn't really hustle, he was going to be late, and there was going to be hell to pay. So he scrambled through the full routine, managing to make several mistakes along the way of course, which cost him even more time. Finally, FINALLY he was finished, and, noting that he had approximately sixty seconds - if the clock was right - before Things Got Bad, he lept up from the table and scrambled out the door, grabbing the frame for a ninety degree vector change which left him stumbling but still moving fast down the hallway. Speed was everything, right now... He found the stairs this time, aided by the fact that he wasn't wearing enough petticoats to make his legs invisible, and pounded down them, skidding a little bit as he made the turn towards the parlor. His idea was to hit the door while still moving, but as he tried to slow down, he realized he didn't have enough traction with the combination of shoes and floor to slow down in time. *Oh shit-* Then he belatedly remembered the door handles, but they came up too fast and he couldn't grab them and turn them in time. Charlie, carrying a tray of tea goodies, watched in stunned amazement as Eugene, dressed 'nicely' in another mess of lacy crap, slammed full-tilt into the door, bounced off, and landed sitting on his butt in the hallway. "What in heaven's..." Jane asked herself as she got up from her desk to see what the thumping noise had been. The shriek made her race to the door and fling it open, heedless of her usual gentility and deliberation. Eugene was writhing about on the floor in front of the parlor, clutching his... *Buttocks?* Jane wondered. "Tailbone," Eugene gasped, as Charlie helped him into the parlor. "Coccyx," Jane corrected. "What EVER!" Eugene hissed angrily. "Ooooh it hurts it hurts it hurts..." *Maybe I could name him 'Calamity',* Charlie thought. *This is, what, three accidents today?* As he was about to lower the other boy to a seat, Eugene forced his hand off. "I think," he breathed, "I think sitting would be a bad idea at the moment..." "Very well," Jane stated, "you may stand. And you have not yet been inspected for your latest attempt..." Charlie managed to repress his groan; Eugene did not. Tucker watched carefully as the tea was brewed and poured, and made sure that the other two sipped at theirs before he had any of his. Likewise, he made sure that he didn't take the obvious 'biscuit' from any of the plates. *I hate being on poison watch,* he sighed mentally. Still, it was best not to take any chances. And he had to eat SOMETHING. "Well, Eugene," Jane smiled deliberately at the petticoated youth, who had gradually become more and more angry as she gently taunted and chided him during the tea, alternating between corrections to his behaviour and syrupy praise, all based on his effeminacy (or lack thereof). "You have made some small but perceptible progress this afternoon; I think another round of the same would have similar salutary effects, don't you agree?" "Huh? What's 'salutary' mean?" Jane managed to repress a sigh. "Well, you look quite nice," Marie said as she stood the newest boy in front of the large three-way mirror. "Mmmm hmm," Eugene replied sardonically. "Really, this is quite beautiful, and I think the blue brings out your eyes." He had been given a pale blue dress with short puffed sleeves, a sailor collar, and white lace trim, along with the required petticoats, white knee socks, and black patent maryjanes. A white lace ribbon wrapped around the hairpiece's attachment point and Eugene's self-applied light makeup completed the look of a tall but young girl, perhaps ten years old, wanting to look nice for church. Eugene stated, "I'd prefer it if they stayed in their sockets." Marie didn't get it until after he had left. "'Fix tea, Charlene', 'Why don't you handle dinner tonight Charlene', 'Oh you look so darling in that Charlene'. God, I hate this place..." Charlie rubbed his forehead and tried to remember if there was anything weird about fixing fresh green beans. Miss Marie had needed to go 'powder her own nose' and had left Tucker sitting in front of the vanity, supposedly doing his makeup. His eyes, however, were aching so bad that he closed them, which made them feel a little better, and then he accidentally blanked. "Eugene!" He woke up, seeing first himself in the mirror, and almost made a dive for it as he connected the name he'd been called with the painted face in the mirror and the shock that NO ONE should ever connect the two. "Oh god," he sighed, and put his head into his hands in an attempt to collect his wits. The hand that grabbed his shoulder, he slapped off without thinking and spun the other way on the bench before snapping upright, ending up facing a surprised-looking Marie. "Uh, don't touch me without warning me," he said as he concentrated on the words, just remembering to add a, "please ma'am," at the end. "Very well," she said, sounding a little skeptical. *Well, I warned her,* Tucker thought. *If she doesn't believe me...* He mentally shrugged; he'd watch it as much as he could, but the more tired he got, the less he was in control of his reactions. "You cooked?" The new kid didn't seem to believe it. "Yes, I cooked dinner," Charlie almost snarled. "And they're making you dress for dinner too?" Eugene asked before Charlie could think of something nasty to snap at him. "What?" Charlie asked, confused now. "You cooked, like a couple hours, and then you have to serve AND dress up for dinner?" He shook his head. "Man, that's unbelievable. My mom'd have a cow if someone told her to do that." Charlie shrugged. "Yes, well, Aunt Jane wants me to become a 'proper young lady' in all ways," he said just in case she was sneaking up on him, which she had a habit of doing. He'd rather have said, 'She's a complete lunatic psycho bitch,' but that was exactly the sort of thing that Jane discouraged, and Charlie had become very discouraged over the months he'd been here. *I wonder if any of it has been poisoned,* Tucker wondered, looking at the currently empty place setting. He looked up at Charlene, and asked in a low voice, "Uh, does she-" "Well, ladies," Jane announced as she came in silently, making Tucker flinch in surprise. She'd changed clothes too, he noted, and possibly showered; she looked a lot cooler and more collected than he felt. Then again, so did Charlene, and Marie, and probably everyone within a ten mile radius. He FELT like he'd been run over a few times by a large truck, but Marie had showed him how to use concealer under his eyes, and had also conjured up some Visine which fixed the eyes themselves, at least for now. So he looked almost normal. If you consider the single-digit-aged party dress he was in to be 'normal', which he didn't. "You look very sweet and winsome this evening, Eugene," Jane smiled directly at Tucker. He almost cursed at her, but blocked it in time to keep it from getting out; however, the response lag was apparently enough to pop her into lecture mode. He made the right noises, concentrating on her as much as he could, and finally she shut up and sat down, which meant that he could also sit down, finally. *Too fast,* he realized as he hissed in pain and reflexively popped back up, but before Jane could say anything he was trying it again, slower this time. Marie came out bearing a large salad bowl, and Tucker had to think long and hard about whether or not they could have drugged that, but she ended up tossing it enough times to randomize it, and he decided that unless it was something like arsenic or iocaine powder, anything in the bowl would end up getting all of them, and he didn't think they'd take that risk. "Eugene, you may eat now," Jane prompted. Marie had brought out the main course and served them all, but Eugene had not yet begun. "Excuse me, Miss Thompson," Eugene said as he looked at his plate. "I don't feel very hungry." "You had enough of the salad," she pointed out. He'd had two bowls as fast as he could manage to wield his utensils, with Jane's admonitions just barely hindering him from stuffing it into his cheeks. He'd still eaten quite quickly, but now he was looking... *Well, certainly he doesn't seem to want any more,* she mused, watching him intently. He finally looked up, but at Charlene instead of her, and said, "No offense, Charlene, but I just don't feel like eating any more." "That's quite alright," she said softly in response, as Jane wondered why he had apologized to Charlene. "May I be excused?" Eugene asked as he turned towards Jane. "No, you will stay here at the table until the rest of us are done," Jane stated. "To leave during the main course of a meal is quite rude." "Yes ma'am," he agreed with a sigh. And, true to his statement, he didn't eat another bite for the rest of the meal, even when tempted with another piece of peach pie a la mode. Jane knew that Marie was trying to tempt the boy into eating more, because the ice cream certainly hadn't been on the menu, but he just shook his head when Marie offered it to him, and when corrected merely declined it in a tired voice. *This is the first ice cream I've had since I've been here,* Charlie realized as he dug in. *Little dumbass doesn't realize what he's missing, I guess. He shouldn't have had all that salad.* After dismissing the two teens, Eugene to prepare for bed and a last inspection and Charlene to do the dishes and cleanup, Jane beckoned Marie into the parlor. "Well, and how did your business go?" Marie asked first. "Well enough," Jane said with a nod. "I wish the phones would start working again, though. Being without them is crippling." "Perhaps you should get a cellular?" "I'm not sure they cover this far out," Jane admitted. "Right now, I do wish I had one. In any case," she changed the subject, "how is Eugene doing?" "He's... shy," Marie said as she collected her thoughts. "He insists that I turn around whenever he is uncovered, and he's even struggling to put on his own pettis at this point, just to avoid me seeing him. He also... I had to visit the ladies' room while he was doing his makeup, and when I came out he had just stopped, his eyes closed. When I called to him, he opened his eyes, but he didn't seem very alert, and when I touched his shoulder he slapped it off and stood up before I could do more than take a step back." "He-" "No, wait," Marie insisted. "He said, mmm, 'Um please don't touch me without warning me, please ma'am,' immediately. So I do not think it was a deliberate move to hurt me. But... I do not think we should touch him without warning him in the future, Jane. He seems to react badly to it, and without thinking." Jane sighed. "Well, I'll try and keep that in mind. Anything else?" "He's not fighting very much, but he does seem to be very displeased with what he's been wearing," Marie smiled. "He won't complain with words, but the looks and sighs and muffled groans tell me he is unhappy with them." "Good," Jane nodded. "That is just what we want, of course." "And he didn't know what cold cream was for!" Marie chuckled. "He thought it was moisturizer or some other before-bed lotion." "This has not been the best Monday of my life," Tucker told himself in the mirror. His bruises hurt, his burn REALLY hurt, his entire body ached with the need for rest, and he was hungry enough to start wondering what sort of wildlife was in the woods. And he still wasn't sure what these crazy bitches were up to, with the girly-girl stuff. Obviously, she'd had this 'petticoat discipline' in mind for a long time, since this stuff fit too well to be improvised, and was too out of fashion to be easily bought. *On the other hand, Charlene had to wear some of it too; maybe that's part of the usual or something.* Tucker shrugged; he wasn't quite as concerned about Charlene as he was about himself, at this point. *What the hell is 'Jane Thompson' doing?* He'd done what she'd ordered, except for shaving his legs again - they didn't need it and he wasn't going to take the risk of slicing himself up - and wearing a bra, because no one wore a bra to sleep. And so he was standing and waiting, or pacing and waiting when he got too tired to stand safely. "You're not wearing a bra," Jane mentioned, "and I told you-" "No one wears a bra to sleep in!" he protested. "Do NOT interrupt me!" "Excuse me, Miz Thompson, but women, and girls, don't wear bras when they sleep in my experience, unless they have to. Like camping or something," he added. "And how many girls and women are in your experience?" Jane asked sarcastically. He began counting silently on his fingers, and when he'd used up both hands' worth, Jane snorted in disbelief. "And you expect me to believe that?" He looked at her, and sighed. "No, ma'am, you wouldn't." "Eugene," Jane said sharply, "you will not be insolent with me, is that understood?" "I wasn't being insolent!" he whined. "I am the judge of that, and you were indeed," she retorted. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, his entire body heaving. Jane stepped forward and reached out a hand to grasp his shoulder, and his eyes snapped open as he took a quick step backwards. "D-" he started, then swallowed and stated, "Please don't touch me without warning, Miz Thompson. I don't react well to it." "Well, and aren't you just the macho warrior type tonight," Jane taunted. "As you can see," Eugene said in a good imitation of a girl, and dipped his knees a bit as he pinched the skirt of his nightgown with both hands and spread it in a mock curtsey. "I see, my dear, a very fetching young girl," Jane smiled. Tucker had a sudden image of Charlene in a similar fluffy nightgown running and barking as Jane threw a stick. *Fetch, Charlene, fetch!* The smile on Eugene's face disappeared as quickly as it had arisen, and he shook his head sharply, as if to dispel an errant thought. "And we shall deal with your insolent attitude tomorrow, my young dear," Jane stated as she handed him the bra he had refused, "but for now, you need to put this on so you can get your beauty rest. And don't think about being late downstairs a second time in a row." "No ma'am," the boy replied stolidly, with just a glint of resentment in his face. "Now go put that bra on," she commanded, and pointed him towards the bathroom. He sighed, and trudged into the room and shut the door. Jane waited until he reappeared, and made sure to check that he was indeed wearing it. "Very well, young lady. Sweet dreams," Jane smiled, and turned off the overhead light and exited the room before turning to lock him in for the night. Tucker closed his eyes momentarily, and almost fell over again. "Yeah, well, first things first," he said quietly to himself, and turned out the lamp on the bedside table and waited for his eyes to adjust as he stood there. After several minutes, and three almost-falls as he started to go to sleep while standing up, he could see enough to go to the bathroom to get towels to spread over the mirrors and their presumed cameras. "Next thing is the cable lock," he agreed, and dug that out, then decided to go to the bathroom first. Coming back, he locked the cable around his ankle, and sent off a generalized prayer that the nightmares would miss him tonight. Charlie yawned, and finally decided that he didn't care what Jane said to him tomorrow, he was going to go to sleep rather than work on this stupid book report any more. He scratched himself through the nightgown as he stood up, then moved over to the bed. "God I hate this place," he sighed. As he lay back, trying to relax enough to sleep, a short scream from another room made him sit up and wonder what the hell was going on. When the sound wasn't repeated, he finally gave up listening and lay back down. "Maybe it was just a nightmare," he decided finally. And this place was certainly enough to give them to you. "Oh, god," Tucker moaned when he could finally convince himself he was back in the 'real' world. "Aliens are bad enough, but quislings?" He wrapped himself in as many of the sheets as he could pull loose, and waited for the shaking to stop and his body to warm up again. "Idiots," Jane cursed, and put the dead phone back on its cradle. She wanted to talk to Art, if she couldn't have him in bed, but yet again she was going to get neither. "At least Eugene seems to be coming along well enough," she sighed to herself. Tuck had ditched the nightgown, taken two Vivarin, and rearranged his gear as well as he could, and since it was midnight and he hadn't heard any water-piping noises or footstep-creaks for quite some time, he decided that it would be good to go find a NIC and check in. It took him a very nervous half hour, by watch time - personal time had felt like two hours - to make it downstairs to the parlor room, but he'd finally made it, confirmed that the phone was connected via RJ-11, and plugged in his homemade lineman's phone to test the line. Which was dead; not a volt on any of the wires, said the meter. *Whattafuck? How can she not have a PHONE? And I KNOW I saw a fax machine in her office... Shit! Maybe it's locked mechanically or something? Damnit...* Since her office was presumably located next to her bedroom, checking there was out for the moment. *Wonder how well the place is alarmed?* Well enough, he had to agree three hours later. He'd stealthily checked every room on the first floor, then the basement, and every phone and jack he'd found was dead, even the old four-prong ones, and every window and door seemed to have been altered in just the places a semi-competent alarm service would run sensors, as well as the glaringly-obvious silver tape on the glass itself. "Damn that stinking bitch," Tucker whispered to himself, "she shut off all the easy stuff." The central alarm control box itself was 'hidden' in the kitchen, and would be easy enough to suborn, if he had more tools, which he did not. And he didn't have time tonight to make a sling ladder he could climb, and get back in. Assuming the upper floor windows weren't alarmed either... *Hmm, didn't check yet,* he realized, and headed upstairs. And the amount and variety of the women's clothing he'd found stored in the basement had not been reassuring. Luckily, he found when he'd made his silent way back to his room, they hadn't considered thief-acrobats in their site planning; the window in his room was both non-alarmed and had no breakage sensor attached, and the 'lock' was so worthless Tucker almost laughed out loud. *Oh my god, this wouldn't even keep out a raccoon!* He spent some more time carefully removing the screws that held the lock to the window, sawing the shafts off with the hacksaw blade, gluing the heads back onto the baseplate, and gently and quietly making sure that the window would now open and shut freely while appearing to be locked. When that was finished, the fatigue hit him like a baseball bat, so he carefully re-hid his gear, urinated and flushed the metallic dust once again, and went back to bed, locking himself in. Four o'clock, he noted before his eyes shut. *Tomorrow I ask Charlene about the phones, and see about getting that alarm code, and then make a rope ladder,* he decided before he passed out. Mike checked his email one last time before going to bed, and Tucker still hadn't sent anything since the train station. "Shit." *Tuck should at least have been able to get to a pay phone... Of course, maybe the phone is out; that happens...* "Yeah, right," he sighed. "Okay, guys, this isn't funny!" Tucker called, but there was no answer from anyone. He'd lost them in the department store a while ago, or they'd lost him, and he was getting tired of wandering around looking for them. And he was hungry. A noise from behind him made him turn, and he froze as one of the display mannequins moved a bit. Then it looked right at him. Then it swelled up into a black carapaced giant and hissed. Tucker ran like hell, but the warrior - still wearing the remains of a pink fluffy dress - was just behind him, and too close, and then he tripped on a cord and the thing grabbed his ankle as he fell- The shrieked, high-pitched, "MotherFUCKER!" from the room across the hall woke Charlie up, but then he didn't hear anything else. He was about to go back to sleep when his alarm went off. "Another day in paradise," he sighed. "Goddamnit goddamnit goddamnit I am not watching those fucking movies again right before I go ANYwhere!" Tucker hissed, more in panicked reaction than rage at that point. Charlie thought he heard something weird, so instead of drying his hair, he threw on a gown and a robe and opened his bedroom door. Hunting a bit, he found himself outside the walls of Eugene's bathroom, where it became clear enough to make out. "Bow down before the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve. Head like a hole! Black as your soul! I'd rather die, than give you control!" "Nine Inch Nails," Charlie identified. "Nice sentiments, but I don't think it's going to be that easy." Jane sighed once again at the lack of her husband, and picked up her hairbrush. *I much prefer it when he does this,* she thought at her mirrored self. Tucker was glad that Mar- *MISS Marie thankyouverymuchsir,* Tucker reminded himself - had shown him how to use concealer under his eyes the day before. He didn't feel the need to give any of them any more levers on him than they already had, like a visual cue that he was dead tired. *And she left the Visine, too. Great!* He might end up looking almost normal. Then he remembered the nightgown. "Aw, shit," he mumbled. "Oh, God," Sandy moaned when she looked at herself in the mirror. Tucker was still hungry, and wishing he could eat something, when he realized, *Shit! I could have had something while I was sneaking around last night! DAMNIT!* As it was, though, most of breakfast was on communal serving plates, and so he just had to make sure he didn't eat the first bit of anything. And, he had to avoid protein in general, because it would make him sleepier, which was too dangerous; he was already sleep- deprived, not having slept well since Friday night, and this was definitely not a healthy place to take a nap. So, it was toast and toppings, and fruit. *Well, at least his appetite seems to be back,* Jane mused, watching as the gown-clad boy began shoveling food into his mouth. "Eugene, you must take smaller bites and chew more, because otherwise you won't be able to respond politely to a question. Do you understand?" His frantic chewing and glaring told her that he did indeed understand. After ten or fifteen minutes of the abuse, which Tucker was beginning to think was specifically planned to eventually drive him into anorexia, his appetite wilted. He didn't even bother asking to be excused this time, he just sat - straight up with hands folded politely in his lap - and tried to respond correctly to Jane's constant prodding. *Well, at least I'll lose some weight,* Tucker sighed to himself. *That boy has a stomach the size of a tennis ball,* Jane grumbled. She herself wasn't nearly full, but Eugene had obviously stopped eating like he had at dinner the night before, and was waiting to be released rather than eating enough to sustain himself. *But he ate well at Sunday luncheon... and Sunday dinner, and Monday at lunch, too. Maybe he's having a bit of stomach trouble.* "Eugene, are you feeling all right?" she asked. *Like I'd tell you!* Tucker shrieked in his mind. "Yes ma'am," he lied with a smile, trying to imitate Charlene's empty-headed cheerfulness. "I'm fine." The gentle tone Jane had used on him was unexpected, but he wasn't going to be fooled. *Probably off his feed from that nightmare,* Charlie decided, remembering the morning's scream. "Well, Eugene," Jane addressed the silent sullen youth after she'd patted her lips, "how do you feel about some more trying on of your delightful new clothing?" "Do I have a choice?" he snapped back. As Charlene sucked in a surprised breath, Jane carefully sneered, "No, in fact, you do not. You will return upstairs, change into what Miss Marie provides for you, and then come downstairs - within half an hour - and then we will discuss your attitude at length." "Yes ma'am," he practically spat. Jane debated calling the boy on his insolent tone, and decided to let it wait until later in her program. Mere obedience was all she could reasonably expect at this point, though if he didn't start knuckling under a bit more as the day progressed, she'd have to step up the pressure upon him. "Then you are excused." He pushed his chair back and stood still for just a moment, before wheeling and exiting. Tucker was tensing and relaxing his legs as much as he could, as he stood before Jane and endured another of her endless lectures, this one on the submissive happy carpet-like attitude he was supposed to have. He was far less concerned with what she was blathering than he was with staying on his feet and not fainting, but he still had to pay attention and respond correctly. *Obviously a graduate of the 'talk them to death' school of discipline. I can't figure out which is worse, pushups or this.* "Do you understand me?" "Yes ma'am," Tucker agreed. *Bend like willow. Mind like water. Spine like jelly- No, don't think that, stupid. Stay awake!* "Then," Jane ordered, "you will return upstairs and Miss Marie will show you your next outfit. You are to be back down here in thirty minutes, fully made up again, but this time..." *This is worse,* he decided. "I think the tour of the grounds and an introduction to Tom, just before lunch," Jane said to Charlene. "You'll need to change into something appropriate." "Yes ma'am," the older student said in a good facsimile of cheerfulness. "Now, to your book report." "Where do you GET all this stuff?" Eugene complained when Marie held up his next garment, a brilliant yellow flowered dress with plenty of lace edging, and a hemline that wouldn't conceal his panties even if he stood straight. Jane had decreed that he needed to be 'taken back' even further in the apparent age of his clothing. "Our young ladies have sometimes not had the appropriate childhood experiences," Marie dodged. He just sighed and rubbed his forehead with both hands, before taking the garment into the closet to change into it. Tucker sat silently as Marie fluffed his hair and tied the matching ribbon/windmill in his hair, but when she handed him a doll, one of the hard plastic infant types, he protested, "What is THIS?" "A little girl such as you appear to be, should have a dolly," she smiled. "A dolly?" Tucker wondered out loud. *Am I dreaming?* "Little girls love to imitate their mothers, and one of the most important parts is that of caring for a baby," Marie instructed. *I'm having another nightmare.* "This," Tucker said as he tapped on the thing's forehead, "bears as much resemblance to a baby, as a Link trainer does to an airplane!" "What?" He'd obviously confused her. "Look," he said, trying to be patient, and held the thing up by one leg. "Babies can't be treated like this, they weigh too much, way more than this, and their limbs aren't strong enough to be held like this. They don't always close their eyes when horizontal, they don't conveniently piss right after feeding, and their diapers DEFINITELY don't smell as nice as whatever you put down the pipes of this one. And this thing makes NO noise at all," he finished. "This isn't a baby, this is a lawn gnome." Her mouth opened, but nothing came out immediately. "Plus, for a three year old," he added, "this thing's like a baseball bat. Kids use 'em to whack each other with." "How do you know so much about children?" Marie challenged. "I've been around a few." *Like, nine at once.* "Even a Cabbage Patch doll is better than this!" "Now, try it again," Jane instructed. Charlene grabbed Jane's arm from behind and applied pressure from her fingertips, this time in the right place, making Jane's arm tingle. "Yes, that's it. Be sure to grab Eugene in exactly that way when he balks." "Yes ma'am," Charlene said as she let go and rubbed her own arm, apparently remembering her own introduction to the groundskeeper. *Ask and ye shall receive. Idiot.* Tucker was now holding a Cabbage Patch doll, which was only vaguely an improvement over the plastic thing. The insipid expression on its face was vaguely disquieting, and he had to fight an urge to yell at it to stop looking at him like that. *I am not holding up too well.* "And don't forget to unbundle your pettis," Charlene said from out of nowhere. "Gahhh!" Tucker commented as he inadvertantly clutched the doll to his chest. Which hurt, enough to make him freeze. Charlene laughed as she shut a door. Tucker waited until his heart had settled back into a normal rhythm before continuing to the parlor, swishing his butt this time. "Standin' in the front just-a shakin' yo' ass," he smiled to himself. The rhythm held him up as he walked. "And what a cute dolly!" Jane enthused. "What's her name?" "Boudicca," Eugene replied in a rather high-pitched nasal voice. "Pardon me?" Jane blurted, astonished. "Boudicca," he repeated, "she was a great Celtic warrior queen who beat up the Roman Empire." After a few moment's recovery, Jane said, "I think your dolly should have a more gentle name, my darling." "I LIKE my dolly's name," he smiled. "How about Mary-Anne? I think Mary-Anne is a fine name for a little girl's dolly," Jane said without waiting for an answer. "Now, come here and let me see the rest of you, you sweet thing." He stopped smiling and grudgingly walked towards her. "I dun tink I cadd cub in today, Caro," Sandy groaned. "I feel like absolude hell." "You sound it," Carolyn agreed sympathetically. "Stay home and rest, I'll cancel your appointments for the next two- no, three days, and you let me know how you are doing every day, okay?" "Okay," Sandy moaned. "And go to the doctor." "Id's just a code, Caro-" "Don't argue, or I'll tell Marie you're sick." "Oh Gawd. Okay, I'll go." "Sweeeeeeeeeeeet emooooooootion," Tucker sang to himself as he trudged up the stairs, one hand for the doll and one hand for the railing. "Talkin 'bout things that nobody cares, Wearin' out things that nobody wears..." It was a sign of how tired he was that he could almost hear the guitars growling in time. On the other hand, it was just the right tempo for climbing stairs. And he needed the help. Charlie had been surprised to see just how far down Jane could go, clothing-wise. But, he was also a little relieved, that he hadn't been forced into anything like that. *Yet,* he reminded himself. A few moments before Eugene came out of his room for yet another inspection, Charlie made sure he was waiting in the hallway. This time, Eugene was in blue satin that barely covered his crotch, and beribboned pigtails, of all things. Charlie could just see hints of white lace ruffles on his legs, too. He let out an involuntary whistle. Tucker took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and part of him dropped a Phoenix off to the left which ignited, tracked, and slammed into Charlene in a big fireball. He wished the heat on his face was afterburners... "I think you've, uh, annoyed Aunt Jane," Charlene said in a neutral voice. *HARM launch,* Tucker thought, and another missile flared and rushed away. *Chaff flare chaff flare-* "Eugene?" "Yeah?" he sighed, opening his eyes. Charlene was not flaming wreckage tumbling down slowly from a bright sky, unfortunately; she was still standing there in an outfit that looked quite upscale. And mature. "What did you do?" "Ask her," he replied. "I gotta go." He walked past her, and she did get out of his way enough for him to pass, which was good. And she hadn't laughed at him, which made no sense whatsoever. He slipped on the stairs, but this time fell backwards and merely bruised his rear again. *Forgot to hold onto the railing,* he sighed as his teeth clenched around the scream. When he could move again, he hauled himself upwards. *Maybe I should just slide down on my butt like a baby, too. That'd be safer... Nah, she'd bitch at me for wrinkles or something. As if any kid before age five can even understand things like that.* God, he wanted to sleep. And eat. "And do you think you have learned your lesson, Miss Wallace?" Jane asked. "Yes ma'am," Eugene said in a carefully neutral voice. "Very well, then. You have been doing better this morning, so I think perhaps you could use a short break before lunch. Charlene will show you the grounds. Would you like to change first?" He sighed, his eyes closing momentarily. "Yes ma'am." "Then go upstairs and tell Marie that you are going for a stroll outside. She will find you something beautiful to wear for your constitutional." "Yes ma'am." "Eugene?" "Yes ma'am?" he asked. "Doesn't the thought of something beautiful make you want to say something other than a plain 'yes ma'am'? Like 'thank you'?" He looked her straight in the eye for several seconds, blinking slowly. "Thank you, Miz Thompson," he finally uttered. "I'm sure I'll be delighted." "Now," Jane instructed, "try saying it as if you actually had emotions, rather than reading - and badly - lines in a play." Eugene took two breaths and let them out, then smiled and repeated his earlier comment, sounding much more authentically happy. Jane knew he wasn't, but that wasn't the point. "Very good," she nodded. "Now run along, sweetheart, and remember to be careful of your dolly." "Shhhhh," Tucker sighed as he made his way out of the parlor area. The fear was beginning to wear him down, and fast. *That, and the lack of food, and the lack of just a time to rest and feel safe,* he remembered. *The only thing's she's missing are the beatings and the sensory-deprivation parts.* He shook his head. *Not gonna break me, though. At least,* he amended, *until and unless she starts beating me. Or worse.* "I godda waid how log?" Sandy anguished. "She's full until four this afternoon, ma'am," the receptionist repeated. "Augh!" And Caro WOULD call Marie if she didn't go to the doctor today. "Ogay, four o'glock." *Looks like Laura Ashley,* Tucker sighed as Marie pulled a very floral dress out of the closet. *At least it's got a hemline past my navel.* The print was also far less 'busy' than the stuff he'd been wearing, at least the dresses that had been prints and not pastels. He took it from her, and she went back into the closet. "I'm not wearing heels with this," he warned. "And why not?" "This is outside, right? Dirt or gravel?" Tuck confirmed. She came out and looked at him before agreeing, "Some parts, yes?" "Those sorts of terrain ruin heels," Tucker said. *You'd think with all this girly stuff around, that they'd know what fucks up what.* "So, I don't want to get in trouble, so I need some matching sandals or flats or something, and nothing with a heel on it, or it's going to work like one big cleat and catch all the mud and grass I step in." "Alright, I think we have some lovely sandals for you," she nodded before diving back into the closet. "Shew," Tucker sighed in relief before sliding the dress over the slip he'd already put on. "Hey, how hot is it outside, anyway?" Charlie had been waiting downstairs for at least five minutes, and trying to think of a name. Unfortunately, all he could come up with was weird ones like 'Eunice'. Jane had already told him he couldn't use 'Jean' in case the brat was called 'Gene' at home, which seemed like a stupid thing to Charlie but he'd wised up enough not to argue. That didn't help him think of a name, though. *Gene, Jean... Jennifer... Jane? That would be funny, but she'd never allow THAT one; someone might laugh or something. Jenny, Janey, Jolene, Jo... God, these all suck,* he worried. *Eugena? Is that even a name?* Footsteps distracted him, and he turned to look as Eugene made his entrance. He looked a whole lot better in the more mature clothing he had on now, Charlie decided. And the blue in the print brought out his blue eyes. And had Marie gotten a matching floral hair ribbon? "You look quite nice," Charlie smiled. "I like the hat," Eugene smiled back. Charlie hated the hat he had on, but Jane had insisted. He smiled anyway and replied, "Thank you." "Eugene," Jane said from the side, and Charlie saw his expression stiffen. "You did not thank Charlene for her compliment." "Thank you Charlene, you're too kind," he recited at Charlie, rolling his eyes just slightly. Charlie successfully repressed a smirk. "Very well, then," Jane said as she apparently let this one pass for now. "Girls, be back by noon for lunch." "Yes ma'am," Charlie said, a little before Eugene could, and curtsied. Eugene watched her and just shook his head a little, slowly. "Come on," he said brightly to Eugene, and motioned towards the door, gracefully like Jane had trained him to do. They walked out onto the pool deck, and Charlie shut the doors behind them. They walked past the pool in silence, as Charlie tried to think of a good name. *Jackie? Jean Gray? No... Juliet? Oh, god, that's stupid. Eust- I think I can skip anything like Jane's been calling him. Uhhh...* "Are we out of sight?" Eugene asked. "What?" "Is she watching us from upstairs, you think?" *Probably.* "I don't think so," he lied. "Better to assume she is, come on," he sighed, and trudged towards a copse of trees. "Where're you going?" "Someplace I can get out of sight of that woman," he said. "She might be able to lip-read." "What?" "Nothinggggg..." He looked back several times as they entered the trees, and then stopped. Charlie stopped too and looked back, and he couldn't really see any of the house at all from where they were. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckshitgoddamngoddamngoddamn," Eugene intoned, startling Charlie, and when he turned back around, the kid was stretching his arms out in what looked like a very painful fashion and cursing continuously. Then he twisted his torso from side to side, then straighted out and squatted for a long moment before flinging his hands out behind him and 'crab-walking' a couple of feet. Then, he wriggled his hands closer to his body again, and flipped himself into a standing position. And from the tone of his voice, he hadn't stopped cursing yet, though it sounded as though he'd switched into another language or something, because Charlie didn't even recognize the words any more. "Shy-suh!" he finished as he dusted off his hands, then bent over and touched his toes silently and held it for several seconds. "Feeling better?" Charlie asked when he stood back upright. "Oh, yeah, tons," Eugene grinned. "That house has too much recession, man!" Charlie couldn't see any signs of an economic downturn in Jane's mansion, but he didn't feel like saying anything. *Maybe Eugene's mom is really rich or something.* As they began walking again, Charlie subtly turned them towards the stables, where Jane had said that Tom and his assistant would be working today. "An' a little more magic dust for Santa Claus," Tucker said under his breath. "An' a little MORE magic dust for Santa Claus..." "Where we going?" he asked out loud. "I thought I could show you the stables," Charlene replied. "Do you like horses?" "No. Thousand pound herbivores with a brain smaller than my fist are not my idea of a good time." "What?" *You are dumb,* Tucker decided. "I do not like horses," he condensed. "Well, she said to show them to you, and she'll probably ask about it when we get back, so come on," Charlene said, sounding just slightly more enthusiastic than he felt about the entire matter, which was not at all. Except for being away from that crazy bitch and her Igor, of course. *Maybe we could take the long way back... Like, around the coastline of the continents? Take the long way home... If you're the joke of the neighborhood, why should you care if you're feelin' good, you take the long way home...* The music was rich in his head as they turned a corner and encountered two workers, doing the inevitable and endless job of mucking out the stables, it looked like. As Tucker stopped in mild surprise and started to say hello, Charlene grabbed his arm and pinched the nerve in it hard enough to make the entire arm go sparkly with pain. "Ahhh!" Tucker yelped as he twisted and slammed Charlene in the forehead with the palm of his hand. "WhaddaFUCK?" he complained as he rubbed his half-numbed arm furiously and Charlene fell backwards onto the ground. "You SHIT," she hissed as she levered herself upright. Tucker warned her, "Don't fucking DO-" but she did it anyway, rushing up to him and trying to slap or punch him. He blocked that, whatever it was; it was pretty lame anyway, even though he was tired. She kicked him hard in his left shin, which HURT, almost connected with a fist to the head that ended up scraping through his hair, and then rushed him for an apparent body block; Tucker stepped sideways, grabbed her and stuck his right leg between hers, and threw her over his knee. She stumbled forward a few more feet, just missing the workman that tried to catch her, and finally fell face down- Right into the manure pile, with a very mushy sounding Splut. Pause. "Oh no," Tucker sighed into his hands. "Maybe we can hose her off here first," Eugene said as Charlie got helped out of the pile of horseshit. "Hose?" Charlie gasped. "Yeah, look, Shar, you go back in the house like THAT, dripping, uh, they're gonna do worse to you than they are to me. So you hose off first, so you're just wet instead of, uh..." "I can't believe you did this to me!" Charlie shrieked as his emotions caught back up, finally. Being thrown into a pile of horse shit was apparently enough to distract him. "Hey I'm SORRY!" Eugene shrieked back as he backed up and raised his hands defensively. "I told you not to come after me! And you'd better not do it again," he warned. "Like h-" Charlie started, but Tom put a hand - gloved in leather - on his shoulder and grabbed. Painfully. "Young'un's right," he said, "Miss Jane and Miss Marie'd fall all over you if you tracked that in their house. You just stay here, Miss Charlene, Harold's gettin' the hose." And he began wiping off the thickest clumps with his hands. Charlie stood there gasping and with a deep desire to hit someone, but there wasn't anyone to hit that wouldn't hit him back worse. *Damnit, it's just so UNFAIR!* he thought, and with that he started to sob. Tucker thought, *Well, I feel like- Oh god don't let me laugh!* he begged as he bit his lip. "Charlene," he said out loud when he'd gotten his control back, "I'm sorry." "What?" she yelled at him. *Guess the water noise is making it hard to hear. She got a lot in her hair, too...* "I'M SORRY!" he yelled, trying to sound loud and not angry. "Just SHUT up!" she shrieked back, but when she didn't chase after him again, he was satisfied he'd made as much apology as he could at the moment. Charlie was as cleaned up as he was going to get without a change of clothes and a bath, and the nearest source of either was past Jane. "An' what did you say your name was, miss?" Tom asked Eugene. *Oh SHIT! I forgot-* Before he could come up with anything at all, even one of the bad names, Eugene smiled and said, "Valerie, hey," and stuck out his hand for a handshake. Tom stuck his out as well, and they all realized just in time that Tom still had his gloves - still covered in manure - on his hands. "Aheh," Eugene chuckled, and pointed a finger at Tom. "Nice try." Charlie almost laughed too. Tucker sighed as he felt the crushing weight of fear settle back on him as they approached the house. He considered asking Charlene if they could stay out until she dried, but he knew she was still pissed at him, and Jane had ordered them to be back before lunch. *And there's no way Jane'd believe we got too busy looking at the scenery and talking to remember what time it was,* he realized, glancing at Charlene, who was visibly still enraged. *Oh, man,* he sighed mentally. *I hate this place. Could jail be worse?* Of course, it could; the closest thing he had to a cellmate here was Charlene, and it was about as likely she'd rape him as it was that he'd suddenly sprout wings so he could fly home. Still, that didn't make things any easier. "Charlene?" Eugene - now 'Valerie' - said as they walked next to the pool. "I'm really sorry about what happened." "Fuck you!" Charlie snapped back, and Valerie didn't say anything else, which suited him just fine. Valerie opened the door for them both, and managed to get inside and shut the doors before Jane became aware of how wet Charlie was. "What happened?" she demanded in a terrifying voice. Before Charlie's mouth could unfreeze, much less come up with anything to say, Valerie sighed, "I pushed Charlene into a manure pile at the stables." "You did WHAT?" Jane almost shrieked. "I pushed Charlene into a manure pile at the stables," he repeated. "The groundskeepers washed her off so she wouldn't track it inside the house." "And just why did you do this?" Jane asked, very calmly. Eugene brought his shoulders back and his head up, and spoke, "No excuse ma'am." "Is this what happened?" Jane asked Charlie as she turned to face him, and he froze again. Before he could say anything, he glanced at Eugene, who caught his eye and shrugged hopelessly. "Uh, well, sort of-" Charlie stammered. And Jane turned back to Eugene. *** Distribution: No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work (from the BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE header to the END PGP SIGNATURE footer) is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. And no fee may be charged. Archiving is permitted provided no fee is charged for access. All rights reserved. + @>--,--'----- Ellen Hayes o===[-------- __ vicki .sig + -=[1990]=- \/ virus 12.2 + http://www.barkingduck.net/ehayes PGP key: EFC9 5D55 (1996) + -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBQG7xQHYDebnvyV1VAQGsQgP9HhsOvpZCaSEIMZzsahFIHOGQyY+ewSOa eVRPErGFSUl68r4/+RWdwDudrCmR/53xyhUBwwrhVDwYmZyqemZL55phjbdm+3ol VCf0zUsc19GapckdPpEPMxPGnv0biR8H89D+aprcC2pZUyJRTPDrNyFOb9Z5UgbT twO4qJrdpYU= =sKJZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----